Last change of this documentation page: 2022-06-02 of SolidGeometry 5.1
CPL2line(CPLo,dx)- converts a line type contour into a line by considering only the half of the contour

CPL2line(CPLo,dx)% CPL2line(CPLo,dx) - converts a line type contour into a line by considering only the half of the contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-18 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLregionshrink
% CPLN=CPL2line(CPLo,[dx])
% CPLo: Original CPL
% dx: expected distance between both boundaries; default is 0.1
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: PL of contour
% CPL2line(CPLregionshrink(PLtransR(CPLsample(35),pi/10)))
% CPL2line(CPLregionshrink(PLtransR(CPLsample(18),pi/10)))
% See also: CPLregionshrink
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLlength(CPL)- returns the boundary length of a CPL

CPLlength(CPL)% CPLlength(CPL) - returns the boundary length of a CPL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-18 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% same as ps=polyshape(CPL(:,1),CPL(:,2)); len=ps.perimeter;
% (Status of: 2022-02-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLarea
% len=CPLlength(CPL)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% len: len of contur line
% CPLlength(PLsquare(10))
% See also: CPLarea
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLregionshrink(CPL,dlim,rsep)- returns the smallest shrinked contour with same dimensions, regions and holes

CPLregionshrink(CPL,dlim,rsep)% CPLregionshrink(CPL,dlim,rsep) - returns the smallest shrinked contour with same dimensions, regions and holes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-18 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% will always return areas, even point shaped or line shaped
% powerful fnctn ! (Status of: 2022-02-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLbuffer, CPL2line
% [CPLo,dx]=CPLregionshrink(CPL,[dlim,rsep])
% CPL: Contour to shrink
% dlim: accuracy; default is 0.01
% rsep: if true; the limit is individual to each fnctn; default is true;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLo: shinked contour with same number of regions and holes
% dx: limit of last shinkage
% CPLregionshrink(PLtransR(CPLsample(40),pi/10)); % just before breaking into different regions
% CPLregionshrink(PLtransR(CPLsample(18),pi/10)); % just before region disappears as line
% CPLregionshrink(PLtransR(CPLsample(22),pi/10),0.01) % just before region disappears as point
% See also: CPLbuffer, CPL2line
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(CLLL,R12,RACK,"layer","debug","assembly","mirrR","massE","L")- Converts a contour layered link list into a real solid geometry construction to 3D print

fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(CLLL,R12,RACK,% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(CLLL,R12,RACK,"layer","debug","assembly","mirrR") - Converts a contour layered link list into a real solid geometry construction to 3D print
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-15 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% The Contour Layer Link List has the following order
% Each cell list row of this 9x5 cell list has the format
% {Name, CPL, TL, col, [Lmin lmax]}
% This fnctn does not check collisions, but simply extrudes the bodies
% and constructs the assembly method
% The process:
% Posesample => Posedefiniton
% fourBarposesyntheses => compute fourbars
% fourBarposeplotsolution => plot or animate solutions
% fourBarposelayering => layer and compute shape
% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign => Design for assembly and 3D print (Status of:
% 2022-02-22)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Posesample, fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposeplotsolution,
% fourBarposelayering
% [SG,SLLL]=fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(CLLL,[R12,RACK,"layer","debug","assembly
% ","mirrR"])
% CLLL: contour layered link list
% R12: [Ro Ri H]; default is 5 2.5 6]
% RACK: Additional Rack Points for Fixation
% "layer": not recommended but possible to change the layers [CPLR CPLE
% "debug": if used, the design is shown step by step
% "assembly": 'DIN912985' or 'DIN912BUSH' or 'DIN7991' as assembly method
% "mirrR":
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Cell list of Solid Gemetries
% SLLL: Same as CLLL but with SGs instead of CPLs %
% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(LLLM), shg
% [a,b]=fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(LLLM,'layer',[0 1 1 2]), shg % EXTREME RISKY TO MODIFY THE LAYERING
% for i=1:size(SLLL,1); SGplotalpha(SGtransT(SLLL{i,2},T3ofT2(SLLL{i,3}(:,:,1)))); end; rotate3d on;
% See also: Posesample, fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposeplotsolution,
% fourBarposelayering
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLremconvexcorner(CPL)- remove single convex corners from the contour

CPLremconvexcorner(CPL)% CPLremconvexcorner(CPL) - remove single convex corners from the contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-15 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% In case of swept volumes often there aris corners from the cutting out
% squres on a circluar path (Status of: 2022-02-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsweep, CPLsweepTL, CPLunionTL, CPLsubtractTL
% CPLN=CPLremconvexcorner(CPL)
% CPL: Contour
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: contour with removed corners
% CPLremconvexcorner(PLstar(10))
% See also: CPLsweep, CPLsweepTL, CPLunionTL, CPLsubtractTL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

testparsing(fname,cmdstr)- performs an interactive test parsing of a grammar fnct

testparsing(fname,cmdstr)% testparsing(fname,cmdstr) - performs an interactive test parsing of a grammar fnct
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-15 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% to test the parsing of grammarfnctn, it is necessary to repeat a lot of
% input string chains. Therefor it is helpful to have an user mode in
% which inputs are processed but without executing of the command. This
% requires a loop including the user interface command input. To avoid
% the implementation of thos input loops as part if the grammar fnctn,
% this fnctn just takes an input, calls the grammar fnctn and repeats it
% until a quit command is used
% This fnctn is also an tutorial how to implement natural language
% interpreter interfaces (Status of: 2022-02-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: jarvisgrammar
% testparsing(fname,[cmdstr])
% fname: name of the grammar fnctn such as jarvisgrammar
% cmdstr: optional command string for testing
% testparsing jarvisgrammar move contour ALPHA 10 10 % processes already a string chain
% testparsing jarvisgrammar % simply starts the grammar parser test
% See also: jarvisgrammar
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGdesignDIN7991(sdl,tpl,nut)- creates a an assemly methods for DIN7991 or DIN965

SGdesignDIN7991(sdl,tpl,nut)% SGdesignDIN7991(sdl,tpl,nut) - creates a an assemly methods for DIN7991 or DIN965
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-10 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% In the case of simple connection of 2 bodies by means of a screw
% connection, where the rotation of the bodies in relation to each other
% is to be maintained and due to the forces or speeds, which require
% neither a radial nor an axial bearing, it is sufficient to place a
% clearance fit around the screw and the screw head on the head side,
% while at the foot end of the screw it is screwed into the plastic
% material up to the stop. Alternatively, a self-locking nut (DIN985) or
% an impact bushing can be used. However, if axial forces (pull-off or
% push-in) do not occur, a simple self-tapping of the threads into a core
% bore with the foot end of the screw into the second body is sufficient
% for only occasional twisting tasks of the twill. (Motivated by
% Christoph Parhofer, who used this method for very small linkages)
% (Status of: 2022-02-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985, SGdesignDIN912BushingE
% [H,N,S,mt,parts]=SGdesignDIN7991([sdl,tpl,nut])
% sdl: [M-Screw Length overlength and spacer]; default [2.5 6 0 0]
% tpl: expected overleng to achieve a through hole instead of a blind
% hole ; default is 40
% nut: 'none' or 'bushing' or 'nut' on foot side; not implemented yet
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% H: Subtraction solid for head side including frame C to align on head
% side
% N: Subtraction solid for nut side including frame C to align on foot
% side
% S: Geometric Model of a inbus screw DIN 7991/965 with frame C to align
% on head side
% mt: remaining wall thickness
% parts: parts list for assembly of one connection, just a screw
% [H,N,S]=SGdesignDIN7991([8 10 0 0])
% B=SGsubtract(SGbox,N,'alignT',{'C','B'});
% A=SGsubtract(SGbox,H,'alignT',{'C','B'});
% SGfigure(-30,30);
% SGplotalpha(A,'y',0.5);
% SGplotalpha(B,'g',0.5,'',A,'alignT',{'B','B'});
% SGplotalpha(S,'r',1,'',A,'alignT',{'C','B'});
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985, SGdesignDIN912BushingE
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLunionTL(CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf)- adds a moving contour to another moving contour

CPLunionTL(CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf)% CPLunionTL(CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf) - adds a moving contour to another moving contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-10 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% helpful for any piano mover problem (Status of: 2022-02-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsweepTL, CPLanimateTL, CPLsubtractTL
% CPLN=CPLunionTL([CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf])
% CPL1: Contour to add to from
% TL1: Contour to be added
% CPL2: path of contour 1 must have the same length of TL2 or 3x3
% TL2: path of contour 2 must have the same length of TL1 or 3x3
% buf: buffer to increase CPL2 before start
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: New contour
% Posesample(10); PS=ans;
% fourBarposesyntheses(Posesample(10),[2 3 4],[10 1 1]); PS=ans;
% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1); [PL0,TL0,wcr,TA1,TB1,TA0,TB0]=fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1);
% CPLunionTL(PLcircle(5),TA1,PLsquare(5),TL0,2); CPLN=ans;
% CPLsubtractTL(PLcircle(5),TA1,PLsquare(2),TL0,0.1); CPLN=ans;
% See also: CPLsweepTL, CPLanimateTL, CPLsubtractTL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarposesortsolution(PS,cmd,lim)- sorts the solutions of the fourbar struct by some criteria and even selects

fourBarposesortsolution(PS,cmd,lim)% fourBarposesortsolution(PS,cmd,lim) - sorts the solutions of the fourbar struct by some criteria and even selects
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-10 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% SGfindswitchcaseconditions('fourBarposesortsolution');
% ground-length: Distance from A0 to B0
% crank-length: Distance from A0 to A1
% swing-length: Distance from B0 to B1
% coupler-length: Distance from A1 to B1
% flip: Change sort order
% path-rotation: Rotation angle change along the pose path
% path-length: Pose track length
% path-area: Enclosed area of the pose track
% path-stretch: Area to length ratio
% base-posy: x-coordinate of the rack points
% base-posy: y-coordinate of the rack points
% base-CPLW: Base points outside CPLW
% base-CPLM: Base points within CPLM
% CPLE-CPLW: remaining area CPLE after subtraction of CPLW
% (Status of: 2022-03-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourBarposeplotsolution, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign,
% fourBarposelayering
% [PS,kk]=fourBarposesortsolution(PS,[cmd,lim])
% PS: Pose with field "solution"
% cmd: command list such as 'path-stretch', [limits],
% lim: limitationa
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose with sorted or selected poses
% kk: last used and sorted criteria
% EXAMPLE: Posesample(10); PS=ans;
% fourBarposesyntheses(Posesample(10),[2 3 4],[10 1 1]); PS=ans;
% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1); [PL0,TL0,wcr,TA1,TB1,TA0,TB0]=fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1);
% fourBarposesyntheses(Posesample(10),[2 3 4],[20 1 1]); PS=ans;
% fourBarposesortsolution(PS,'crank-length')
% fourBarposesortsolution(PS,'path-length')
% fourBarposesortsolution(PS,{'coupler-length',[18 60],'swing-length',[18 60],'crank-length',[10 60],'path-stretch',[0 2],'path-length',[100 inf]}); PSX=ans
% See also: fourBarposeplotsolution, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign,
% fourBarposelayering
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

jarvisunits(args)- parses the list of arguments, try to interprete last argument as unit

jarvisunits(args)% jarvisunits(args) - parses the list of arguments, try to interprete last argument as unit
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-07 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: jarvisgrammar
% [fact,mayu,newvar]=jarvisunits([args])
% args: list of arguments
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fact: factor for multiplication such as 1e-3 for 'm' or 1e3 for 'k'
% mayu: unit
% newvar: new varargin list
% jarvisunits this are 1000 mm
% [a,b,c]=jarvisunits( 'this', 'are', '1000', 'mm')
% See also: jarvisgrammar
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGofR12(R12,DIN)- creates a solid to show the minimal solid size for assembly methods

SGofR12(R12,DIN)% SGofR12(R12,DIN) - creates a solid to show the minimal solid size for assembly methods
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-07 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGofR12, R12ofM, plotannotationSG
% [SG,RMHL]=SGofR12([R12,DIN])
% R12: Dimensions of a link
% DIN: if true; the fnctn SGdesignDIN912DIN985is used; default is false
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid of this link
% RMHL: Minimal Dimensions
% SGofR12([5 2.5 4])
% SGofR12([5 2.5 4],true)
% See also: SGofR12, R12ofM, plotannotationSG
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

plotannotationSG(SG,)- plots a solid into the upper right corner of the current graphics axis

plotannotationSG(SG,)% plotannotationSG(SG,) - plots a solid into the upper right corner of the current graphics axis
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-07 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% In some cases it is interesting to see a reference body in the picture
% for a size comparison. In the case of four-bar joints, for example, the
% small technically feasible link of a four-bar joint with known assembly
% method (Status of: 2022-02-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: plotannotation, SGofR12
% h=plotannotationSG(SG,[])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle
% SGbox; plotannotationSG(SGofR12([5 2.5 6]))
% See also: plotannotation, SGofR12
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

R12ofM(M,w)- returns the minimal dimensions of a link for a screw nut connection

R12ofM(M,w)% R12ofM(M,w) - returns the minimal dimensions of a link for a screw nut connection
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-07 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGofR12
% [RMHL,SG]=R12ofM([M,w])
% M: Metric size of screw
% w: wall dimension; default is 1.25
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% RMHL: [Radius M-screw Height Length]
% SG: optional solid geometry
% R12=R12ofM(2.5,1.5)
% See also: SGofR12
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGTsetBFsimple(SG,PL,az)- adds base frame and follower frame to a solid

SGTsetBFsimple(SG,PL,az)% SGTsetBFsimple(SG,PL,az) - adds base frame and follower frame to a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTset, SGTsetBF
% SGN=SGTsetBFsimple(SG,[PL,az])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% PL: xy position of centers; default is center of BB
% az: optional rotation
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Solid Geometry including base frame and follower frame
% SGTsetBFsimple(SGtransP(SGsample(4),[17 23 55]))
% PL=[0 0; 30 10], SGTsetBFsimple(SGofCPLz(CPLcopypatternPL(PLcircle(5),PL),5),PL)
% See also: SGTset, SGTsetBF
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarCLLL2SGdesign_01(CLLL,R12,RACK,"layer","debug","bushing","assembly")- Converts a contour layered link list into a real solid geometry construction to 3D print

fourBarCLLL2SGdesign_01(CLLL,R12,RACK,% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign_01(CLLL,R12,RACK,"layer","debug","bushing","assembly") - Converts a contour layered link list into a real solid geometry construction to 3D print
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2022-02-23) - USE 'fourBarCLLL2SGdesign' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% The Contour Layer Link List has the following order
% Each cell list row of this 9x5 cell list has the format
% {Name, CPL, TL, col, [Lmin lmax]}
% This fnctn does not check collisions, but simply extrudes the bodies
% and constructs the assembly method
% The process:
% Posesample => Posedefiniton
% fourBarposesyntheses => compute fourbars
% fourBarposeplotsolution => plot or animate solutions
% fourBarposelayering => layer and compute shape
% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign => Design for assembly and 3D print (Status of:
% 2022-02-22)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: [ fourBarCLLL2SGdesign ] ; Posesample, fourBarposesyntheses,
% fourBarposeplotsolution, fourBarposelayering, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% [SG,SLLL]=fourBarCLLL2SGdesign_01(CLLL,[R12,RACK,"layer","debug","bushi
% ng","assembly"])
% CLLL: contour layered link list
% R12: [Ro Ri H]; default is 5 2.5 6]
% RACK: Additional Rack Points for Fixation
% "layer":
% "debug":
% "bushing":
% "assembly":
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Cell list of Solid Gemetries
% SLLL: Same as CLLL but with SGs instead of CPLs
% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(LLLM), shg
% [a,b]=fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(LLLM,'layer',[0 1 1 2]), shg % EXTREME RISKY TO MODIFY THE LAYERING
% for i=1:size(SLLL,1); SGplotalpha(SGtransT(SLLL{i,2},T3ofT2(SLLL{i,3}(:,:,1)))); end; rotate3d on;
% See also: [ fourBarCLLL2SGdesign ] ; Posesample, fourBarposesyntheses,
% fourBarposeplotsolution, fourBarposelayering, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2022_02_04_Layering(PSX,aps,lay,R12)% exp_2022_02_04_Layering(PSX,aps,lay,R12) - EXPERIMENT TO UNDERSTAND THE COMPLEXITY OF LAYERING A LINKAGE
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-04 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% THis experiment is to finish the research of exp_2022_01_28_Layering
% Used to design different version of a fourbar linkage with exactly the
% same kinematic motion but with different layered links.
% (Status of: 2022-02-04)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: jarvis, exp_2022_01_28_Layering
% SG=exp_2022_02_04_Layering([PSX,aps,lay,R12])
% PSX: Pose struct including "solut" field
% aps: solution number
% lay: layering; currently only used for assembly, motion is fixed to [0
% 2 1 1]
% R12: Radius for the links
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Final solid geometry
% PSX=Posesample('Angiotable15');
% exp_2022_02_04_Layering(PSX,15,[0 2 1 1])
% exp_2022_02_04_Layering(PSX,15,[0 2 1 -11])
% exp_2022_02_04_Layering(PSX,15,[0 2 1 -1])
% Videoquickstart; PML=permutevector([0],[2],[-2 -1 1 3 4],[-2 -1 1 3 4]); for i=1:size(PML,1); exp_2022_02_04_Layering(PSX,15,PML(i,:)); end; Videoquickcloseandopen;
% See also: jarvis, exp_2022_01_28_Layering
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

layerspacerlength(se,lay,R12,H)- returns the levels of the spacer for collision avoidance and shaping

layerspacerlength(se,lay,R12,H)% layerspacerlength(se,lay,R12,H) - returns the levels of the spacer for collision avoidance and shaping
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-03 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% helful to prepare the full link links including spacer for
% CPLsubtractTLasSG (Status of: 2022-02-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsubtractTLasSG
% [ll,d,s]=layerspacerlength([se,lay,R12,H])
% se: [startindex-in-layers endindex-in-layers]
% lay: [layer indices] default is [0 2 1 1] for ground, effector, crank
% swing]
% R12: just for visualization
% H: just for visualization
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ll: levels of spacer
% d: length of spacer
% s: direction of spacer
% layerspacerlength([1 3],[0 4 6 8]) % layers and length of a spacer between layer 0 and layer 6
% layerspacerlength([1 3],[0 4 1 8]) % layers and length of a spacer between layer 0 and layer 1
% layerspacerlength([1 3],[0 4 0 8]) % layers and length of a spacer between layer 0 and layer 0
% layerspacerlength([1 3],[0 4 -6 8]) % layers and length of a spacer between layer 0 and layer -6
% See also: CPLsubtractTLasSG
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLsubtractTLasSG(LLLL,subc,,"h","WCR","debug")- collison based subtraction of moving contours

