Last change of this documentation page: 2022-06-02 of SolidGeometry 3.5
copyplot- copies the content of one figure into a random one

copyplot% copyplot - copies the content of one figure into a random one
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-MÄR-05 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% This fnctns helps to save figure content of figures that will be closed
% into another one (Status of: 2017-08-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 3.5
% See also: copyfig, snapplot, PRplot, snapnow, drawnow, smbdrawnow
% copyplot
% close all; SGfigure(SGsample(27)); view(-30,30);
% copyplot
% See also: copyfig, snapplot, PRplot, snapnow, drawnow, smbdrawnow
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth

stringparsebackspace(inpstr)- processes a char array similar to an input scan process

stringparsebackspace(inpstr)% stringparsebackspace(inpstr) - processes a char array similar to an input scan process
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-MÄR-03)
% This fnctns is required if keyboard sequences should be send to
% Matlab's eval command
% Some characters such as backspace (08) eliminate the preceding
% character. (Status of: 2019-03-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 3.5
% See also: RRrun.RRkeyboardstring
% outstr=stringparsebackspace(inpstr)
% inpstr: input string including all control characters
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% outstr: some control characters are processed
% stringparsebackspace(['123456' 08 'ABCDE'])
% stringparsebackspace([08 '123456' 08 'ABCDE'])
% stringparsebackspace([08 '123456' 08 'ABCDE' 13 08 ])
% See also: RRrun.RRkeyboardstring
% Copyright 2017-2019 Tim C. Lueth

RRkeyboardstring(inpstr)- processes a char array similar to an input scan process

RRkeyboardstring(inpstr)% RRrun.RRkeyboardstring(inpstr) - processes a char array similar to an input scan process
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-03)
% This fnctns is required if keyboard sequences should be send to
% Matlab's eval command
% Some characters such as backspace (08) eliminate the preceding
% character. (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 3.5
% See also: RRrun.RRkeyboardstring
% outstr=RRkeyboardstring(inpstr)
% inpstr: input string including all control characters
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% outstr: some control characters are processed
% See also: RRrun.RRkeyboardstring
% Copyright 2017-2019 Tim C. Lueth

RRrun (RRtasklist.t0,RRmaxtime)- starts Round-Robin Task-List Realtime Environment in stopped state

RRrun (RRtasklist.t0,RRmaxtime)% RRrun (RRtasklist.t0,RRmaxtime) - starts Round-Robin Task-List Realtime Environment in stopped state
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-02)
% Matlab is used to execute the task strings as command line and task
% handles as fnctn call.
% The user has the feeling to use the Matlab command interface but in
% fact in parallel a set of fnctns runs as round robin task list.
% Some commands are helpful to understand the environemnt:
% whos - shows all variable used in this environment
% RRprompt - Prompt string 'RRrun'
% RRtasklist.t0 = cycle time
% Some command line commands are new or treated in a different way:
% QUIT, EXIT - stops the shell; it can be restarted by RRrun,
% persistent/global
% LIST, SHOW shows the task list
% ADD - appends a task at the end of the task list
% STEP - executes the task list exactly one time
% CONT, GO, START - starts the task execution
% STOP, BREAK - stops the task execution
% SAVE - saves the task in a file in the current directory
% LOAD - load the task list from a file in the current directory
% KILLALL - deletes all tasks in the task list
% KILL # - delete the task with the 3rd column has the unique nr #
% EXE, EXECUTE - reads in command text file and executes all commands,
% requires START
% Have in mind that inter task communication is only possible by
% variables declared as global!
% (Status of: 2017-03-04)
% See also: RRshell
% RRrun([RRtasklist.t0,RRmaxtime])
% RRtasklist.t0: Clock cycle time; default is 0.1
% RRmaxtime: maximum duration time; default is 600 seconds
% EXAMPLE: start some tasks and see the result
% global PL; PL=[0 0 0];
% ADD global PL; PL=[PL; PL(end,:)+rand(1,3)];
% ADD global PL; VLplot(PL,'b.-',2); view(-30,30); grid on;

RRLappendTask(RRL,command,rep)- appends a command at the end of the task list

RRLappendTask(RRL,command,rep)% RRrun.RRLappendTask(RRL,command,rep) - appends a command at the end of the task list
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-02)
% See also: RRshell, RRkeyboardCallback, RRcreateTasklist, RRhelp
% RRL=RRLappendTask(RRL,command,[rep])
% RRL: Round-Robin Task List
% command: command to execute
% rep: number of repeats; default is inf
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% RRL: Extended RRL