CPLsubtractTLasSG(LLLL,subc,,% CPLsubtractTLasSG(LLLL,subc,,"h","WCR","debug") - collison based subtraction of moving contours
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-03 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Very powerful fnctn for fourBarposelayering (Status of: 2022-02-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: layerspacerlength, CPLsubtract, CPLsubtractTL
% LLLN=CPLsubtractTLasSG(LLLL,subc,[,"h","WCR","debug"])
% LLLL: cell list {CPL1, TL1, Level1; CPL2, TL2, Level; ...}
% subc: contour index row of the contour that is reduced
% "h": optional for for graphical output => height
% "WCR": optional for for graphical output => list of angles
% "debug": if used; the individual steps are plotted
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% LLLN: List in which the cntour of subc ist modified by subtracting the
% colliding contour in the same layer
% Posesample(10); PS=ans;
% fourBarposesyntheses(Posesample(10),[2 3 4],[10 1 1]); PS=ans;
% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1); [PL0,TL0,wcr,TA1,TB1,TA0,TB0]=fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1);
% CPLunionTL(PLcircle(5),TA1,PLsquare(5),TL0,2); CPLN=ans;
% CPLsubtractTL(PLcircle(5),TA1,PLsquare(2),TL0,0.1); CPLN=ans;
% See also: layerspacerlength, CPLsubtract, CPLsubtractTL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

note(fname,create)- opens a text file with a keyword in the matlab editor

note(fname,create)% note(fname,create) - opens a text file with a keyword in the matlab editor
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-02 as class: APPLICATION)
% I wrote this feature because the use of Word and even Textedit clearly
% significantly impede the flow of thought when writing due to the user
% interface and formatting, which I am simply not willing to accept
% because it makes people intellectually inefficient due to constant
% distraction. Spelling and style correction is now handled by DeepL.
% (Status of: 2022-02-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: openinmatlabeditor,
% note([fname,create])
% fname: keyword used as filename later
% create: if true, the file will be created if not existing already
% note jarvis true % Opens a file if not existing already
% note jarvis % Opens the file (if existing) or recommends existing keywords
% See also: openinmatlabeditor,
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

Posesampleupdate(Name,PS,repl)- inserts a pose struct and a name into the posesamles.mat file

Posesampleupdate(Name,PS,repl)% Posesampleupdate(Name,PS,repl) - inserts a pose struct and a name into the posesamles.mat file
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-02 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% The fnctn Posesample can be called using a number or a string. In case
% of useing Posesample with a string, the file Posesamles.mat is loaded
% tht containt the cell list Posesamples which is simple a list of type
% {Name, Struct}
% This fnctn allowes at any time to add or update a struct with a name
% into this table, and therfor aftwre to get this struxt using
% Posesample() (Status of: 2022-02-04)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Posesample
% new=Posesampleupdate(Name,PS,[repl])
% Name: Name to be used by Posesample()
% PS: Pose struct
% repl: true if it should be replaced if existing already
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% new: true if added
% PSX=jarvismemory
% Posesampleupdate('Angiotable15',PSX,15)
% See also: Posesample
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLanimateTLasSG(cnam,cset,"h","WCR")- generic fnct to animate a set of contour on indivual pathes as 2.5 layered solid geometries

CPLanimateTLasSG(cnam,cset,% CPLanimateTLasSG(cnam,cset) - generic fnct to animate a set of contour on indivual pathes as 2.5 layered solid geometries
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-FEB-01 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% CPL has format [n x 2 ] % CPL separated by
% TL format has [3 x 3 x m] % m frames
% col format as standard 'r', 'c',
% lev format as [min max] such as [0 1] for used level 1 and 2
% More generic but not as interactive yet as fourBarposeplotsolution,
% Poseplotsolution, PLofFourbarcouplercurve, which are all based on
% fourBarLinkageplotanimui
% 'WCR' is optional angle list
% 'h' is parameter for height of level
% Automatically detects collisions (Status of: 2022-02-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLplot
% h=CPLanimateTLasSG([cnam,cset])
% cnam: string name of contour
% cset: cell list of {CPL, TL-HT-array, colstrm [lmin lmax]}; such as
% [PLsquare(10), TL, 'r' such as [0 1]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to last plot
% cla; CPLanimateTL('CPLE',{CPLE,TL0},'CPLS',{CPLS,TB1},'CPLC',{CPLC,TA1},'CPLW',{PSX.CPLW,'','r'})
% CPLanimateTLasSG('CPLE',{CPLE,TL0,'g',2},'CPLS',{CPLS,TB1,'c',1},'CPLC',{CPLC,TA1,'b',3},'CPLG',{CPLG,'','y',0},'CPLW',{CPLsubtract(PSX.CPLW,CPLG),'','',0});
% See also: CPLplot
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLtransrelT(CPL,TA1,TA0)- transform the pose of a CPL from one coordinate system into another

CPLtransrelT(CPL,TA1,TA0)% CPLtransrelT(CPL,TA1,TA0) - transform the pose of a CPL from one coordinate system into another
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-31 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% educational fnctn (Status of: 2022-01-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLanimateTL
% [CPLN,T]=CPLtransrelT(CPL,TA1,TA0)
% CPL: Contour for instance a crank
% TA1: 2D Frame or Frame list for example the path of the crank point A1
% TA0: 2D Frame or Frame list for example the path of the crank origin
% point A0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: Contour to be move using TA0
% T: Transformation matrix to covert CPL to CPLN
% CPLtransrelT(CPLC,TA1,TA0);
% See also: CPLanimateTL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLfourbarblockswing(CPLG,CPLC,TA1,CPLS,TB1,buff,A0B0)- creates the contour that limit the swing movement

CPLfourbarblockswing(CPLG,CPLC,TA1,CPLS,TB1,buff,A0B0)% CPLfourbarblockswing(CPLG,CPLC,TA1,CPLS,TB1,buff,A0B0) - creates the contour that limit the swing movement
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-31 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% will may be change the name (Status of: 2022-01-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: exp_2022_01_28_Layering
% CPLBlock=CPLfourbarblockswing(CPLG,CPLC,TA1,CPLS,TB1,[buff,A0B0])
% CPLG: Unmoved contour (Ground Links)
% CPLC: Contour of Cranc
% TA1: Motion path of Cranc
% CPLS: Contour of Swing
% TB1: Motion path of Swing
% buff: [width of block, slot, radius for A0/B0]; default is [3 0.5 20]
% A0B0: Point list of A0 and B0 that limits the size of the block with
% buff(3)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLBlock: Contour of Block to add to CPLG
% CPLfourbarblockswing(CPLG,CPLC,TA1,CPLS,TB1,[3 0.5]);
% CPLfourbarblockswing(CPLG,CPLC,TA1,CPLS,TB1,[3 0.5 20],[A0;B0]);
% See also: exp_2022_01_28_Layering
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGTsetBF(SG,varargin,"new")- set frames 'B' and 'F' at default positions

SGTsetBF(SG,varargin,% SGTsetBF(SG,varargin,"new") - set frames 'B' and 'F' at default positions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-31 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Should be used only for fast tests. Postion ist not precise +/- 0.01mm.
% While SGTsetBFsimple uses the dimensions of the Bounding box, this
% fnctn SGTsetBF uses feature surfaces to detect the desired orthogonal
% vectors/ The alpha values is pi/4 for accepting a fitting surface
% (Status of: 2022-02-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTset, SGTsetBFsimple
% [SGN,T]=SGTsetBF(SG,[varargin,"new"])
% SG: Solid Geometry without Frames Frames 'B' and 'F'
% varargin: List of Frames to add; default is varargin={'B',[0 0
% -1],'F',[0 0 1]};
% "new":
% "new":
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Solid with Frames 'B' and 'F'
% T: T matrix
% SGTsetBF(SGtransR(SGsample(4),rot(pi/10,pi/10,0),[17 23 55]))
% SGTsetBF(SGTremove(SGsample(5),'all'))
% SGTsetBF(SGTremove(SGsample(16),'all'))
% SGTsetBF(SGTremove(SGsample(52),'all'))
% See also: SGTset, SGTsetBFsimple
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLsubtractTL(CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf)- subtract a moving contour from another moving contour

CPLsubtractTL(CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf)% CPLsubtractTL(CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf) - subtract a moving contour from another moving contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-30 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% helpful for any piano mover problem (Status of: 2022-02-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsweepTL, CPLanimateTL, CPLunionTL
% CPLN=CPLsubtractTL([CPL1,TL1,CPL2,TL2,buf])
% CPL1: Contour to subtract from
% TL1: Contour to be subtracted
% CPL2: path of contour 1 must have the same length of TL2 or 3x3
% TL2: path of contour 2 must have the same length of TL1 or 3x3
% buf: buffer to increase CPL2 before start
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: New contour
% Posesample(10); PS=ans;
% fourBarposesyntheses(Posesample(10),[2 3 4],[10 1 1]); PS=ans;
% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1); [PL0,TL0,wcr,TA1,TB1,TA0,TB0]=fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1);
% CPLunionTL(PLcircle(5),TA1,PLsquare(5),TL0,2); CPLN=ans;
% CPLsubtractTL(PLcircle(5),TA1,PLsquare(2),TL0,0.1); CPLN=ans;
% See also: CPLsweepTL, CPLanimateTL, CPLunionTL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLsweepTL(CPL,TL)- returns the contour of a path swept contour

CPLsweepTL(CPL,TL)% CPLsweepTL(CPL,TL) - returns the contour of a path swept contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-30 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Slow but necessary (Status of: 2022-02-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsweep, CPLanimateTL, CPLunionTL, CPLsubtractTL
% CPL: Contour with Center
% TL: HT list [3 x 3 x n] with n frames
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLS: CPLunion of all transformed CPLs
% Posesample(10); PS=ans;
% fourBarposesyntheses(Posesample(10),[2 3 4],[10 1 1]); PS=ans;
% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1); [PL0,TL0,wcr,TA1,TB1,TA0,TB0]=fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,1);
% CPLsweepTL(PLsquare(5,3),TL0); CPLN=ans;
% See also: CPLsweep, CPLanimateTL, CPLunionTL, CPLsubtractTL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

colorname(cs,num)- returns a name for a color string or a cell list of colstrings

colorname(cs,num)% colorname(cs,num) - returns a name for a color string or a cell list of colstrings
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-30 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: colofn, colofPose, nofcolmap
% cname=colorname(cs,[num])
% cs: color such such as 'r--', or {'r--','b.-'}
% num: length of format; 0 is automatic
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cname: string or cell list of strings
% colorname({'b--','y'},3)
% See also: colofn, colofPose, nofcolmap
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLanimateTL(cnam,cset)- generic fnct to animate a set of contour on indivual pathes

CPLanimateTL(cnam,cset)% CPLanimateTL(cnam,cset) - generic fnct to animate a set of contour on indivual pathes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-30 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% CPL has format [n x 2 ] % CPL separated by
% TL format has [3 x 3 x m] % m frames
% col format as standard 'r', 'c',
% More generic but NOT as powerful yet as fourBarposeplotsolution,
% Poseplotsolution, PLofFourbarcouplercurve, which are all based on
% fourBarLinkageplotanimui
% (Status of: 2022-02-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLplot, fourBarLinkageplotanimui
% h=CPLanimateTL([cnam,cset])
% cnam: string name of contour
% cset: cell list of {CPL, TL-HT-array, colstr}; such as [PLsquare(10),
% TL, 'r']
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to last plot
% cla; CPLanimateTL('CPLE',{CPLE,TL0},'CPLS',{CPLS,TB1},'CPLC',{CPLC,TA1},'CPLW',{PSX.CPLW,'','r'})
% SGfigure; CPLanimateTL('CPLE',{CPLE,TL0},'CPLS',{CPLS,TB1},'CPLC',{CPLC,TA1},'CPLW',{PSX.CPLW,'','m'},'WCR',(0:pi/119:pi)/pi*180); h=ans;
% See also: CPLplot, fourBarLinkageplotanimui
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

axis4animation(defax)- automatically increases but never decreases the axis area

axis4animation(defax)% axis4animation(defax) - automatically increases but never decreases the axis area
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-30 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Call it once with intial parameters such as axis4animation([0 1 0 1]);
% the use it before drawnowvid or drawnow (Status of: 2022-03-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLanimationTL, axis4math, drawnowvid, drawnow, axisratio,
% axisscale
% nx=axis4animation([defax])
% defax: initial values to set
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nx: current axis values
% EXAMPLE: axis4animation([0 1 0 1]);
% for i=steps
% delete(h);
% h=[h;PSplot(PLtransT(CPLE,TL0(:,:,i)),colofPose('E'))];
% axis4animation
% drawnowvid;
% end
% See also: CPLanimationTL, axis4math, drawnowvid, drawnow, axisratio,
% axisscale
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGTcylinder(r,h)- same as SGcylinder bu including frames

SGTcylinder(r,h)% SGTcylinder(r,h) - same as SGcylinder bu including frames
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-30 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2022-02-09) - USE 'SGTsetBF(SGcylinder)' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% May better is to use SGTSetB or SGTsetBFsimple(SGcylinder,[0 0])
% (Status of: 2022-02-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% SG=SGTcylinder([r,h])
% r:
% h:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG:
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

colofPose(cs4Bar)- returs colors from Pose and 4Bar standard colors

colofPose(cs4Bar)% colofPose(cs4Bar) - returs colors from Pose and 4Bar standard colors
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-29 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% 4Bar link/area desciption letters and colors:
% C Crank is blue
% S Swing is cyan
% E Effector is green
% G Ground is yellow
% 4bar area colors"
% B Background is karbon
% M Assembly are is blue
% W Restricted are is red
% (Status of: 2022-01-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: nofcolmap, colofn
% cs=colofPose(cs4Bar)
% cs4Bar: color string using 4Bar link/area desciption letters such as
% 'E--' for effector dashed
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cs: that uses standard Matlab colors such as 'r--'
% See also: nofcolmap, colofn
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourbarposeCPLshaping(PS,aps,CPL,att,XCPLW,XCPLE,XCPLC,XCPLS,LEVEL,"R12","debug")- returns collision free path shaped contour for a specific fourbar linkage

fourbarposeCPLshaping(PS,aps,CPL,att,XCPLW,XCPLE,XCPLC,XCPLS,LEVEL,% fourbarposeCPLshaping(PS,aps,CPL,att,XCPLW,XCPLE,XCPLC,XCPLS,LEVEL) - returns collision free path shaped contour for a specific fourbar linkage
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-28 as class: MECHANICAL PROCEDURES)
% This is a new version of CPLofPosefourbarshaping of original
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping of June-2019
% This is a full implementation of original Posefourbarshaping of April
% 2019 (Status of: 2022-01-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: exp_2022_01_28_Layering, exp_2019_04_16_Shape,
% exp_2019_03_28_Shape, exp_2018_12_20_cuttingshape
% CPL=fourbarposeCPLshaping(PS,[aps,CPL,att,XCPLW,XCPLE,XCPLC,XCPLS,LEVEL
% ])
% PS: Pose and fourbar linkage struct including GPL and GAL
% aps: [solution, limiting order]
% CPL: Contour to shape; if empty an simple contour is created
% att: Given CPL is moved relatively/is attached to 'E'ffector, 'C'rank,
% or 'Swing' or 'WORLD'
% XCPLW: Static obstacles in the environment and will cut the moving CPL
% XCPLE: Obstacle contours attached to Pose and will cut the moving CPL
% XCPLC: Obstacle contour moved with crank and will cut the moving CPL
% XCPLS: Obstacle contour moved with swing and will cut the moving CPL
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: Collision free contour
% PosereadAPD('/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/MATLAB_files_for_experiments/basecabinet_new.APD');PS=ans;
% PS=checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation(PS,'',20)
% PS.CPLE=CPLfillinside(PS.CPLE);
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping(PS,[546]) % Full path of the fourbar
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping(PS,[546,123]) % limited to poses 123
% %% TRY WITH 546 and 153
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping(PS,[546,123],'','E',''); PS.CPLE=ans; % Shape of effektor
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping(PS,[546,123],'','C','',PS.CPLE); PS.CPLC=ans; % Shape of crank
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping(PS,[546,123],'','S','',PS.CPLE,PS.CPLC); PS.CPLS=ans; % Shape of swing
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping(PS,[546,123],'','W','',PS.CPLE,PS.CPLC,PS.CPLS); % Work Space
% See also: exp_2022_01_28_Layering, exp_2019_04_16_Shape,
% exp_2019_03_28_Shape, exp_2018_12_20_cuttingshape
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,aps,npnt,att,CPL,"R12")- returns the motion of all parts of a fourbar linkage

fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,aps,npnt,att,CPL,% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,aps,npnt,att,CPL) - returns the motion of all parts of a fourbar linkage
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-28 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This fnctn has an educational code
% 2022 version of PLofPosecouplercurve - much easier to read
% ==> fourBarposesyntheses <== (2021)
% checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation & checkfourbar123solutions
% ==> fourBarposeplotsolution <== (2021) Poseplotsolution
% ==> fourBarposeCPLmotion <== (2021)
% PLofPosecouplercurve(PS,aps,np);
% ==> fourbarposeCPLshaping <== (2021) CPLofPosefourbarshaping
% ==> fourBarposelayering new in 2022 (Status of: 2022-01-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposeplotsolution,
% fourbarposeCPLshaping, fourBarposelayering
% [PL0,TL0,wcr,TA0,TB0,TA1,TB1]=fourBarposeCPLmotion(PS,[aps,npnt,att,CPL
% ])
% PS: Pose with field "solut"
% aps: solution number
% npnt: number of points along the path
% att: contour attached to "CPLP0", "CPLA0", "CPLB0", "CPLA1", "CPLB1";
% just for graphical output
% CPL: contour to attach; default is an arrow
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL0: Point list of pose movement
% TL0: List of 3x3 HT of pose movement
% wcr: corresponding angle list of cranc during motion
% TA0: List of 3x3 HT of A0 movement
% TB0: List of 3x3 HT of B0 movement
% TA1: List of 3x3 HT of A1 movement
% TB1: List of 3x3 HT of B1 movement
% PSX=PosesampleCTFieldgenerator
% PSX=fourBarposesyntheses(PSX,[1 2 3],[20 2 2])
% aps=2;
% SGfigure; Poseplot(PSX); Poseplotspace(PSX); fourBarposeplotsolution(PSX,aps);
% fourBarposeCPLmotion(PSX,aps);
% See also: fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposeplotsolution,
% fourbarposeCPLshaping, fourBarposelayering
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

siri2jarvis(str,fn)- converts spoken or written natural language sentences into a simple grammar

siri2jarvis(str,fn)% siri2jarvis(str,fn) - converts spoken or written natural language sentences into a simple grammar
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-27 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% this funtion uses an excel sheet as translation table that can be
% edited manually or by this fnctn itself. The fnctn will replace
% siri2posecommand which is a hardcode version of this language converter.
% The advantage of siri2jarvis is that the dictionary can simply
% exchanged for different "application specific languages". This version
% reads in the jarvisdictionary just before processing a line, this
% allows to create the dictionary using excel just in parallel to the use
% of the NL interface (Status of: 2022-01-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: siri2jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri, jarvisdictionary
% [cmd,str,comtab]=siri2jarvis([str,fn])
% str: string to interprete
% fn: filename of the dictionnary used
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cmd: cell list of commands, the first is always a string
% str: string that was finally processed
% comtab: table of terminal words that were allowed as commands
% while true; siri2jarvis, end; % test and train the translator
% See also: siri2jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri, jarvisdictionary
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

jarvisdictionary(fname)- reads writes a excel sheet containing string to replace and code to execute

jarvisdictionary(fname)% jarvisdictionary(fname) - reads writes a excel sheet containing string to replace and code to execute
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-27 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Used to modify the language interface jarvis during runtime
% currently the dictinoary used only for translating. It is also possible
% to use it as matlab fnctn execution system
% SGwritetable(fname,array2tableTL(a,b{:}),c); (Status of: 2022-01-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: siri2jarvis, SGwritetable, SGreadtable
% [fulltab,b,c]=jarvisdictionary([fname])
% fname: file name of the excel-sheet to use
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fulltab: Table
% b: names
% c: comment lines
% See also: siri2jarvis, SGwritetable, SGreadtable
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

titleappend(txt)- appends a string to the gca title

titleappend(txt)% titleappend(txt) - appends a string to the gca title
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-27 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: getgcatitle, title
% [h,old]=titleappend(txt)
% txt: text to append
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to title
% old: old title before change
% figure;
% title ('TEST'); shg
% titleappend ('NEW')
% See also: getgcatitle, title
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

PosesampleCTFieldgenerator- creates a sample to design a turnable field generator fixture

PosesampleCTFieldgenerator% PosesampleCTFieldgenerator - creates a sample to design a turnable field generator fixture
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-27 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Posesample, PosesampleCover, PosesampleWalk
% PS=PosesampleCTFieldgenerator
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS:
% PosesampleCTFieldgenerator; PS=ans;
% See also: Posesample, PosesampleCover, PosesampleWalk
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarposeplotsolution(PS,aps,vis,num)- Standard procedure to animate fourBarposesyntheses results

fourBarposeplotsolution(PS,aps,vis,num)% fourBarposeplotsolution(PS,aps,vis,num) - Standard procedure to animate fourBarposesyntheses results
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-27 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% manily same as Poseplotsolution - Next steps are CPLofPosefourbarshaping
% The fnctn names changed in 2022 after integration of 1-, 2-,
% 3-Posesythesis:
% ==> fourBarposesyntheses <== (2021)
% checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation & checkfourbar123solutions
% ==> fourBarposeplotsolution => Select and sort solutions
% ==> fourBarposeplotsolution <== (2021) Poseplotsolution
% ==> fourBarposeCPLmotion <== (2021)
% PLofPosecouplercurve(PS,aps,np);
% ==> fourbarposeCPLshaping <== (2021) CPLofPosefourbarshaping
% ==> fourBarposelayering => Layer and compute shape
% ==> fourBarCLLL2SGdesign => Design for assembly and 3D print
% (Status of: 2022-02-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposelayering
% [h,oldtitle]=fourBarposeplotsolution([PS,aps,vis,num])
% PS: Pose struct include PS.solut field
% aps: Single pose or selection of poses
% vis: 'plot', 'animate', 'both'
% num: number of solutions and delay time; default is [1000 -1]; negative
% time requires interaction
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to graphics
% oldtitle: original axis title
% PS=PosesampleWalk
% PS=fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[1 2],[15 3 3],'','','isrot,break coll CPLW CPL0'); % 200 solutions
% PS=fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[1 2],[20 2.5 2.5],'','','isrot,break coll CPLW CPL0'); % 317 solutions
% fourBarposeplotsolution(PS,1);
% Videoquickstart; SGfigure; Poseplotspace(PS); Poseplot(PS); fourBarposeplotsolution(PS,'','animate',[1000 1]); Videoquickcloseandopen; % long night video recording
% See also: fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposelayering
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

PLshortestpathinCPLcost(CPL,A,B,shr,n,smo,CPLG)- returns a path inside of a CPL using A* Zelinzky, Lozano-Perez, Dikstra

PLshortestpathinCPLcost(CPL,A,B,shr,n,smo,CPLG)% PLshortestpathinCPLcost(CPL,A,B,shr,n,smo,CPLG) - returns a path inside of a CPL using A* Zelinzky, Lozano-Perez, Dikstra
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-26 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% EXTENDE VERSION OF PLshortestpathinCPL will be renamed
% This fnctn is helpful not only for path planning in 2D but also to
% define CPLs for Solids inside of a limiting contour between start and
% endpoints (Base points, Attachment points)
% read also the dissertation of Tim Lueth ;-) (Status of: 2022-02-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofPLgrowline, PLshortestpathinCPL, CPLskeleton,
% CPLskeletonsearch, matrixskeleton, matrixdistanceofCPL
% [PLB,PL,k,shr]=PLshortestpathinCPLcost(CPL,A,B,[shr,n,smo,CPLG])
% CPL: Outer contour with holes as forbidden areas
% A: Starting Point A inside the CPL
% B: End Point B inside the CPL
% shr: shrinkage value; default is sofBB/n
% n: number of grid points; default is 100
% smo: 'A*', 'Bezier', 'fft' for smoothening
% CPLG: With this fnctn preferred paths can be defined
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PLB: Bezier smoothed path
% PL: Grid bases path
% k: grid numbers
% shr: dynamic shrinkage value
% CPLunion(PLsquare(10,70)+[-30 0],PLsquare(70,10)+[0 -40]);CPLG=ans;
% PLshortestpathinCPLcost(PLcircle([50 20]),[-30,-30],[30,-30],1,50,'A*',CPLG);
% PLshortestpathinCPLcost(PLcircle([50 20]),[-30,-30],[30,+30],1,50,'A*',CPLG);
% PLshortestpathinCPLcost(PLcircle([50 20]),[-20,-30],[30,-30],1,50,'A*',CPLG);
% PLshortestpathinCPLcost(PLcircle([50 20]),[-20,+30],[30,-30],1,50,'a*',CPLG); % obstacle and pathway
% PLshortestpathinCPLcost(PLcircle([50 20]),[-20,+30],[30,-30],1,50,'a*'); % without pathway
% See also: CPLofPLgrowline, PLshortestpathinCPL, CPLskeleton,
% CPLskeletonsearch, matrixskeleton, matrixdistanceofCPL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PL,b,CPLW,CPLG)- same as CPLrackPLdelaunaypath, but allow forbidded areas

CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PL,b,CPLW,CPLG)% CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PL,b,CPLW,CPLG) - same as CPLrackPLdelaunaypath, but allow forbidded areas
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-26 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% used to define rack structures
% Uses delaunay and not VLnearestNeighborN to avoid small angles
% Uses PLshortestpathinCPL to implement the path planning for obstacle
% avoidance (Status of: 2022-01-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLextendbyPL, CPLrack4PL, CPLrackPLdelaunay,
% PLshortestpathinCPL
% CPL=CPLrackPLdelaunaypath([PL,b,CPLW,CPLG])
% PL: Point list
% b: buffer size around PL
% CPLW: Forbidded Area; ; default is empty
% CPLG: No cost area; predefined rack area; default is empty
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: final contour
% CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PLtriangle*500,10,PLcircle(30)+[110 20]);
% CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PLtriangle*500,10,PLcircle(30)+50);
% CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PLtriangle*500,10,CPLunion(PLcircle(30)+[110 20],PLcircle(30)+50));
% PL=60*rand(4,2); CPLrackPLdelaunaypath(PL,2); % just repeat the call
% PL=100*rand(10,2)-50; CPLrackPLdelaunaypath('',2,PLsquare(20,10),PLsquare(10,40)+[-18 0]);
% PL=100*rand(10,2)-50; CPLrackPLdelaunaypath('',2,PLcircle(10,ceil(2+rand*10)),PLsquare(10,40)+[-18 0]); % just repeat the call
% See also: CPLextendbyPL, CPLrack4PL, CPLrackPLdelaunay,
% PLshortestpathinCPL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarposelayering(PSX,aps,R12,lay,Shape,"debug","hide","wlim","full")- Creates the layering and the shaping of all 8 elements of a Fourbar linkage

fourBarposelayering(PSX,aps,R12,lay,Shape,% fourBarposelayering(PSX,aps,R12,lay,Shape,"debug","hide","wlim","full") - Creates the layering and the shaping of all 8 elements of a Fourbar linkage
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-25 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Afterwards a fnctn such as SGofCLLL to implement the assembly method.
% The process:
% Posesample => Posedefiniton
% fourBarposesyntheses => compute fourbars with 1, 2, 3 pose synthesis
% fourBarposeplotsolution => plot or animate solutions
% fourBarposesortsolution => sort and select solutions
% fourBarposelayering => layer and compute shape
% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign => Design for assembly and 3D print
% (Status of: 2022-02-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsubtractTLasSG, PLshortestpathinCPL, Posesample,
% fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposeplotsolution, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% [LLLM,TL0,TA1,TB1]=fourBarposelayering([PSX,aps,R12,lay,Shape,"debug","
% hide","wlim","full"])
% PSX: Pose struct include PS.solut field
% aps: Single pose or selection of poses
% R12: [Rout Rin Height]; default is [5 2.5 6]
% lay: default is [0 2 1 1]
% Shape: "A*" (default) or "Bezier"
% "debug": covers the crank behind the effector
% "hide": [angle-offset angle-range]; default is [0 360]
% "wlim":
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% LLLM: Contour Link Level Layering ==> fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% TL0:
% TA1:
% TB1:
% PS=PosesampleWalk
% PS=fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[1 2],[15 3 3],'','','isrot,break coll CPLW CPL0'); % 200 solutions
% PS=fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[1 2],[20 2.5 2.5],'','','isrot,break coll CPLW CPL0'); % 317 solutions
% fourBarposeplotsolution(PS,1);
% fourBarposesortsolution(PS,'crank-length',[10 inf],'coupler-length'); PSX=ans;
% fourBarposelayering(PSX,1,[3 1.6 3],[0 2 1 1 -2]); CLLL=ans; % CPLW must be -2
% fourBarCLLL2SGdesign(CLLL,'',PSX.RACK)
% See also: CPLsubtractTLasSG, PLshortestpathinCPL, Posesample,
% fourBarposesyntheses, fourBarposeplotsolution, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

jarvismemory(PSN)- sets or gets a pose from jarvis / fourbardesignbysiri

jarvismemory(PSN)% jarvismemory(PSN) - sets or gets a pose from jarvis / fourbardesignbysiri
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-25 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri
% PS=jarvismemory([PSN])
% PSN: New Pose to store in global variable fourbardesignbysirimem
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose stored currently in global variable fourbardesignbysirimem
% PS=PosesampleWalk;
% jarvismemory(PS);
% jarvis
% See also: jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGhandle(bsiz,dins,shap)- returns a simople handle to be fixed by screws

SGhandle(bsiz,dins,shap)% SGhandle(bsiz,dins,shap) - returns a simople handle to be fixed by screws
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-24 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGManipulatorLink, SGdesignDIN912BushingE
% SG=SGhandle([bsiz,dins,shap])
% bsiz: size of handle [length radius-xy radius height height] default is
% [100 14 9 20]
% dins: optional screws for bushings such as [2.5 6]
% shap: default is true; use false if there are boolean problems
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Handle geometry
% SGhandle(150,[4 14])
% See also: SGManipulatorLink, SGdesignDIN912BushingE
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGcut2fit(SG,maxl,dins,ttyp)- cuts a large solid into smaller pieces to be fixed with screws

SGcut2fit(SG,maxl,dins,ttyp)% SGcut2fit(SG,maxl,dins,ttyp) - cuts a large solid into smaller pieces to be fixed with screws
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-24 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% will be renamed in SGcut2fitDIN912DIN985
% still unstable with large surfaces and tight triangles (Status of:
% 2022-01-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985
% SGS=SGcut2fit(SG,[maxl,dins,ttyp])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% maxl: maximal length in largest dimension
% dins: screw diameter; default is [2.5 6 0] for DIN912 985
% ttyp: separation type; default is 'L'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGS: cell list of parts
% SGcut2fit(SGbox([160,12,12]))
% See also: SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLfit(CPLA,CPLB,buff,points)- fits a contour or a point list into a polygon

CPLfit(CPLA,CPLB,buff,points)% CPLfit(CPLA,CPLB,buff,points) - fits a contour or a point list into a polygon
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-24 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% will be renamed (Status of: 2022-01-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLfitinCPL, CPLfitinCPLrot, CPLfitinCPLscale
% [CPLN,mb,f]=CPLfit(CPLA,CPLB,[buff,points])
% CPLA: Outside shape of a contour
% CPLB: Contour to fit in or Point list for circles
% buff: buffer for contour or buffer or point list
% points: if true CPLB is used as point list for circles
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: Contour or Point list that fits
% mb: relative shift
% f: scaling factor
% CPLfit(CPLsample(3),PLsquare(1000)) % fit in
% CPLfit(CPLsample(3),PLsquare(1000),1) % fit in with a border
% CPLfit(CPLsample(3),PLsquare(1000),1,true) % fit in for drilling holes
% See also: CPLfitinCPL, CPLfitinCPLrot, CPLfitinCPLscale
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

strrepalias(str,word,)- replaces a set of similar words by a specified one

strrepalias(str,word,)% strrepalias(str,word,) - replaces a set of similar words by a specified one
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-24 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% could be a thesaurus but used mainly for natural language interfaces to
% correct speach or missspelling (Status of: 2022-01-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: siri2jarvis, jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri, strrepn, strfindex,
% strfindafter, strfindtag
% str=strrepalias(str,word,[])
% str: string
% word: {'animal', 'fox', 'dog', 'wolf', 'wolfhound', 'dog', 'hound'; 2nd
% line}
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% str: modified string
% strrepalias('the wolf has dangerous teeth',{'animal', 'fox', 'dog', 'wolf', 'wolfhound', 'dog', 'hound'})
% See also: siri2jarvis, jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri, strrepn, strfindex,
% strfindafter, strfindtag
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGisempty(SG)- returns wether a solid is empty / has not faces or not