RRhelp- returns the help text for the Round-Robin realtime-environment

RRhelp% RRhelp - returns the help text for the Round-Robin realtime-environment
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-02)
% The Round-Robin realtime-environment should help to understand how
% simple realtime systems can be implemented in Matlab or on
% Mikrocontroller without realtime operating systems. Round-Robin is a
% sub-optimal realtime solution but should be understood before using
% something such QNX or Kithara. It consists of two concepts:
% a) A list of tasks (i.e. fnctn calls) that are executed sequentially
% every nn milliseconds
% b) A user shell that allow to modify dynamically this task list during
% execution
% - RRshell opens a figure, installs a new keyboard fnctn, collects data
% and executes commands using the Matlab fnctn EVAL. RRshell stops after
% a predefined period of time. The user has the feeling still to use the
% Matlab command line. Only the different prompt shows the difference.
% - RRkeyboardCallback is the keyboard callback fnctn installed by
% RRshell to collect keyboard data similar to the Matlab command line.
% The entered character lines are interpreted and executed by RRshell.
% The fnctn is visible since maybe also other tasks should have access to
% the keyboard chars. (Status of: 2017-03-05)
% See also: RRshell, RRkeyboardCallback, RRcreateTasklist
% RRhelp

RRkeyboardCallback- this callback function collects keyboard character and stores it into two global variables

RRkeyboardCallback% RRrun.RRkeyboardCallback - this callback fnctn collects keyboard character and stores it into two global variables
% (by Tim Lueth, USELESS, 2017-MÄR-02)
% This callback fnctn is called by RRshell after opening a figure as
% entry window. It uses several global variables for exchange with
% RRshell:
% global RRwindow - handle to the RRShell figure
% global RRkeyboardLine - command line to execute after CR
% global RRkeyboardCurs - string to collect character before execution
% (Status of: 2017-03-03)
% See also: RRshell, RRcreateTasklist, RRhelp
% RRkeyboardCallback

RRshell (PROMPT,MAXTIME)- Runs an interpreter shell for a limited period of time to simulate a realtime system

RRshell (PROMPT,MAXTIME)% RRrun.RRshell (PROMPT,MAXTIME) - Runs an interpreter shell for a limited period of time to simulate a realtime system
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-02)
% RRshell opens a figure and installs a new keyboard callback fnctn
% "RRkeyboardCallback". The "RRkeyboardCallback" fnctn writes pressed
% keyboard character into global variables "RRkeyboardLine" and
% "RRkeyboardCurs". As soon as CR is pressed, "RRkeyboardLine" contains
% the char chain. RRshell now analyzes some master keyowrds such as
% "STOP", EXIT', QUIT" and "END". In all other cases the "eval" fnctn of
% Matlab is used to execute the string as command line.
% The user has the feeling to control Matlab directly but in fact in
% parallel a set of fnctns runs as round robin task list (Status of:
% 2017-03-05)
% See also: RRkeyboardCallback, RRhelp, RRcreateTasklist
% PROMPT: Desired entry prompt; default is "RRshell"
% MAXTIME: Maximum time before exit the shell; default is 60 seconds

RRcreateTasklist(t0,funclist,twarn,tstop)- creates a Round Robin task list

RRcreateTasklist(t0,funclist,twarn,tstop)% RRrun.RRcreateTasklist(t0,funclist,twarn,tstop) - creates a Round Robin task list
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-02)
% Matlab is an extreme powerful programming environment that allows to
% create even simple round robin realtime systems for every body. It
% makes sense to understand the principles of a round robin system before
% using matlab threads on a not-realtime-operationg system and before
% switching to realtime-OS such as QNX or Kithara.
% This "Round Robin task list" class works with real fnctns handles and
% persistent and global variables as well as with simple matlab command
% line commands. (Status of: 2017-03-05)
% See also: RRshell, RRkeyboardCallback, RRhelp
% RRL=RRcreateTasklist([t0,funclist,twarn,tstop])
% t0: Clock cycle time
% funclist: cell list of fnctn handles
% twarn: optional warning time; default is INF
% tstop: optional stop time; default is INF
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% RRL: Round Robin List struct
% RRcreateTasklist(1,{' PL=[0 0 0]; PLplot(PL); show;';...
% 'PL=[PL;PL(end,:)+rand(1,2)'})