SGisempty(SG)% SGisempty(SG) - returns wether a solid is empty / has not faces or not
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-21 as class: SURFACES)
% necessary because of the many methods to represent solidsis (Status of:
% 2022-01-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isSG
% ie=SGisempty(SG)
% SG: Solid geometry
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ie: true if there are no surfaces
% See also: isSG
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

matlabopen- open the matlab application on mac

matlabopen% matlabopen - open the matlab application on mac
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-21 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Some more complex matlab programms such as "fourbardesignbysiri" use
% different other application programms such as Filemaker or quickcams
% etc.
% By starting those external applications by fnctn openbydoubleclick, the
% mouse focus switch to the new called application, and typed letters are
% processed in a different app. This is very confusing for a user.
% Therefor, the fnctn openbydoubleclick will use matlabopen to switch the
% user control back to matlab if this is desired.
% Currently tested only on mac osx using
% - cura
% - SGfilemaker
% - quickcamopen (Status of: 2022-01-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: openbydoubleclick, commandwindow, shg, editorwindow, cura
% matlabopen
% See also: openbydoubleclick, commandwindow, shg, editorwindow, cura
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985(SG,T,DINS,TTPP,zcut,supp,bsiz,"debug")- Creates a body cut with subsequent screwing possibility bue straigt cut or z cut

SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985(SG,T,DINS,TTPP,zcut,supp,bsiz,% SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985(SG,T,DINS,TTPP,zcut,supp,bsiz) - Creates a body cut with subsequent screwing possibility bue straigt cut or z cut
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-20 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% See also SGcutT4design of 2020-Aug(!) which is even more advanced for
% joints to create. Good example for forgetting know how within 18 month
% by myself!
% Nevertheless, very powerful fuction (Status of: 2022-01-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcutT4design, SGseparatebyPez, SGdesignDIN912DIN985,
% SGcutTcrossblade, SGdesignSupplement, BBofSGcutT
% [SGH,SGN,T]=SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985([SG,T,DINS,TTPP,zcut,supp,bsiz])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Frame to cut
% DINS: size of screws default is [2.5 6 0]
% TTPP: screw type 'TT' or 'PP'
% zcut: false or 'L' or 'Z' or 'M'
% supp: add solids as supplement; defaut is false
% bsiz: default is 0.05
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGH: Head side (positive ez)
% SGN: Nut side (positive ez)
% T: Used cutting frame
% SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985(SGbox,TofPez([10 0 0],[1 0 0]))
% SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985(SGbox,TofPez([10 0 0],[0 1 0]))
% A=SGtrans0(SGcylinder(10,100)); B=SGrotate(A,'y',pi/2); C=SGrotate(A,'x',pi/2); SGfigure({A,B,C})
% See also: SGcutT4design, SGseparatebyPez, SGdesignDIN912DIN985,
% SGcutTcrossblade, SGdesignSupplement, BBofSGcutT
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

Posemagnify(PS,m)- scales the size of Pose struct dimensions

Posemagnify(PS,m)% Posemagnify(PS,m) - scales the size of Pose struct dimensions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-20 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosetransrelCPLE, PosetransrelGPL, Posetransui
% PS=Posemagnify(PS,m)
% PS: Pose
% m: magnification factor
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Magnified Pose struct
% See also: PosetransrelCPLE, PosetransrelGPL, Posetransui
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2022_01_20_barcut% exp_2022_01_20_barcut - EXPERIMENT TO CUT AND ASSSEMBLE A SOLID WITH SCREWS
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-20 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2022-01-21) - USE 'SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: [ SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985 ] ; SGcutTcrossblade,
% SGdesignDIN912DIN985
% exp_2022_01_20_barcut
% See also: [ SGdesignCutDIN912DIN985 ] ; SGcutTcrossblade,
% SGdesignDIN912DIN985
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2022_01_19_Posechain(PSA,ss)% exp_2022_01_19_Posechain(PSA,ss) - EXPERIMENT TO CREATE A RELATIVE MOVING FOURBAR LINKAGE AS FOOT FOR A WALKIN Mechanism
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-19 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% PS=exp_2022_01_19_Posechain(PSA,[ss])
% PSA:
% ss:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS:
% PSA=PosesampleWalk
% PSA=fourBarposesyntheses(PSA,[1 2 3],30,[1 2 3],'','isrot')
% exp_2022_01_19_Posechain(PSA,1)
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

raamboserialconnect(portname)- resets and installs a serial communcation using for a Raambo Robot of ERGOSURG

raamboserialconnect(portname)% raamboserialconnect(portname) - resets and installs a serial communcation using for a Raambo Robot of ERGOSURG
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-18 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% work thanks to D. Zhang, S. Laudahn und S. Schiele (Status of:
% 2022-02-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: serialportused
% [s,text]=raamboserialconnect([portname])
% portname: COM# or usbmodem1431101
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% s: serial port
% text: recordred text during boot process
% s=raamboterminal
% See also: serialportused
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

serialportused- returns the ports that are in use already

serialportused% serialportused - returns the ports that are in use already
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-18 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: raamboterminal, serialportlist, serialportused
% su=serialportused
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% su: serial in use
% serialportused
% See also: raamboterminal, serialportlist, serialportused
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

jarvis(domain)- Natural Language Interface JARVIS

jarvis(domain)% jarvis(domain) - Natural Language Interface JARVIS
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-18 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% J.A.R.V.I.S: Tim's "Just Amazing Rather Very Intelligent System" and
% not just another one from Tony ;-)
% condition is circular =isrot
% condition is limited =norot
% new condition, add condition, remove condition (Status of: 2022-01-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourbardesignbysiri, SGofCPLcommandui, SGtransrelSG,
% CPLtransrelCPL, siri2jarvis
% jarvis([domain])
% domain: knowledge domains; default is '4Bars'
% jarvis('4bars')
% jarvis('robots')
% See also: fourbardesignbysiri, SGofCPLcommandui, SGtransrelSG,
% CPLtransrelCPL, siri2jarvis
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGdesignDrivenshaft(M,L,sl,KK,"debug")- Designs a torque transmitting shaft

SGdesignDrivenshaft(M,L,sl,KK,% SGdesignDrivenshaft(M,L,sl,KK) - Designs a torque transmitting shaft
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-17 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% For insert either use the Frame FC or use negative overlength of the
% screw if subtracting the Head as shown in exp_2022_01_17_axle
% (Status of: 2022-01-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985, SGdesignDIN912BushingE,
% SGdesignSupplement
% [H,N,S]=SGdesignDrivenshaft([M,L,sl,KK])
% M: Diameter of [Cylinder Torx-Top Torx Bottom]
% L: Length of [Middle Top Bottom]
% sl: fitting for subtraction solids
% KK: Kerbkonus [Top bottom]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% H: Subtraction solid of Top Torx ('F')
% N: Subtraction solid of Bottom Torx ('B')
% S: Geometry of the Torque pin
% SGdesignDrivenshaft([6 10],[10 4],'c')
% [H,N,S]=SGdesignDrivenshaft([6 10],[10 4],'c')
% A=SGsubtract(SGbox([31 21 11]),H,'alignT',{'C','F'}); SGwriteSTL(A,'Box');
% H=SGtransrelSG(H,A,'alignT',{'C','F'}); A=SGTset(A,'FC',SGTget(H,'F'));
% [HE,NE,SE]=SGdesignDIN912BushingE([2.5 8 0]);
% SGsubtract(S,NE,'alignT',{'C','F'}); B=ans;
% SGsubtract(A,HE,'alignT',{'C','FC'}); C=ans;
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985, SGdesignDIN912BushingE,
% SGdesignSupplement
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2022_01_17_axle (,"debug")- EXPERIMENT TO SEE HOW TO USE SGdesignDrivenshaft and getfuncparamStr

exp_2022_01_17_axle  (,% exp_2022_01_17_axle (,"debug") - EXPERIMENT TO SEE HOW TO USE SGdesignDrivenshaft and getfuncparamStr
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-17 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignDrivenshaft, getfuncparamStr
% exp_2022_01_17_axle([,"debug"])
% "debug": show progress if used
% See also: SGdesignDrivenshaft, getfuncparamStr
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2022_01_17_Theo_Jansen% exp_2022_01_17_Theo_Jansen - EXPERIMENT TO USE THE ORIGINAL SAND BEAST DIMENSIONS FROM THEO JANSEN OF 1991
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-17 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% See also Tschebyschow-Lambda-Mechanismus, (Status of: 2022-01-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also:,
% exp_2022_01_17_Theo_Jansen
% See also:,
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGdemoulding(SG,an,ct,hl)- Creates demolding chamfers for cast objects

SGdemoulding(SG,an,ct,hl)% SGdemoulding(SG,an,ct,hl) - Creates demolding chamfers for cast objects
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-17 as class: SURFACES)
% written for Wolfram Volk
% CPLofSGcutT(SG,TofP([0 0 40])) (Status of: 2022-01-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofSGcutT
% SG=SGdemoulding(SG,[an,ct,hl])
% SG: Solif Geometry
% an: angle for demolding chamfers
% ct: bordercut; default is -0.1
% hl:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG:
% SG=SGreadSTL('/Users/timlueth/Downloads/STL Grindewald/Grindelwald.STL');
% SGdemoulding(SG,2); SGM=ans;
% SGwriteSTL(SGM,'GrindelwaldM2')
% See also: CPLofSGcutT
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2022_01_16_servosample(SG,FN,sbb)% exp_2022_01_16_servosample(SG,FN,sbb) - EXPERIMENT TO EXPLAIN HOW TO ADD AUTOMATICALLY BEARING AND AN AXLE TO A SOLID
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-16 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% The fnctns, SGdesignAxlebearing, SGdesignSupplement, SGunion are used
% to create the solid before a second time SGdesignAxlebearing is used to
% create the final solid for the bearing
% SGservosample(3) is a watertight sample.
% (Status of: 2022-01-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGservosample, SGdesignAxlebearing, SGdesignSupplement,
% SGunion
% SGN=exp_2022_01_16_servosample([SG,FN,sbb])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% FN: Frame Name
% sbb: BEaring size; default [6 13 5 0]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN:
% exp_2022_01_16_servosample(SGservosample(3),'Shaft',[6 13 5]);
% See also: SGservosample, SGdesignAxlebearing, SGdesignSupplement,
% SGunion
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

PLshaftrad(r,d,b)- creates a PL for a contour for SGofCPLrot

PLshaftrad(r,d,b)% PLshaftrad(r,d,b) - creates a PL for a contour for SGofCPLrot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-16 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% easier to understand fnctn to create axles
% for second parameter b see 3rd parameter of PLradialEdges (Status of:
% 2022-01-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLmotorshaft, PLradialEdges
% PL=PLshaftrad([r,d,b])
% r: [r1 r2 r3 ....] radius
% d: distances between steps
% b: [radius breakrule] breaking the edges; default is [0.5 -1]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL: Point list of a shaft
% PLshaftrad([1 2 1],[0 2 2],'',true); PL=ans; % RAMP
% PLshaftrad([6 3 6],[10 2 10],[.5 -1]); PL=ans; % only concave
% PLshaftrad([6 3 6],[10 2 10],[.5 +1]); PL=ans; % only convex
% PLshaftrad([6 3 6],[10 2 10],[.5 0 ]); PL=ans; % both edges
% PLshaftrad([6 3 6],[10 2 10],[0 0 ]); PL=ans; % no radial edges
% PLshaftrad([6 3 6],[10 2 10],[.5 0]); PL=ans; pause(1); SGofCPLrot(PL) % create the solid
% See also: CPLmotorshaft, PLradialEdges
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

getfuncparamStr(n,args,v,fillin,"debug","A0")- similar as getfuncparams but works with strings prpoerties

getfuncparamStr(n,args,v,fillin,% getfuncparamStr(n,args,v,fillin) - similar as getfuncparams but works with strings prpoerties
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-15 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Not part of the documentation tool yet, but works as programming method
% (Status of: 2022-01-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: getfuncparams
% [RR,var]=getfuncparamStr(n,args,v,[fillin])
% n: number or string of argument
% args: arguments such as varargins
% v: default value or empty, if simple bollean
% fillin:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% RR: result
% var: modified varargin
% [isdebug,varargin]=getfuncparamStr('debug',varargin,''); % True if the string "debug" is parameter
% [A0,varargin]=getfuncparamStr('A0',varargin,[0 0]); % Finds "A0" with subsequent coordinates
% See also: getfuncparams
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGTretain(SG,FN2R)- removes frames but retains some

SGTretain(SG,FN2R)% SGTretain(SG,FN2R) - removes frames but retains some
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-15 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTget, SGTset, SGTplot, SGTremove, SGTui, SGTframeplot,
% SGTrename, SGTsetofFS
% SG=SGTretain(SG,[FN2R])
% SG: Solid Geomnetry struct with fields 'Tname', 'T', 'FTiL'
% FN2R:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Struct with removed frames
% SGTretain(SGbox,'F','X+')
% SGTrename(ans,'X+','B')
% See also: SGTget, SGTset, SGTplot, SGTremove, SGTui, SGTframeplot,
% SGTrename, SGTsetofFS
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

BUYballbearing(Ri)- returns a list of buyable and used standard parts for ball bearings

BUYballbearing(Ri)% BUYballbearing(Ri) - returns a list of buyable and used standard parts for ball bearings
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-14 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985axialbearing,
% SGdesignDIN912DIN985axradbearing
% TL=BUYballbearing([Ri])
% Ri: Inner Diameter
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TL: Table list
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985axialbearing,
% SGdesignDIN912DIN985axradbearing
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLcutPez(CPL,cp,ev)- cuts a CPL along a border line

CPLcutPez(CPL,cp,ev)% CPLcutPez(CPL,cp,ev) - cuts a CPL along a border line
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-14 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsubtract
% CPR=CPLcutPez(CPL,[cp,ev])
% CPL: Closed Polygon List
% cp: center Point
% ev: unit vector to erase from
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPR: cutted contour
% CPLcutPez(PLcircle(10),[-2 0],[-1 2]);
% CPLcutPez(CPLsample(12),[-2 0],[-1 2]);
% See also: CPLsubtract
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGdesignAxlebearing(SG,FN,sbb,sch)- cretaes the material subtraction from a solid for radial bearings and axle

SGdesignAxlebearing(SG,FN,sbb,sch)% SGdesignAxlebearing(SG,FN,sbb,sch) - cretaes the material subtraction from a solid for radial bearings and axle
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-13 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% This fnctn differs a little from the other deisng fnctn, since it has
% to detect automatically wethere there is a need for two or just one
% bearings
% Automatic Design, since it measures the axle depth and automatically
% decides to use one or two bearings (Status of: 2022-01-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignBallbearing, SGdesignDIN912BushingE,
% SGdesignDIN912DIN985axialbearing
% [SG,SS,S,dd]=SGdesignAxlebearing([SG,FN,sbb,sch])
% SG: Solid geometry that needs a bearingx
% FN: Framename or T or {'FN1', 'FN2'}
% sbb: [Ri Ro depth os], default is [2.5 6 1.8]
% sch:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Modified Solid
% SS: Length of Axle
% S:
% dd:
% SGdesignAxlebearing('','F',[2.5 6 3.4 5])
% SGdesignAxlebearing('','F',[2.5 6 3.4])
% SGdesignAxlebearing(SGservosample(3),'Shaft',[2.5 6 3.4 5])
% See also: SGdesignBallbearing, SGdesignDIN912BushingE,
% SGdesignDIN912DIN985axialbearing
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLofspokedPL(PL,wt,rd)- converts a point list into a spokes between the most distance points

CPLofspokedPL(PL,wt,rd)% CPLofspokedPL(PL,wt,rd) - converts a point list into a spokes between the most distance points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-13 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLrack4PL, CPLrackPLdelaunay, SGwheelspoked
% CPL=CPLofspokedPL([PL,wt,rd])
% PL: Point list
% wt: Radius = half spoke thickness
% rd: Radius to avoid notch effect inside; default is 0.5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL:
% CPLofspokedPL(60*rand(10,2),1); % standard graffitty of the 2010th years
% CPLtextimage('TL');PL=ans; pause(1); CPLofspokedPL(woNaN(PL),.1);
% CPLtextimage('T');PL=ans; pause(1); CPLofspokedPL(woNaN(PL),.1);
% CPLofspokedPL(PLsquare(50,50),1,2);
% CPLofspokedPL(PLcircle(50,10),1,2);
% CPLofspokedPL(PLcircle(50,20),1,2);
% CPLofspokedPL(PLcircle(50,10),1);
% CPLofspokedPL(PLcircle(50,20),1);
% See also: CPLrack4PL, CPLrackPLdelaunay, SGwheelspoked
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

ELofFLpatch(FL)- converts a patch (more than triangles) list into an edge list

ELofFLpatch(FL)% ELofFLpatch(FL) - converts a patch (more than triangles) list into an edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-13 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% returns the edge list in patch order. A more general solution than
% ELofFL of July 2012 (Status of: 2022-01-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: ELofFLborder, ELofFL, ELunique
% EL=ELofFLpatch(FL)
% FL: Facet list (n x m) % m>=3
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% EL: Edge list (n x 2)
% FL=[1 2 3 4 5;5 4 3 2 1]; ELofFLpatch(FL), ELunique(ans)
% See also: ELofFLborder, ELofFL, ELunique
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGwheelspoked(R,H,n,A)- returns a solid of a spoked wheel

SGwheelspoked(R,H,n,A)% SGwheelspoked(R,H,n,A) - returns a solid of a spoked wheel
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-13 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% will be improved by using a kerbkonus and a DIN 912 etc. (Status of:
% 2022-01-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofspokedPL, SGcylinder
% [SG,CPL]=SGwheelspoked([R,H,n,A])
% R: [Ro Ro2 Ri]; default 15
% H: Heightand width of the spokes; default is [5 2]
% n: number of spokes
% A: 'T30' if there is a need for a torx axle; default is []
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry
% CPL: CPL that was extruded
% SGwheelspoked(15,[3 2],5)
% SGwheelspoked(15,[3 2],10)
% SGwheelspoked(15,[3 2],5,'T30')
% See also: CPLofspokedPL, SGcylinder
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

DINtorx(Mot)- returns the main paraemter for designing a metric torque adapter

DINtorx(Mot)% DINtorx(Mot) - returns the main paraemter for designing a metric torque adapter
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-12 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% the tightening torque could be replaced by TL(4)=DINthreadtorque(TL(1));
% The original value shows the maximum torque to be transmitted. A V2A
% screw will break much earlier. (Status of: 2022-01-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGsbpin, SGscrewDIN, PLhexalobular, DIN10664,
% DINthreadtorque, SGtorxDIN, DINfindinTab
% [M,TL]=DINtorx([Mot])
% Mot: metric, or 'M2.5' or 'T30'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% M: metric value
% TL: [Metric, Torx, PLhexalobular-Diameter, tightening torque]
% [a,b]=DINtorx('T8')
% See also: SGsbpin, SGscrewDIN, PLhexalobular, DIN10664,
% DINthreadtorque, SGtorxDIN, DINfindinTab
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGrackbars(L,MM,d,LY)- creates solid bars to assemble a rack for mechanisms

SGrackbars(L,MM,d,LY)% SGrackbars(L,MM,d,LY) - creates solid bars to assemble a rack for mechanisms
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-12 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% Name will change to SGrackbars (Status of: 2022-01-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985, SGdesignDIN912BushingE,
% SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985, exp_2021_12_27_walk, SGiqlink, SGsblink
% SGrackbars([L,MM,d,LY])
% L:
% MM:
% d:
% LY:
% exp_2021_12_27_walk('','985')
% See also: SGdesignDIN912DIN985, SGdesignDIN912BushingE,
% SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985, exp_2021_12_27_walk, SGiqlink, SGsblink
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fontsize4rowsfullHD(rows)- font size for lectures and video recording on 25 lines

fontsize4rowsfullHD(rows)% fontsize4rowsfullHD(rows) - font size for lectures and video recording on 25 lines
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-11 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% similar to clcl
% s=settings; s.matlab.fonts.codefont.Size.PersonalValue=fs;
% (Status of: 2022-01-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: clcl
% fs=fontsize4rowsfullHD([rows])
% rows: 25 or 40 rows; default is 25
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fs: fontsize
% fontsize4rowsfullHD(25)
% fontsize4rowsfullHD(40)
% See also: clcl
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGdesignDIN912BushingE(sdl,ins,tpl,W)- creates subtraction solids for a screw fixation at a specific frame position of a solid

SGdesignDIN912BushingE(sdl,ins,tpl,W)% SGdesignDIN912BushingE(sdl,ins,tpl,W) - creates subtraction solids for a screw fixation at a specific frame position of a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-10 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% This fnctn is designed for KERBKONUS bushings
% THIS FNCTN USES FITTINGS by fnctn slfit und DIN4AMfitting
% If two elements should be connected using a DIN912 Screw and a
% Kerbkonus bushing, this fnctn helps to create the subtraction solids to
% achive a fnctnal connection using standard machine elements.
% Pocket holes modified for clearancefit in height (2022-01-09)
% Support spacer such as radial bearings, axial bearings (2022-01-015)
% (Status of: 2022-03-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGDIN912, SGDIN985, SGdesignDIN912DIN985,
% SGdesignBallbearing, SGdesignSupplement, SGDINbushingE, DIN_S_BANCLOK_E
% [H,N,S,mt,parts]=SGdesignDIN912BushingE([sdl,ins,tpl,W])
% sdl: [M-Screw Length overlength and spacer]; default [2.5 6 0 0]
% ins: Characters for "T"unnel or "P"ocket; default is 'TT' for [HEAD NUT]
% tpl: Length of Insertion T/P for [HEAD NUT]; default is 10 10
% W: Rotation angle for Pocket if required; default is 0;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% H: Subtraction Solid for Head side including frame 'C'
% N: Subtraction Solid for Bushing side including frame 'C'
% S: Srew and Nut for Visualziation including frame 'C'
% mt: remaining wall thickness
% parts: parts list for assembly of one connection
% clc; [H,N,S]=SGdesignDIN912BushingE([5 10 0],'TT',40);
% SGsubtract(SGbox,H,'alignT',{'C','Y-'})
% SGsubtract(SGbox,N,'alignT',{'C','Y-'})
% clc; [H,N,S]=SGdesignDIN912BushingE([2.5 6 0],'PT',40,pi/2);
% SGsubtract(SGbox,H,'alignT',{'C','Y-'}); X=ans;
% SGTplot(SGtransrelSG(S,X,'alignT',{'C','Y-'}))
% clc; [H,N,S]=SGdesignDIN912BushingE([2.5 10 0 4],'PT',40,pi/2);
% SGsubtract(SGbox,H,'alignT',{'C','Y-'}); X=ans;
% SGTplot(SGtransrelSG(S,X,'alignT',{'C','Y-'})) % plot without spacer
% SGTplot(SGtransrelSG(S,X,'alignT',{'C','Y-'},'transy',-4)) % plot with spacer
% See also: SGDIN912, SGDIN985, SGdesignDIN912DIN985,
% SGdesignBallbearing, SGdesignSupplement, SGDINbushingE, DIN_S_BANCLOK_E
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

siri2posecommand(str)- word correction for siri misspelling and syntax check for natural language pose comands by siri

siri2posecommand(str)% siri2posecommand(str) - word correction for siri misspelling and syntax check for natural language pose comands by siri
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-10 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2022-01-29) - USE 'siri2jarvis' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% may be J.A.R.V.I.S. would be better name
% audiorecorderTLautostop('',44100,0.05,'',1.5);
% development stopped: USE dictionarty based fnctn siri2jarvis (Status
% of: 2022-01-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: [ siri2jarvis ] ; siri2jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri, jarvis,
% strrepalias, strrepn
% cmd=siri2posecommand(str)
% str: string delivered by siri
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cmd: command line for fourbardesignbysiri
% siri2posecommand('who is number 1:10.9, 12.6 and 12.4, 6.5')
% siri2posecommand('Pose number 2:10.5, 6.9 and 6.9, 12.6')
% See also: [ siri2jarvis ] ; siri2jarvis, fourbardesignbysiri, jarvis,
% strrepalias, strrepn
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourbardesignbysiri(txt,PS)- generates 4bar-linkages from a dictation fnct of Siri on MAC

fourbardesignbysiri(txt,PS)% fourbardesignbysiri(txt,PS) - generates 4bar-linkages from a dictation fnct of Siri on MAC
% (by Tim Lueth & Franz Irlinger, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-10 as class: USER
% More or less a funny idea, then a fun project that then it became
% serious
% An example: 1. Switch on dictate fuction on mac, call
% fourbardesignbysiri and give spoken commands:
% new project:
% Pose 1: 0, 0 and 2,0
% Pose 2: 0,2 and 2, 2
% Pose 3: -2,0 and -2,2
% Select pose 1 and 2 and 3
% find fourbar with 10 grid points
% There are actually two tasks:1) Definition of a natural language for
% the textual formulation of the design tasks as a string2) Speech input
% of the textual formulationThe problem arises from the fact that the
% dictation fnctn is made for everyday prose, but not for technical
% languages AND that Apple/Dictate, when repeating sentences, assumes
% that the last formulation was probably wrong and then changes the word
% choice. It therefore makes sense to first find a solution for 1 and
% then one for 2, possibly having to change 1 again. (Status of:
% 2022-01-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: siri2jarvis, quickcamopen, cura, matlabopen, jarvis
% PS=fourbardesignbysiri([txt,PS])
% txt: string lines to interprete or empty as interpreter
% PS: Pose strcut that should be modified
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose specified by language or text string
% PS=PosesampleWalk; fourbardesignbysiri('',PS);
% See also: siri2jarvis, quickcamopen, cura, matlabopen, jarvis
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGtorxDIN(D,L,KK,sl)- returns a TORX Pin with an optional opening for a kerbkonus bushing

SGtorxDIN(D,L,KK,sl)% SGtorxDIN(D,L,KK,sl) - returns a TORX Pin with an optional opening for a kerbkonus bushing
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-10 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% This torx pin can be used at the end of an axle. The Torque (at
% Wikipedia) is much higer than the tightening torque of V2A screws:
% M T D Nm
% 2.0 6 1.75 0.75
% 2.5 8 2.39 2.2
% 3.0 10 2.82 3.7
% 4.0 20 3.94 10
% 5.0 25 4.52 16
% 6.0 30 5.61 31
% 8.0 45 7.95 86
% 10 50 8.94 132 (Status of: 2022-01-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGsbpin, SGscrewDIN, PLhexalobular, DIN10664,
% DINthreadtorque, DINtorx
% [SG,SGX,TL]=SGtorxDIN([D,L,KK,sl])
% D: Diameter or string 'T30' etc.
% L: length and edge; default is [14 0.3]
% KK: kerbkonus metrix [top bottom] default is [0 0]; could be autom. too
% sl: fitting only for SGX; default is 'c'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry
% SGX: Subtraction solid
% TL: selected table of DINtorx
% SGtorxDIN ('M5',14)
% SGtorxDIN ('T30',14)
% A=SGsbpin([10 .2],6); B=SGtorxDIN(6,[4 .2]); C=SGtransrelSG(B,A,'ontop',-0.2,'cat')
% See also: SGsbpin, SGscrewDIN, PLhexalobular, DIN10664,
% DINthreadtorque, DINtorx
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGDINbushingE(M)- creates a solid for a kerb konus busing

SGDINbushingE(M)% SGDINbushingE(M) - creates a solid for a kerb konus busing
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-09 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: DIN_S_BANCLOK_E, SGDIN912
% [SG,TL,SGX]=SGDINbushingE([M])
% M: metric 2.0, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry
% TL: Table from DIN_S_BANCLOK_E
% SGX: Subtraction solid for intereference fit (hammer or press)
% SGDINbushingE(2.5)
% See also: DIN_S_BANCLOK_E, SGDIN912
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2022_01_09_kerbonus- Experiment to validate dimensions of kerb konus inserts

exp_2022_01_09_kerbonus% exp_2022_01_09_kerbonus - Experiment to validate dimensions of kerb konus inserts
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-09 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Experiment to validate the bore diameters with the notch cone thread
% insert M2.5. At 3.9 mm, the 3D printed plastic body was cracked when
% hammered in (pressing in might have worked). It held at 4.0, 4.1 and
% 4.2. Standard values are 4.0 (3.9+0.1), i.e. standard dimensions for
% drill bits.An interference fit was used:
% If the tightening torque is too high, the threaded bushing will be
% pulled out of the plastic part. (Status of: 2022-01-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: DIN_S_BANCLOK_E, slfit
% exp_2022_01_09_kerbonus
% EXAMPLE: exp_2022_01_09_kerbonus
% See also: DIN_S_BANCLOK_E, slfit
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

DIN_S_BANCLOK_E(M)- returns the Dimensions of the Kerbkonus Product S-BANCLOK-E

DIN_S_BANCLOK_E(M)% DIN_S_BANCLOK_E(M) - returns the Dimensions of the Kerbkonus Product S-BANCLOK-E
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-09 as class: MECHANICAL PROCEDURES)
% The table S-BANCLOK-E has the following columns. All values are given
% in millimeter
% 'M','OuterDiameter','Length','HoleDiameter','ProductNumber'
% The kerbkonus hole requires a interference fit slfit('i') qdded to the
% radius (Tab(4)/2)
% Order at
% (Status of: 2022-01-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: DIN13, DIN20273, DIN336, DIN433, DIN464, DIN4AMfitting,
% DIN7991, DIN912, DIN913, DIN934, DIN965, DIN985, DINfindinTab, DINhelp,
% DINthreadtorque
% M: metric treat diameter
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% M: M that was used for the table entry
% TL: Table entry for M
% [M,TL]=DIN_S_BANCLOK_E(2.5); TL(1:4)
% DINthreadtorque(2.5) % Tightening torque for the screw
% PLcircle(TL(4)/2+slfit('i')) % dimensions of the hole
% web('')
% See also: DIN13, DIN20273, DIN336, DIN433, DIN464, DIN4AMfitting,
% DIN7991, DIN912, DIN913, DIN934, DIN965, DIN985, DINfindinTab, DINhelp,
% DINthreadtorque
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLrackPLdelaunay(PL,b)- returns a minimal CPL bar structure that contains all points of PL

CPLrackPLdelaunay(PL,b)% CPLrackPLdelaunay(PL,b) - returns a minimal CPL bar structure that contains all points of PL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-08 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% used to define rack strctures
% Uses delaunay and not VLnearestNeighborN to avoid small angles (Status
% of: 2022-01-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLextendbyPL, CPLrack4PL
% CPL=CPLrackPLdelaunay([PL,b])
% PL: Point list
% b: buffer size around PL
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: final contour
% PL=60*rand(4,2); CPLrackPLdelaunay(PL,2); % just repeat the call
% See also: CPLextendbyPL, CPLrack4PL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

VLnearestNeighborN(VL1,VL2,N,D)- returns the N nearest Neighbors between two point lists

VLnearestNeighborN(VL1,VL2,N,D)% VLnearestNeighborN(VL1,VL2,N,D) - returns the N nearest Neighbors between two point lists
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-08 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Slower than VLnearestNeighbor beacuse of combinatorial complexity
% If you just need triangles, rethink about delaunay triangulation
% (Status of: 2022-01-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLnearestNeighbor, nearestpair, nearestcluster, PLcorrelate,
% VLcorrelate
% [nn,nd]=VLnearestNeighborN(VL1,VL2,[N,D])
% VL1: Point list 1
% VL2: Point list 2
% N: selection of neighbors; default is [2:3]
% D: ''ascend' (default) or 'descend'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nn: rows of neigbors for VL1 in List VL2
% nd: distance to neighbors from VL1 to VL2
% PL=60*rand(10,2); VLnearestNeighborN(PL,PL,2:3); % creates Triangles
% PL=60*rand(10,2); VLnearestNeighborN(PL,PL,2:4); % creates Squares
% PL=60*rand(10,2); VLnearestNeighborN(PL,PL,1:size(PL,1)) % creates full mesh
% PL=PLcircle(50,10); VLnearestNeighborN(PL,PL,[1],'descend') % Spokes
% PL=PLcircle(50,10); VLnearestNeighborN(PL,PL,[2 3],'descend') % Spokes
% PL=PLcircle(50,10); VLnearestNeighborN(PL,PL,[2 3],'descend'); FL=[[1:size(PL,1)]' ans]
% See also: VLnearestNeighbor, nearestpair, nearestcluster, PLcorrelate,
% VLcorrelate
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

CPLcrossCPLpathlimit(CPLW,CPLE,TL0,WW,lim)- collision detection along a path in 2D