RRexecuteTasklist- executes all tasks in the global RRtasklist one time

RRexecuteTasklist% RRrun.RRexecuteTasklist - executes all tasks in the global RRtasklist one time
% (by Tim Lueth, RoundRobin, 2017-MÄR-02)
% Private fnctn in RRrun
% The fnctn executes all tasks in the global RRtasklist one time if the
% use counter is larger than 1. Afterwards the use counter is decreased
% by 1. All tasks with use counter ==0 are deleted (Status of: 2017-03-07)
% RRexecuteTasklist

helptextofcaller- returns the helptext of the calling function

helptextofcaller% helptextofcaller - returns the helptext of the calling fnctn
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-MÄR-01 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn is usefull to create fnctn such as FMhelp that just return
% their own helptext.
% Does work only as part of a fnctn. (Status of: 2017-03-01)
% See also: titleofcaller
% htext=helptextofcaller
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% htext: help text

FMclose(conn)- closes a connection

FMclose(conn)% FMclose(conn) - closes a connection
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-MÄR-01)
% same as close(conn)
% (Status of: 2017-03-01)
% See also: FMhelp, FMinitJDBC, FMopen, FMgetFieldTabs, FMsqlQuery
% Filemaker (2013): "SQL-Referenzhandbuch FM 13",
% FMclose(conn)
% conn: Connection to FileMaker Database

FMgetFieldTabs (conn)- returns structure of the FielMaker database

FMgetFieldTabs (conn)% FMgetFieldTabs (conn) - returns structure of the FielMaker database
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-FEB-28)
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT TableName FROM FileMaker_Tables')
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT * FROM FileMaker_Tables')
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT * FROM FileMaker_Fields')
% (Status of: 2017-02-28)
% See also: FMhelp, FMinitJDBC, FMopen, FMsqlQuery
% Filemaker (2013): "SQL-Referenzhandbuch FM 13",
% FMgetFieldTabs(conn)
% conn: Connector to Database

FMsqlQuery(conn,sqlreq)- returns the answer to a SQL request to a FileMaker database

FMsqlQuery(conn,sqlreq)% FMsqlQuery(conn,sqlreq) - returns the answer to a SQL request to a FileMaker database
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-FEB-28)
% See also: FMhelp, FMinitJDBC, FMopen, FMgetFieldTabs
% Filemaker (2013): "SQL-Referenzhandbuch FM 13",
% ans=FMsqlQuery(conn,sqlreq)
% conn: Connector to a FileMaker database
% sqlreq: sql request
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ans: answer
% EXAMPLE: Different helpful requests:
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT TableName FROM FileMaker_Tables')
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT * FROM FileMaker_Tables')
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT * FROM FileMaker_Fields)

FMinitJDBC(cname)- checks the existance of the FileMaker JDBC driver and copies it into the javaclasspath

FMinitJDBC(cname)% FMinitJDBC(cname) - checks the existance of the FileMaker JDBC driver and copies it into the javaclasspath
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-FEB-28)
% This fnctn installs the FileMaker JDBC driver ("fmjdbc.jar") and must
% be called before accessing the database the first time. It is not
% automatically called by FMopen. It can be called several times without
% any problem. The driver file name has the same name for PC and Mac.
% Nevertheless the content differs with FileMaker version and platform.
% (Status of: 2017-03-01)
% See also: FMhelp, FMopen, FMgetFieldTabs, FMsqlQuery
% Filemaker (2013): "SQL-Referenzhandbuch FM 13",
% FMinitJDBC([cname])
% cname: full path and filename to "fmjdbc.jar". default is searching in
% searchpath
% FMinitJDBC('fmjdbc.jar')

FMopen(fname,user,passw)- opens a FileMaker Database by the FileMaker Application

FMopen(fname,user,passw)% FMopen(fname,user,passw) - opens a FileMaker Database by the FileMaker Application
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-FEB-28)
% Tries to find the database in the working director or globally and in
% the desktopdir. Default extension is ".fmp12" (Status of: 2017-03-01)
% See also: FMhelp, FMinitJDBC, FMgetFieldTabs, FMsqlQuery
% conn=FMopen(fname,[user,passw])
% fname: filename
% user: user name default is Admin
% passw: password; default is ''
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% conn: connector.
% EXAMPLE: Open a database using the system and try to connect using JBDC
% Driver
% conn=FMopen('FileMakerTestBase.fmp12','user','passw')