CPLcrossCPLpathlimit(CPLW,CPLE,TL0,WW,lim)% CPLcrossCPLpathlimit(CPLW,CPLE,TL0,WW,lim) - collision detection along a path in 2D
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-07 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourbarcollABGPL
% [wint,AA,aint,cutw]=CPLcrossCPLpathlimit(CPLW,CPLE,TL0,[WW,lim])
% CPLW: Static Object
% CPLE: Moving Object
% TL0: List of Frames to move
% WW: List of corresponding values of
% lim: allowed area collision; default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% wint: angle intervals with respect to WW
% AA: maximum intersection per interval
% aint:
% cutw: cutting condition
% PS=Posesample('Tiegel');
% PS.CPLM=PLtrans1(PLsquare(50,150))+[100 0]; fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[1 2],[10 5 5]); PSN=ans;
% [~,TL0,~,~,~,~,WW]=PLofFourbarcouplercurve(PSN,1);
% CPLcrossCPLpathlimit (PSN.CPLW,PSN.CPLE,TL0,WW,0.01)
% CPLcrossCPLpathlimit (PSN.CPLW,PSN.CPLE,TLofPL(PLcircle(100,100)),'',0.00)
% See also: fourbarcollABGPL
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2022_01_06_fourBarposesyntheses- EXPERIMENT TO SHOW THE USE OF THE FNCT fourBarposesyntheses

exp_2022_01_06_fourBarposesyntheses% exp_2022_01_06_fourBarposesyntheses - EXPERIMENT TO SHOW THE USE OF THE FNCT fourBarposesyntheses
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-06 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourBarposesyntheses
% exp_2022_01_06_fourBarposesyntheses
% See also: fourBarposesyntheses
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

figureisopen- returns of there is already a graphics window open

figureisopen% figureisopen - returns of there is already a graphics window open
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-06 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: copyplot, snapnow, drawnow, smbdrawnow, pushgcf, popgcf,
% copyobj, pastego, copyfig, snapplot, PRplot
% io=figureisopen
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% io: is open => true
% See also: copyplot, snapnow, drawnow, smbdrawnow, pushgcf, popgcf,
% copyobj, pastego, copyfig, snapplot, PRplot
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourbarcollABGPL(CPLW,A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wlim,CPLE,limi)- returns the crank angle interval for an object liked to a Pose

fourbarcollABGPL(CPLW,A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wlim,CPLE,limi)% fourbarcollABGPL(CPLW,A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wlim,CPLE,limi) - returns the crank angle interval for an object liked to a Pose
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-06 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% The 9th parameter is CPLE
% The 10th parameter is limit; default is 0.01 (Status of: 2022-01-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLcrossCPLpathlimit
% wint=fourbarcollABGPL(CPLW,A0,B0,[A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wlim,CPLE,limi])
% CPLW: Static Obstacle
% A0: A0 or Pose PS
% B0: B0 or solution number
% A1: A1 or empty if PS is used
% B1: B1 or empty if PS is used
% GPLA: GPLA or empty if PS is used
% GPLB: GPLB or empty if PS is used
% wlim: Angle limitation
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% wint: allowed angle interval without collision
% PS=Posesample('Tiegel');
% PS.CPLM=PLtrans1(PLsquare(50,150))+[100 0]; fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[1 2],[10 5 5]); PSN=ans;
% fourbarcollABGPL(PSN.CPLW,PSN,155,'','','','','','',0.005)
% See also: CPLcrossCPLpathlimit
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

Posestripfields(PS)- removes alls fields that seem results not conditions from pose synthesis fncts

Posestripfields(PS)% Posestripfields(PS) - removes alls fields that seem results not conditions from pose synthesis fncts
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-03 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% macro for
% PS=stripfields(PS,'A0','B0','A1','B1','GAL','BPL','A0L','B0L','solut','
% GPL','bb','psel');
% The fields
% A and B for definiting Poses
% CPLE as shape for the effector
% CPLM for base point area
% CPLW for restricted area
% CPLB for background setches
% cnstr for conditions
% will remain (Status of: 2022-01-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: stripfields
% PS=Posestripfields(PS)
% PS: Any Pose struct.
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Struct without resulting fields
% Posesample(13), Posestripfields(ans)
% See also: stripfields
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarposesyntheses(PS,posel,grids,order,limit,cnstr)- fourbar pose synthesis

fourBarposesyntheses(PS,posel,grids,order,limit,cnstr)% fourBarposesyntheses(PS,posel,grids,order,limit,cnstr) - fourbar pose synthesis
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2022-JAN-01 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This fnctn combines the individual solution procedures of single and
% multi pose synthesis for 4R 4bar linkages, which already exist as
% checkfourbar1poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar2poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar3poseattachpermutation and can be controlled with the
% fnctn checkfourbar123solutions.
% (Status of: 2022-01-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: checkfourbar1poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar2poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar3poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar123solutions, Posesample, fourBarposeplotsolution,
% fourBarposelayering, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% PS=fourBarposesyntheses(PS,[posel,grids,order,limit,cnstr])
% PS: Pose struct including fields A, B, CPLE, CPLM, CPLW
% posel: selected poses, number selects algorithm too
% grids: grid point numbers for CPLE and CPLM
% order: optional order of poses for ccw crank movement
% limit: optional limitation at 1st or last pose
% cnstr: optinal constraints for checkfourbar123solutions
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose including field "solut" with solutions
% See also: checkfourbar1poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar2poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar3poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar123solutions, Posesample, fourBarposeplotsolution,
% fourBarposelayering, fourBarCLLL2SGdesign
% Copyright 2022 Tim C. Lueth

Poseplotsolution(PS,sel,show)- plots A0, B0, and geometry and animation of fourbar linkage design

Poseplotsolution(PS,sel,show)% Poseplotsolution(PS,sel,show) - plots A0, B0, and geometry and animation of fourbar linkage design
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-31 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% uses "PLofFourbarcouplercurve" and "fourbarplotABGPL" (Status of:
% 2021-12-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Poseplot, Poseplotspace, PoseplotA0B0
% h=Poseplotsolution(PS,[sel,show])
% PS: Pose struct containing field "solut"
% sel: number, sequence or constraint string to select; default is all
% show: 'plotit', 'animat" "both"
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to plot
% PS=PosesampleWalk;
% PS=checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,[1 3],10);
% PS=checkfourbar123solutions(PS,'isrot, break coll CPL0 CPLW');
% SGfigure; cla; Poseplotspace(PS); Poseplot(PS); Poseplotsolution(PS); delete(ans);
% SGfigure; cla; Poseplotspace(PS); Poseplot(PS); Poseplotsolution(PS,25,'plotit'); delete(ans);
% SGfigure; cla; Poseplotspace(PS); Poseplot(PS); Poseplotsolution(PS,25,'animate'); delete(ans);
% See also: Poseplot, Poseplotspace, PoseplotA0B0
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

checkfourbar123solutions(PS,cnstr,grdnx,show)- just checks an limits solutions of 1-2-3 Pose syntheses

checkfourbar123solutions(PS,cnstr,grdnx,show)% checkfourbar123solutions(PS,cnstr,grdnx,show) - just checks an limits solutions of 1-2-3 Pose syntheses
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-31 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% The field solut has the follwing structure:
% [A0 B0 A1 B1 GPLA GPLB wlim ord nan nan nan]
% THe concept was first used in checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation, but
% has been extracted to be used by alle (Status of: 2021-12-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation
% PS=checkfourbar123solutions(PS,[cnstr,grdnx,show])
% PS: Pose struct with fields CPLM, CPLE, CPLW, AND solut
% cnstr: constraints such as "ISROT"
% grdnx:
% show: 'plot', 'animat', 'both'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose struct with reduced number of solutions
% PS=PosesampleWalk;
% PS=checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,[1 3],10);
% checkfourbar123solutions(PS,'isrot, break coll CPL0 CPLW'); PSN=ans;
% SGfigure; cla; Poseplotspace(PS); Poseplot(PS); Poseplotsolution(PSN);
% See also: checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLrack4PL(PL,b,t)- returns a contour for rack that can be used as rack (ground link for linkages)

CPLrack4PL(PL,b,t)% CPLrack4PL(PL,b,t) - returns a contour for rack that can be used as rack (ground link for linkages)
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLconvexhullfillgap, CPLextendbyPL, CPLrackPLdelaunay,
% CPLofspokedPL
% CPLF=CPLrack4PL([PL,b,t])
% PL: Point list such as [A0;B0]
% b: buffer; distance required to implement a revolute joint
% t: 'minimal', 'circ' or 'box', 'delaunay', 'spokes'; default is 'min'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLF: Contour to carry revolute joints for linkages
% CPLrack4PL(20*rand(10,2),1,'min');
% CPLrack4PL(PLsample(12),1,'box');
% CPLrack4PL(PLsample(12),1,'min');
% CPLrack4PL(PLsample(12),1,'circ');
% CPLrack4PL(PLsample(12),1,'bar');
% CPLrack4PL(PLsample(12),1,'spoke');
% See also: CPLconvexhullfillgap, CPLextendbyPL, CPLrackPLdelaunay,
% CPLofspokedPL
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGpinshaft(r,d,b)- creates a pin using PLshaftrad

SGpinshaft(r,d,b)% SGpinshaft(r,d,b) - creates a pin using PLshaftrad
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-28 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% will be modified using PLshaftrad instead of PLshaf
% (Status of: 2022-01-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGpincountersink, SGpindowel, SGpinring, SGpinringtail,
% SGpintorquegauge, SGpinwrenchsize, SGiqpin, SGsbpin
% SG=SGpinshaft([r,d,b])
% r: Radius per step
% d: distance between steps
% b: Radius for broken edges; see also PLradialEdges
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry
% SGpinshaft([6 3 6],[10 2 10],[.5 0])
% See also: SGpincountersink, SGpindowel, SGpinring, SGpinringtail,
% SGpintorquegauge, SGpinwrenchsize, SGiqpin, SGsbpin
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_12_27_walk(PS)- example to learn how to desgin a real walking machine

exp_2021_12_27_walk(PS)% exp_2021_12_27_walk(PS) - example to learn how to desgin a real walking machine
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-27 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% The walking machine is designed as an STL file for printing with a 3D
% printer. It is mounted with screws and nuts of DIN 912 and 985. To
% achieve the fits for the respective 3D printer, the printer must be
% selected with the slfit fnctn. (Status of: 2022-01-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosesampleWalk, checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation
% PS=exp_2021_12_27_walk([PS])
% PS: Pose created by checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation; default is
% automatic
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: resulting pose
% PosesampleWalk; PS=ans;
% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,1,[20 2 2],'','isrot, break coll cplw CPL0, break length CPL0 < 120'); PS=ans; % ~ 3 Min
% exp_2021_12_27_walk(PS); PS=ans; % PS as argument is not really required
% See also: PosesampleWalk, checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985(CPL,wlim,R12o,PS,MM,MPL,FIX)- Designs a 4bar-Linkage as solid geometry

SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985(CPL,wlim,R12o,PS,MM,MPL,FIX)% SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985(CPL,wlim,R12o,PS,MM,MPL,FIX) - Designs a 4bar-Linkage as solid geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-27 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% Since it is now clear to me, that 4 joint coordinates defined a unique
% 4bar-linkage, it is possible to design a solid for
% See also fnctns of type SGiqXXXXXX
% Geometry Styling see in fourbarplotABGPL
% Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Burkhard
% (Status of: 2021-12-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourbarplotABGPL, checkfourbarsegment, PLofFourbarcouplercurve
% SGall=SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985(CPL,[wlim,R12o,PS,MM,MPL,FIX])
% CPL: [A0; B0; B1; A1; [GPLA GPLB]] to define the 4bar linkage | Nr of
% PS.solut
% wlim: angle limitatins; if empty the full intervall is used
% R12o: Outer an inner radius for linkage [Rout Rin]; default is R12ofCPL
% PS: Pose including fields CPLE
% MM: [metrix diameter metric length overlap; default is [2.5 6 0]
% MPL: Rack assembly point to add
% FIX: fixation method '985' or 'bush'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLfourbarcontour(100,80,100,40); CPL=ans;
% SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985([CPL; -50 -30; +50 -30])
% SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985(CPLfourbarcontour([80,90,100,100])); SGALL=ans;
% close all; SGfigure; SGplotcellmultiple(SGALL); shg;
% SGfourbarlinkageA0B0DIN912985(32,'','',PS); % Use solution 32 of PS.solut
% See also: fourbarplotABGPL, checkfourbarsegment, PLofFourbarcouplercurve
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

PoseplotA0B0(PS)- plots the existing solutions for A0 and B0

PoseplotA0B0(PS)% PoseplotA0B0(PS) - plots the existing solutions for A0 and B0
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-26 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% A0 is blue
% B0 is cyan colored (Status of: 2021-12-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Poseplot, Poseplotspace, Poseplotsolution
% h=PoseplotA0B0(PS)
% PS: Pose struct including field 'solut'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to plot
% PS=PosesampleWalk;
% PS=checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,[1 3],10);
% PS=checkfourbar123solutions(PS,'isrot, break coll CPL0 CPLW');
% PoseplotA0B0(PS)
% See also: Poseplot, Poseplotspace, Poseplotsolution
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLextendbyPL(CPL,PL,lim,buf)- extends a CPL outline contour by some points

CPLextendbyPL(CPL,PL,lim,buf)% CPLextendbyPL(CPL,PL,lim,buf) - extends a CPL outline contour by some points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-26 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% used in fourBarposesyntheses with constraint "EXTEND CPLM" (Status of:
% 2022-01-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLadd, CPLaddauxpoints, CPLrack4PL
% CPLC=CPLextendbyPL(CPL,PL,[lim,buf])
% CPL: Exisintg CPL
% PL: New Points
% lim: limit until extension default is s
% buf: buffer arount PL; default is s/10
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLC: New Contour
% CPLextendbyPL(CPLsample(6),[-10 -10],'',1)
% CPLextendbyPL(CPLsample(12),[-10 -10],'',1)
% See also: CPLadd, CPLaddauxpoints, CPLrack4PL
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

figcopyright(cname)- draws a copyright marker inside of the current figure

figcopyright(cname)% figcopyright(cname) - draws a copyright marker inside of the current figure
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-26 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: username, pixelofaxis, SGfigurefooter
% [h,lc]=figcopyright([cname])
% cname: copyright owner; default is user name
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to the text
% lc: position if text in gca
% clf; figcopyright; shg
% clf; figcopyright(' by Franz Irlinger'); shg
% See also: username, pixelofaxis, SGfigurefooter
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGfigurefooter(textstr)- plots a footer into the window

SGfigurefooter(textstr)% SGfigurefooter(textstr) - plots a footer into the window
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-25 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: figcopyright
% h=SGfigurefooter(textstr)
% textstr: textstring for footer
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to text
% clf; figcopyright(' by Franz Moser'); shg, SGfigurefooter('This is a test');
% See also: figcopyright
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

getPoseconstraintvalue(PS,tags2find)- returns wether a condition string is used within a Pose field

getPoseconstraintvalue(PS,tags2find)% getPoseconstraintvalue(PS,tags2find) - returns wether a condition string is used within a Pose field
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-25 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% break length CPL0 within [1000 2000]
% (Status of: 2021-12-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosesampleCover, isPoseconstraint
% found=getPoseconstraintvalue(PS,[tags2find])
% PS: Pose including a field "cnstr" for constraints OR string
% tags2find: condition string to find a value constraint
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% found: true or false or a value
% getPoseconstraintvalue('isrot, break length CPL0 > [1000 2000]','break length CPL0 >') % finds [1000 2000]
% getPoseconstraintvalue('isrot, break length CPL0 > [1000 2000]','break length CPLW >') % returns false
% getPoseconstraintvalue('isrot, break length CPL0 > [1000 2000]','length CPL0 >') % returns a string
% See also: PosesampleCover, isPoseconstraint
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLofPLcrossCPL(CPL,PL,LL)- cuts a line by crossings using a CPL

CPLofPLcrossCPL(CPL,PL,LL)% CPLofPLcrossCPL(CPL,PL,LL) - cuts a line by crossings using a CPL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-22 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% works with CPLs
% (Ugly Implementation but requrired for
% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation (Status of: 2021-12-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: crossC2P, isInteriorofCPL
% CPL: Closed Polygon line
% PL: Point List
% LL: Optional Length or angle list related to the points of PL
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NPL: Point list separated by the crossing
% FFL: Interpolated Value List
% CPLofPLcrossCPL(PLcircle(10,8),[-15 -15;+15 -15]) % No crossing
% CPLofPLcrossCPL(PLcircle(10,8),[-15 -15;+15 +15]) % Crossing
% CPLofPLcrossCPL(CPLsample(13),[-15 -15;+15 +15]) % three crossings
% CPLofPLcrossCPL(PLcircle([10,4,3],8),[-20 20;-5 -5; -4 -4; 5 5; 20 20]) % Crossing
% CPLofPLcrossCPL(PLcircle([10,4,3],8),[-20 20;-5 -5; -4 -4; 5 5; 20 20],[0 9 0 0 9]) % interpolation
% CPLofPLcrossCPL(PLcircle([10,4,3],8),[-20 20;-5 -5; -4 -4],[0 9 0]) % End in empty
% See also: crossC2P, isInteriorofCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

angleintersect(WINA,WINB)- intersect two angle areas

angleintersect(WINA,WINB)% angleintersect(WINA,WINB) - intersect two angle areas
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-21 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% isincirclesegment
% angleshift
% angleinterv
% Even having the three fnctns, it is still always a challange to work
% with the angle intervals (Status of: 2021-12-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, angleshift, angleinterv
% WINC=angleintersect(WINA,WINB)
% WINA: angle interval A
% WINB: angle interval B
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% WINC: Intersection of angle interval
% angleintersect([3.6*pi 4.6*pi],[0 pi/6]+-pi+1.3) % NO OVERLAPP
% angleintersect([3.6*pi 4.6*pi],[0 pi/6]+-pi+1.4) % right overlap
% angleintersect([3.6*pi 4.6*pi],[0 pi/6]+-pi+2) % inside
% angleintersect([3.6*pi 4.6*pi],[0 pi/6]+-pi+3) % inside
% angleintersect([3.6*pi 4.6*pi],[0 pi/6]+-pi+4) % inside
% angleintersect([3.6*pi 4.6*pi],[0 pi/6]+-pi+4.8) % left overlap
% See also: isincirclesegment, angleshift, angleinterv
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

isPoseconstraint(PS,cond)- returns wether a condition string is used within a Pose field

isPoseconstraint(PS,cond)% isPoseconstraint(PS,cond) - returns wether a condition string is used within a Pose field
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-20 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% % LIMCR collision CPLW CPLC
% % LIMCR collision CPLW CPLS
% % BREAK collision CPLM CPLC
% % BREAK collision CPLM CPLS
% (Status of: 2021-12-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosesampleCover, getPoseconstraintvalue
% found=isPoseconstraint(PS,[cond])
% PS: Pose including a field "cnstr" for constraints OR string
% cond: condition string to find in constraint
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% found: true or false
% isPoseconstraint(PosesampleCover,'LIMCR collision CPLW CPLC') % check finding in Pose constraints
% isPoseconstraint(PosesampleCover,'LIMCR coll CPLW CPLM') %
% isPoseconstraint('LIMCR coll CPLW CPLC','LIMCR coll CPLW CPLC') % Direct call with 2 strings
% See also: PosesampleCover, getPoseconstraintvalue
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

fourbarplotABGPL(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,R12o,wlim,CPLE)- simply plots a fourbar linkage based on points - recommended in SG-Lib 5.1

fourbarplotABGPL(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,R12o,wlim,CPLE)% fourbarplotABGPL(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,R12o,wlim,CPLE) - simply plots a fourbar linkage based on points - recommended in SG-Lib 5.1
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-19 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Fnctn to explain the programming: (9th parameter is CPLE)
% Any 4bar linkage that is defined by four joint coordinates is able to
% execute a unique movement solution (in constrast to a 4bar linkage that
% is defined by link length) in a specific elbow configuration and in the
% right crank movement segment. By defining the attachment points A1 and
% B1 relative to a Pose O0, also the shape of the coupler link is
% defined. In case that link diameter and bire diameter are given, it is
% possible to draw an linkage that can even extruded to a solid geometry.
% (Status of: 2021-12-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLofFourbarcouplercurve, R12ofCPL, CPLfourbarcontour
% h=fourbarplotABGPL(A0,B0,A1,B1,[GPLA,GPLB,R12o,wlim,CPLE])
% A0: Base point of crank
% B0: Base point of swing
% A1: Attachment point of crank at coupler
% B1: Attachment point of swing at coupler
% GPLA: Position of attachment point A1 relativ to a pose
% GPLB: Position of attachment point B1 relativ to a pose
% R12o: R12ofCPL [Out and inner radius of link and bore]
% wlim: if used, the movement path of crank, swing and pose are drawn
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to the plot;
% CPLfourbarcontour(100,20,100,50); CPL=ans;
% R12ofCPL(CPL);
% cla; fourbarplotABGPL(CPL(1,:), CPL(2,:), CPL(4,:), CPL(3,:));
% See also: PLofFourbarcouplercurve, R12ofCPL, CPLfourbarcontour
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

R12ofCPL(CPL)- return standardized link and joint dimensions

R12ofCPL(CPL)% R12ofCPL(CPL) - return standardized link and joint dimensions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-19 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% More or less for creating nice images and animations in 4bar linkage
% synthesis (Status of: 2021-12-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fourbarplotABGPL
% R12o=R12ofCPL(CPL)
% CPL: List of Points for A0, B0, B1, A1
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% R12o: [Outer and Inner radius] for links
% R12ofCPL(CPLfourbarcontour(100,20,100,50)) % CAll with length
% See also: fourbarplotABGPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

textadjust2gca (hh)- adjust text width to fit in gca

textadjust2gca (hh)% textadjust2gca (hh) - adjust text width to fit in gca
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-16 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% required for example in Videotitle if the title does not fit on the
% screen width (Status of: 2021-12-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGfigureeval, SGfigurepapermode, papermode, fontsize,
% imageVideoTitle
% textadjust2gca(hh)
% hh: handle to text
% SGfigure; axis off; h=textP([-.2 0],'The quick brown fox jums over the lazy dog','','',32);
% textadjust2gca(h)
% See also: SGfigureeval, SGfigurepapermode, papermode, fontsize,
% imageVideoTitle
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PosesampleWalk- pose sample will be integrated into Posesample

PosesampleWalk% PosesampleWalk - pose sample will be integrated into Posesample
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-16 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Posesample(12)
% (Status of: 2022-01-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Posesample
% PS=PosesampleWalk
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Posesample(12)
% PosesampleWalk; PS=ans;
% See also: Posesample
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

PosetransrelGPL(PS,ng,nn)- shifts the poses into an effector grid point

PosetransrelGPL(PS,ng,nn)% PosetransrelGPL(PS,ng,nn) - shifts the poses into an effector grid point
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-15 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosetransrelCPLE, GPLauxgridpointsCPS2
% PS=PosetransrelGPL(PS,[ng,nn])
% PS: Pose
% ng: optional number of grid points
% nn: selected grid point; default is nearest
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Resulting Pose
% PosetransrelGPL(Posesample(12)); % GPL unchanged, just shifted to nearest Grid point
% PosetransrelGPL(Posesample(12),'','1); % GPL unchanged, just shifted to Grid point 1
% PosetransrelGPL(Posesample(12),30); % New GPL with 30 entries and nearst is selected
% See also: PosetransrelCPLE, GPLauxgridpointsCPS2
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

attachmentpointsofA1B1TP(A1,B1,TP)- returns the grid points relative to effector from A1, B1 and a coordinate or pase

attachmentpointsofA1B1TP(A1,B1,TP)% attachmentpointsofA1B1TP(A1,B1,TP) - returns the grid points relative to effector from A1, B1 and a coordinate or pase
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-14 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TofPoseattachmentpoints, CPLofA1B1P, TofA1B1GPL
% [GPA,GPB,TPP]=attachmentpointsofA1B1TP(A1,B1,TP)
% A1: Position of A1 (Crank attachment point)
% B1: Position of B1 (Follower attachment point)
% TP: Pose or coordinate of coupler point
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% GPA: Relative grid position of Crank attachment to Effector pose
% GPB: Relative grid position of follower attachment to Effector pose
% TPP: Pose in case that a point was used
% [GPA,GPB]=attachmentpointsofA1B1TP(A1,B1,TP)
% PL=PLofFourbarcouplercurve(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPA,GPB,wlim,CPLE);
% See also: TofPoseattachmentpoints, CPLofA1B1P, TofA1B1GPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

angleinterv(wins,ival);- shifts an angle intervall table vainto a fixed interval such as [-pi..+pi] or [0 2*pi]

angleinterv(wins,ival);% angleinterv(wins,ival); - shifts an angle intervall table vainto a fixed interval such as [-pi..+pi] or [0 2*pi]
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-14 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% the second value is always in the interval [wins(i,1)+2*pi]
% for i=1:size(wins,1)
% wins(i,1)=angleshift(wins(i,1),ival);
% wins(i,2)=angleshift(wins(i,2),wins(i,1)); %% shifted into the
% array from wins(1)..wins(1)+2*pi
% end
% (Status of: 2021-12-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, CPLcrosscircseg, angleshift, cplot
% wins=angleinterv(wins,[ival]);
% wins: List of angle delta values [wmin wmax]
% ival: [-pi..+pi] or [0 2*pi]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% wins: Values of wins(:,1) in the allowed ival; no delta > 2*pi
% AL=rand(10,2)*3*pi, angleinterv(AL)
% See also: isincirclesegment, CPLcrosscircseg, angleshift, cplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

cplot(A0,wins,fc,fa,ec,lw)- Plots a list of circle segments

cplot(A0,wins,fc,fa,ec,lw)% cplot(A0,wins,fc,fa,ec,lw) - Plots a list of circle segments
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-14 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% dw=wins(:,2)-wins(:,1); s1=angleshift(wins(:,1)); wins=[s1
% s1+angleshift(dw)];
% (Status of: 2021-12-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, CPLcrosscircseg, angleshift, angleinterv
% h=cplot([A0,wins,fc,fa,ec,lw])
% A0: Center and Radius of circle [x y R]; default is [0 0 1]
% wins: [min max]; angle
% fc: optional FaceColor
% fa: optional FaceAlpha
% ec: optional EdgeColor
% lw: optional Edge Line Width
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to go
% SGfigure; cplot ([10 10 2],[0 0.2*pi; 0.6*pi 0.8*pi; 0.9*pi 1.8*pi]+2*pi,'b',1)
% See also: isincirclesegment, CPLcrosscircseg, angleshift, angleinterv
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

angleshift(AL,ival)- shifts an agle value into a fixed interval such as [-pi..+pi] or [0 2*pi]

angleshift(AL,ival)% angleshift(AL,ival) - shifts an agle value into a fixed interval such as [-pi..+pi] or [0 2*pi]
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-14 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, CPLcrosscircseg, cplot, angleinterv
% AL=angleshift(AL,[ival])
% AL: List of angle values
% ival: [-pi..+pi] or [0 2*pi]; or [ival ival+2*pi]; default is [0 2*pi]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% AL: Alle values inside the allowed interval
% AL=rand(10,2)*3*pi,
% angleshift(AL)
% angleshift(AL,[pi +pi) % [-pi ... pi]
% angleshift(AL,[0 2*pi]) % [0 ...2*pi]
% angleshift(AL,2) % [2 ... 2+2*pi]
% See also: isincirclesegment, CPLcrosscircseg, cplot, angleinterv
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLcrosscircseg(CPLA,A0,wlim)- fnct to detect crossing segments of a circ line with a CPL

CPLcrosscircseg(CPLA,A0,wlim)% CPLcrosscircseg(CPLA,A0,wlim) - fnct to detect crossing segments of a circ line with a CPL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-13 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Fnctn to detect crossing angles for crank and follower attchment point
% path in fourbar linkage design tasks. Resolution is one degree;
% Could be speed up by ray beam analysis instead of CPL subtraction
% (Status of: 2021-12-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, angleshift, angleinterv, cplot,
% CPLofPLcrossCPL
% [wlim,winv]=CPLcrosscircseg([CPLA,A0,wlim])
% CPLA: CPL of restricted Area
% A0: Center of circular movement
% wlim: angle interval of circular movement; default is [0 2*pi]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% wlim: list of crossed angle segments (right hand)
% winv: inverse angle segments of wlim (right hand)
% CPLcrosscircseg(CPLsample(3),[0 10 4 0.1]) % A0=[0 10] r=4; d=0.1
% CPLcrosscircseg(CPLsample(3),[0 10 4 0.1],[1.2*pi,2.4*pi]) % A0=[0 10] r=4; d=0.1
% CPLcrosscircseg(CPLsample(3),[0 -6 4 0.1],[1.2*pi,2.4*pi]) % A0=[0 10] r=4; d=0.1
% CPLcrosscircseg(CPLsample(3),[6 0 4 0.1],[1.2*pi,2.4*pi]) % A0=[0 10] r=4; d=0.1
% CPLcrosscircseg(CPLsample(3),[5 -6 4 0.1],[1.2*pi,2.9*pi]+pi/6)
% See also: isincirclesegment, angleshift, angleinterv, cplot,
% CPLofPLcrossCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

dbpause(str,str2)- similar to pause, but shows the calling fnct and if dbprintmode is on, jumps to the line

dbpause(str,str2)% dbpause(str,str2) - similar to pause, but shows the calling fnct and if dbprintmode is on, jumps to the line
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Debug fnctn of Tim Lueth
% dbprintf
% dbpause
% dbsave
% dbreturn
% dbprintmode
% (Status of: 2021-12-23)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: dbprintf, dbreturn, dbsave, dbprintmode
% ch=dbpause([str,str2])
% str: string, if there is no time, or zero or seconds
% str2: prompt if a time is used
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ch: key character that was used in the graphics figure to continue
% after pause
% See also: dbprintf, dbreturn, dbsave, dbprintmode
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

PosetransrelCPLE(PS,TN)- shifts pose definition and CPLE using an HT transformation

PosetransrelCPLE(PS,TN)% PosetransrelCPLE(PS,TN) - shifts pose definition and CPLE using an HT transformation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-11 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Currently just an educational fnctn and testing fuction to explain the
% importance of the effector shape in contrast to the pose positions,
% wich are useless without the effector pose relative to the poses
% (Status of: 2021-12-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Posetransui, PosetransrelGPL
% PSN=PosetransrelCPLE(PS,[TN])
% PS: Pose with A and B and CPLE
% TN: relative movement of the CPLE origin
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PSN: Pose with shifted A and shifted B and shifted CPLE
% PosetransrelCPLE(Posesample(12), TofR(rot(pi/20),[50 5]))
% See also: Posetransui, PosetransrelGPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TofA1B1GPL(A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB)- Returns the Frame of the Pose wrt to

TofA1B1GPL(A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB)% TofA1B1GPL(A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB) - Returns the Frame of the Pose wrt to
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-10 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% TofPose - Frame of A1 from Point A1 and B1
% TofPoseGPL - Frames of A1 and B1 from Pose and GPL
% TofA1B1GPL - Frame of Pose from A1 and B1 and GPL
% TofPoseattachmentpoints - Frames of B1 and A1 from Pose qnd Points A1
% and B1
% Links: Crank (Kurbel), follower (Swing, Rocker), coupler (Koppel),
% ground link;
% ground base points (Gestellpunkte), attachment points (Anlenkpunkte)
% (Status of: 2021-12-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TofPoseGPL, TofPose, TofPoseattachmentpoints, CPLofA1B1P,
% attachmentpointsofA1B1TP
% [TP,TA1,TB1]=TofA1B1GPL([A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB])
% A1: Attachment Point A1 in Space
% B1: Attachment Point B1 in Space
% GPLA: Attachment Point A1 on Effector
% GPLB: Attachment Point B1 on Effector
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TP: Pose in Space
% TA1: Fram A1 in Space
% TB1: Fram B1 in Space
% T=TofR(rot(pi/3),[0 100]); GPLA=[-40 -40], GPLB=[40,-40], A1=PLtransT(GPLA,T);B1=PLtransT(GPLB,T);
% See also: TofPoseGPL, TofPose, TofPoseattachmentpoints, CPLofA1B1P,
% attachmentpointsofA1B1TP
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLnearestNeighbor(VL1,VL2)- returns the nearest points in VL1 to the points in VL2

VLnearestNeighbor(VL1,VL2)% VLnearestNeighbor(VL1,VL2) - returns the nearest points in VL1 to the points in VL2
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-10 as class: VERTICES / CLOUDS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: nearestpair, nearestcluster, PLcorrelate, VLcorrelate
% nn=VLnearestNeighbor(VL1,VL2)
% VL1: Vertex list or Point List [m x 3]
% VL2: Vertex list or Point List [n x 3]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nn: Index in VL1 which is nearest to VL2 [n x 1]
% VLnearestNeighbor(rand(10,2),rand(10,2))
% VLnearestNeighbor(rand(10,3),rand(10,3))
% See also: nearestpair, nearestcluster, PLcorrelate, VLcorrelate
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

GPLauxgridpointsCPS2(CPLR,nr);- creates a defined number of Gridpoints

GPLauxgridpointsCPS2(CPLR,nr);% GPLauxgridpointsCPS2(CPLR,nr); - creates a defined number of Gridpoints
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-10 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% In contrast to GPLauxgridpointsCPS, this fnctn limits the number of
% grid points (Status of: 2021-12-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: GPLauxgridpointsCPS, GPLofPoseCPL
% [GPL2,d2,GPL1]=GPLauxgridpointsCPS2(CPLR,[nr]);
% CPLR: Contour
% nr: number of points to fill in;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% GPL2: Grid Point list, size is smaller or equal as nr
% d2: used distance
% GPL1: smallest gridpoint list with more than nr points
% GPLauxgridpointsCPS2(CPLsample(3),55); size(ans,1)
% See also: GPLauxgridpointsCPS, GPLofPoseCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

screencapture(scsize)- returns the full screen as frame, i.e. also confidential inforamtion in other applications

screencapture(scsize)% screencapture(scsize) - returns the full screen as frame, i.e. also confidential inforamtion in other applications
% (by Matlab-CENTRAL, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-10 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Handle with care, since it is possible to send data using matlab
% On the other hand, it is also possible to readout the commandwindow and
% editorscren if undocked which can be used for lectures too (Status of:
% 2021-12-10)
% See also: getframe, figsetsize, SGprintgcf
% imgData=screencapture([scsize])
% scsize: [start end cols rows]; default is get(0,'ScreenSize');
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% imgData: rows x cols x 3 as uint8
% EXAMPLE: Just call
% screencapture;
% I=screencapture; whos I
% screencapture([10 10 20 20 ]); whos ans
% See also: getframe, figsetsize, SGprintgcf

PosesampleCover- creates a pose struct sample for a box hinge lid

PosesampleCover% PosesampleCover - creates a pose struct sample for a box hinge lid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-09 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosesampleCover, PosesampleWalk, Posesample
% PS=PosesampleCover
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose sample for a box hinge lid
% See also: PosesampleCover, PosesampleWalk, Posesample
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