FMhelp- returns a help text for the FileMaker-Matlab interface

FMhelp% FMhelp - returns a help text for the FileMaker-Matlab interface
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-FEB-28)
% Tobias Lüddemann did start the connection of FileMaker and Matlab using
% 2012b and FileMaker Pro 11. There is a document dated 2014-11-27 at TUM
% Tim Lueth capsulated the JDBC FileMaker interface using Matlab 2016b
% and FileMaker 13 starting February 2017. The solution described here
% works with Filemaker 13 and later.
% The Matlab Database Toolbox is required. You need a license for that.
% The xDBC Drivers for Filemaker can be downloaded from the Filemaker
% WWW-Site for your Filemaker Version
% The JDBC Driver "fmjdbc.jar" is part of this package.
% This driver file has to be added to the javaclasspath (which is done by
% the fnctn FMinitJDBC)
% For connecting to the Filemaker App you have to:
% SWITCH ON FILESHARING for ALL Users (Filemaker & Database)
% SWITCH ON ODBC-JDBC-Sharing: for ALL Users (Filemaker & Database)
% Lueth's fnctns to support the connection to Filemaker are:
% FMhelp - This fnctn
% FMinitJDBC - Opens the Driver "fmjdbc.jar"
% FMopen - to open a database with user name and password
% FMgetFieldTabs - to get informations on the Database
% FMsqlQuery - to send requests or data to the Databse
% ...there are some fnctns all starting with capital letters "FM"
% (Status of: 2017-03-01)
% See also: FMhelp, FMinitJDBC, FMopen, FMgetFieldTabs, FMsqlQuery
% Filemaker (2013): "SQL-Referenzhandbuch FM 13",
% FMhelp
% EXAMPLE: How to use the library after copying "fmjdbc.jar" in a search
% path directory:
% FMinitJDBC('fmjdbc.jar')
% conn=FMopen('Basename.fmp12','user','passw')
% FMgetFieldTabs(conn)
% FMsqlQuery(conn,'SELECT * FROM FileMaker_Tables')

CPLoutercontour(CPL,out)- returns for a CPL the outer contour wrt cw/ccw-orientation

CPLoutercontour(CPL,out)% CPLoutercontour(CPL,out) - returns for a CPL the outer contour wrt cw/ccw-orientation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-FEB-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Is used after simple growing of self crossing contours exist. Use
% CPLbuffer and CPLofouterregionboundary in other cases.
% Uses PLoutercontour but returns only the outer CPL. The outer/inner
% contoru decision is made by selecting the cw/ccw-orientation of each
% contour.
% See also CPLofouterregionboundary which returns for embedded contours
% the outer one (Status of: 2019-05-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 3.5
% See also: CPLofouterregionboundary, PLoutercontour, CPLgrow
% NCPL=CPLoutercontour([CPL,out])
% CPL: Closed Polygon Line; separated using NaN NaN
% out: returns the FIRST outer contour if true; if false the first inner;
% default is true
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PLoutercontour(CPLgrow(CPLsample(19),4))
% CPLoutercontour(CPLgrow(CPLsample(13),2))
% See also: CPLofouterregionboundary, PLoutercontour, CPLgrow
% Copyright 2017-2019 Tim C. Lueth

titleofcaller(n,dt,hl)- returns the name of the calling fnct plus date & time as string

titleofcaller(n,dt,hl)% titleofcaller(n,dt,hl) - returns the name of the calling fnct plus date & time as string
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-FEB-28 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% This fnctn help to create titles for figures and axes (Status of:
% 2020-03-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 3.5
% See also: SGfigure, SGtitle, title, figure, helptextofcaller
% [t,fname]=titleofcaller([n,dt,hl])
% n: hierarchy of calling fnctns; default is 0;
% dt: adds date and time if true; default is true
% hl: if true; fname is an hyperlink with line of caller; default is false
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% t: string with caller and date and clock
% fname: calling fnctn name
% titleofcaller(1)
% titleofcaller(1,false)
% See also: SGfigure, SGtitle, title, figure, helptextofcaller
% Copyright 2017-2021 Tim C. Lueth
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Last Change Oct 2023 for SG-Lib 5.3