PoseaddGPL(PS,nr,bf,fl)- creates a Grid inside/on a contour

PoseaddGPL(PS,nr,bf,fl)% PoseaddGPL(PS,nr,bf,fl) - creates a Grid inside/on a contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-09 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation,
% Poseplot, Poseplotspace
% PS=PoseaddGPL(PS,[nr,bf,fl])
% PS: Pose with Contour CPLE
% nr: Number of Grid points to be achieved
% bf: distance to outer contour; default is 0;
% fl: if false; the conotur is filled; default is false
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose with CPLE and GPL
% PS.CPLE=CPLsample(3); PoseaddGPL(PS,60,1);
% PoseaddGPL(Posesample(12),60,1); Poseplot(Posesample(12));
% PS=Posesample(1), PoseaddGPL(PS,30); Poseplot(PS)
% See also: checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation,
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation,
% Poseplot, Poseplotspace
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGreadstructfile(fname)- Reads in an matlab struct from an ascii struct file

SGreadstructfile(fname)% SGreadstructfile(fname) - Reads in an matlab struct from an ascii struct file
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-08 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% ##
% #
% ,
% ,
% (extracted from PosereadAPD, 2019-02-15)
% All files with ending APD (ascci pose definition) are ascii struct files
% (Status of: 2021-12-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosereadAPD, readtextfile
% [PS,fname]=SGreadstructfile([fname])
% fname: filename of the struct
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Struct
% fname: used filename
% EXAMPLE: File format:
% ## Comment
% # A
% 5, 5, 6
% # B
% 6, 6
% 7, 7
% # C
% Dies ist ein Test
% See also: PosereadAPD, readtextfile
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

createvideoscript(fname)- fnct to create video tutorials of text, videos, figures

createvideoscript(fname)% createvideoscript(fname) - fnct to create video tutorials of text, videos, figures
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-08 as class: VIDEO/AUDIO/PDF)
% Often in teaching figures or animations are made using matlab. Thoses
% videos are uploaded to youtube or another video repository. Students
% can easlity learn from videos by using the play and stop fnctn of a
% player and often no audio is required if text pages are used. On the
% other hand, creating videos is extremly time consuming. This fnctn
% helps to make small clips explaining topics.
% The basic commands in the script file are
% ## Comment line
% # Textpage: with following text files
% # Video:
% # Image:
% # Title: < Title >, < subtitle >, < author-and-date >
% # Figure:
% # End:
% # RETURN: just for debugging, stops the execution of the script
% (Status of: 2021-12-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: drawnowvid, Videoquickcloseandopen, Videoquickwritetextpage,
% Videoquickstart, Videoquickwritegcf
% createvideoscript([fname])
% fname: filename of script file
% EXAMPLE: Create a directory and use a ascii textfile, for example videoscript.txt that uses the
% commands mentioned above! Such as:
% ## written by firstname lastname 2021-12-09
% # VIDEO:
% # TITLE: My video title
% Hello Line 1
% Hello Line 2
% # END:
% See also: drawnowvid, Videoquickcloseandopen, Videoquickwritetextpage,
% Videoquickstart, Videoquickwritegcf
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,psel,grdnx,solu,cnstr)- Performs a fourbar-linkage syntheses based on ONE defined Pose

checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,psel,grdnx,solu,cnstr)% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,psel,grdnx,solu,cnstr) - Performs a fourbar-linkage syntheses based on ONE defined Pose
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-06 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% In the SG-Lib exist, there exist
% checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation - 3 Poses plus Effector Grid Points
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation - 2 Poses plus Effector Grid Points
% plus Base Area Grid Points
% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation - 1 Pose plus Effector Grid Points
% plus Base Area Grid Points plus Pose contour shape
% (Status of: 2021-12-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, Posefourbarplotcouplercurve,
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation,
% PosecreateGPL
% PS=checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,[psel,grdnx,solu,cnstr])
% PS: Pose struct including CPLE, A, B
% psel: selector of pose
% grdnx: [grid nr, link radius, effector radius]; default [30 2.5 0.1]
% solu: [A0i B0i A1i B1i] in CPLM and CPLE, if negative animated
% cnstr: optional constraint string
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pose struct
% PS=PosesampleCover, PosecreateGPL(PS,30); Poseplot(PS);
% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,1)
% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,30)
% checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation(PS,1,30,[1 2 26 24)
% See also: isincirclesegment, Posefourbarplotcouplercurve,
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation,
% PosecreateGPL
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

drawnowvid()- this fnct is an auxilary fnct to automate the creation of videos

drawnowvid()% drawnowvid() - this fnct is an auxilary fnct to automate the creation of videos
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-06 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% If animations are created typically the drawnow fnctn is used to update
% the screen. If later there is an idea to create videos from those
% fnctn, it is possible to change the fnctn by inserting
% Videoquickwritegcf or more easy to replace the drawnow fnctn by
% drawnowvid. If there is no valid video writer, the fnctns is just
% drawnow; in case that there is an open Vieowrite by Videoquickstart, a
% snapshot is writen into the video.
% if Videoquickwritegcf fails within this fnctn, global Videoquick_vw is
% set to [] (Status of: 2021-12-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Videoquickwritetextpage, Videoquickstart,
% Videoquickcloseandopen, Videoquickwritegcf
% drawnowvid([])
% See also: Videoquickwritetextpage, Videoquickstart,
% Videoquickcloseandopen, Videoquickwritegcf
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

figsize(sz)- sets the figure size

figsize(sz)% figsize(sz) - sets the figure size
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-06 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% For some video recordings it is necessary that the recorded figure
% using getframe(gcf) has a defined size (Status of: 2021-12-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: fullview, Videoquickwritetextpage, fontsize, papermode
% [nsz]=figsize([sz])
% sz: desired size; default is [960 540]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% [nsz]: new size
% close all; SGfigure; set(gcf,'Position',[400 400 400 400]); pause; figsize([3000 100])
% close all; SGfigure; set(gcf,'Position',[400 400 400 400]); pause; figsize
% getframe(gcf)
% See also: fullview, Videoquickwritetextpage, fontsize, papermode
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

popgcf- remains only the remembered graphics object in the current figure

popgcf% popgcf - remains only the remembered graphics object in the current figure
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% ..useful if the recording of all handles is not possible (Status of:
% 2021-12-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: copyfig, copygo, pastego, pushgcf
% popgcf
% SGfigure; SGbox; pushgcf; CPSplot(PLcircle(30)); pause(1); popgcf;
% See also: copyfig, copygo, pastego, pushgcf
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

pushgcf- remembers all graphics object in the current figure;

pushgcf% pushgcf - remembers all graphics object in the current figure;
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% ..useful if the recording of all handles is not possible (Status of:
% 2021-12-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: copyfig, copygo, pastego, popgcf
% pushgcf
% SGfigure; SGbox; pushgcf; CPSplot(PLcircle(30)); pause(1); popgcf;
% See also: copyfig, copygo, pastego, popgcf
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLcrossline(CPL,PL,acc);- calculates the intersection of a CPL with a line

CPLcrossline(CPL,PL,acc);% CPLcrossline(CPL,PL,acc); - calculates the intersection of a CPL with a line
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: crossC2P, CPLofPLcrossCPL
% CPLX=CPLcrossline(CPL,PL,[acc]);
% CPL: CLosed polygon region
% PL: Point list
% acc: accuracy, line thickness; default is 0.01
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLX: Crossing Area
% CPLcrossline(CPLsample(37),[0 0;0 10],1)
% See also: crossC2P, CPLofPLcrossCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TofPoseGPL(TP,A1,B1,CD)- returns the frames for A1 and B1 from a Pose and 2 GPL attachment points

TofPoseGPL(TP,A1,B1,CD)% TofPoseGPL(TP,A1,B1,CD) - returns the frames for A1 and B1 from a Pose and 2 GPL attachment points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% TofPose - Frame of A1 from Point A1 and B1
% TofPoseGPL - Frames of A1 and B1 from Pose and GPL
% TofA1B1GPL - Frame of Pose from A1 and B1 and GPL
% TofPoseattachmentpoints - Frames of B1 and A1 from Pose qnd Points A1
% and B1
% (Status of: 2021-12-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TofPoseGPL, TofPose, TofA1B1GPL, TofPoseattachmentpoints
% [TA1,TB1,TP]=TofPoseGPL([TP,A1,B1,CD])
% TP: World frame of Pose
% A1: Point A1 in GPL
% B1: Point B1 in GPL
% CD: CODE for meaning of A1 and B1 'GLP'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TA1: World frame of A1
% TB1: World frame of B1
% TP: World frame of Pose
% TofPoseGPL( TofR(rot(pi/3),[0 100]),[-40 -40],[40,-40],'GPL->A1B1') % Position and Rotation
% TofPoseGPL( [0 100],[-40 -40],[40,-40],'GPL->A1B1') % Position and no rotation
% TofPoseGPL( [0 100],[-40 -40],[40,-40]) % Position and no rotation
% See also: TofPoseGPL, TofPose, TofA1B1GPL, TofPoseattachmentpoints
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PoseplotGBLsolutions(PS,ul,an)- plots an individual solution of a 2 Pose syntheses (Field GBL)

PoseplotGBLsolutions(PS,ul,an)% PoseplotGBLsolutions(PS,ul,an) - plots an individual solution of a 2 Pose syntheses (Field GBL)
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2021-12-31) - USE 'Poseplotsolution' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% Developed for checking the plausibility during testing if fnctn
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation (Status of: 2021-12-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: [ Poseplotsolution ] ; checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation
% [h,PL]=PoseplotGBLsolutions(PS,[ul,an])
% PS: Pose struct include GBL solutions and psel
% ul: solution indices to plot from GBP
% an: if true; the solution is also animated
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to drawing
% PL: Point list of last solution
% PosereadAPD('/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/MATLAB_files_for_experiments/basecabinet_new.APD');PS=ans;
% PS=checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,[1 3]); PS=ans; % ANALYZE
% PoseplotGBLsolutions(PS,386)
% See also: [ Poseplotsolution ] ; checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

fourBarplotPoints(A0,B0,A1,B1,P);- just plot a specific fourbar configuration based on points

fourBarplotPoints(A0,B0,A1,B1,P);% fourBarplotPoints(A0,B0,A1,B1,P); - just plot a specific fourbar configuration based on points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofA1B1P, PosefourbarCPLE
% h=fourBarplotPoints([A0,B0,A1,B1,P]);
% A0: A0 or CPL with ORDER [A0; B0; B1; A1]
% B0: Base of swing
% A1: End of Crank
% B1: End of Swing
% P: Position or Frame of Pose
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to go
% EXAMPLE: SGfigure; fourBarplotPoints([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 70]) % based on points
% SGfigure; fourBarplotPoints([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 70],[40 40]) % including pose
% SGfigure; fourBarplotPoints([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 70],TofR(rot(pi/4),[40 40]))
% SGfigure; fourBarplotPoints(CPLfourbarcontour ([200,80,100,80]),'','','',[40 40]);
% SGfigure; fourBarplotPoints(CPLfourbarcontour ([200,80,100,80]),'','','',TofR(rot(pi/4),[40 40]));
% See also: CPLofA1B1P, PosefourbarCPLE
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLofA1B1P(A1,B1,P0,R12o,CPLN)- returns a CPL exactly for the given three points

CPLofA1B1P(A1,B1,P0,R12o,CPLN)% CPLofA1B1P(A1,B1,P0,R12o,CPLN) - returns a CPL exactly for the given three points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% just another (Status of: 2021-12-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PosefourbarCPLE, attachmentpointsofA1B1TP, TofA1B1GPL
% [CPLE,T,CPLX]=CPLofA1B1P([A1,B1,P0,R12o,CPLN])
% A1: Position of A1
% B1: Position of B1
% P0: 1) Position of Pose or 2) Frame of Pose wen A1 B1 is reached
% R12o: Outer and inner Radius for linkages
% CPLN: CPLE as additional contour; 0 for an automatic shaped
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: Frame of Pose at
% CPLX: CPLE at Position T
% CPLofA1B1P([30 0; 0 40; 0 0]);
% CPLofA1B1P([30 0], [0 40], [0 0]);
% CPLofA1B1P([30 0], [0 40], TofR(rot(pi/4),[0 0]));
% CPLofA1B1P([30 0], [0 40], TofR(rot(pi/4),[40 40]));
% CPLofA1B1P([30 0], [0 40], TofR(rot(pi/4),[40 40]),'',PLgearDIN(2)); % Add a gear
% CPLofA1B1P([30 0], [0 40], TofR(rot(pi/4),[40 40]),'',0); % Add a small L
% See also: PosefourbarCPLE, attachmentpointsofA1B1TP, TofA1B1GPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

B1ofA1(A1,L2,w)- returns a second attachment point from a 1st Attachment point, distance and angle

B1ofA1(A1,L2,w)% B1ofA1(A1,L2,w) - returns a second attachment point from a 1st Attachment point, distance and angle
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-04 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: KDWofXY, KDWofPoseattachments, PosefourbarCPLE,
% TofPoseattachmentpoints, KDWPoseinsideCPL, KDWPosevariation
% B1=B1ofA1(A1,L2,[w])
% A1: Attachment Point 1 relative to Origin/Pose center
% L2: Length of coupler
% w: angle of Pose to achieve
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% B1: Position of Attachment Point 2
% B1ofA1([-40 -40],100)
% A1=[-40 -40]; B1ofA1(A1,100,pi/30); B1=ans;
% KDWofXY(A1,B1);
% [K,D,W]=KDWofXY(A1,B1)
% See also: KDWofXY, KDWofPoseattachments, PosefourbarCPLE,
% TofPoseattachmentpoints, KDWPoseinsideCPL, KDWPosevariation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLofFourbarcouplercurve(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wsol,CPLE)- Creates the coupler courve for an Fourbar given by four points

PLofFourbarcouplercurve(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wsol,CPLE)% PLofFourbarcouplercurve(A0,B0,A1,B1,GPLA,GPLB,wsol,CPLE) - Creates the coupler courve for an Fourbar given by four points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-02 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This fnctn has an educational code (Status of: 2021-12-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLofPosecouplercurve, PLofPosecentrodes
% [PL0,TL0,wlim,PLC,PLS]=PLofFourbarcouplercurve(A0,B0,A1,B1,[GPLA,GPLB,w
% sol,CPLE])
% A0: Postion of base point crank
% B0: Postion of base point swing
% A1: Endpoint of crank
% B1: Endpoint of swing
% GPLA: optional attachment point of crank at coupler
% GPLB: optional attachment point of swing at coupler
% wsol: optional angle limitations
% CPLE: PLots CPLE in interactive mode
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL0: Point list of coupler courve
% TL0: Frames if coupler courve
% wlim: angle limitation =s
% PLC: Point list of radial crank movement
% PLS: Point list of radial swing movement
% SGfigure;
% cla; PLofFourbarcouplercurve([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 +70]); % Plot without attachment points
% cla; PLofFourbarcouplercurve([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 -70]); % Plot without attachment points
% cla; PLofFourbarcouplercurve([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 70],[-50 -20],[50 0]); % attachment points
% cla; PLofFourbarcouplercurve([0 0],[100 0],[0 60],[100 70],[-50 -100],[50 0]); % attachment points
% See also: PLofPosecouplercurve, PLofPosecentrodes
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PosefourbarCPLE(PS,csi,R12o,orig)- creates a CPL for an Effektor containt 3 Points

PosefourbarCPLE(PS,csi,R12o,orig)% PosefourbarCPLE(PS,csi,R12o,orig) - creates a CPL for an Effektor containt 3 Points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-02 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Better Name CPLofPosefourbarGPL
% (Status of: 2021-12-04)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofPoseffector, CPLofPosefourbarshape,
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping, B1ofA1
% [CPLE,PL,T]=PosefourbarCPLE(PS,[csi,R12o,orig])
% PS: Pose struct or A1 of GPL
% csi: [crank-index swing-index] of GLP for A1 and B1 or B1 of GPL
% R12o: [Outradius Innerradius]
% orig: '0','A','B' to define the origin; default is '0'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLE: Minimal Effektor contour containing Coupler Pose center
% PL: [P0;A1;B1]
% T: T to transform the coupler into the origin; default is eye(3)
% PosereadAPD('/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/MATLAB_files_for_experiments/basecabinet_new.APD');PS=ans;
% PS.CPLE=CPLfillinside(PS.CPLE);
% PosefourbarCPLE(PS,[1 15],10) % CALLED WITH INDEX CI and SI in GPL
% PosefourbarCPLE([10 10],[20 10]) % CALLED WITH A1 and B1 of Coupler
% See also: CPLofPoseffector, CPLofPosefourbarshape,
% CPLofPosefourbarshaping, B1ofA1
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

strfindtag(txt,srch,endstr,endnl)- returns a string after a search string

strfindtag(txt,srch,endstr,endnl)% strfindtag(txt,srch,endstr,endnl) - returns a string after a search string
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-02 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: strfindafter, SGfindswitchcaseconditions, strrepn, strrepalias
% nam=strfindtag(txt,srch,[endstr,endnl])
% txt: text
% srch: search string
% endstr: end tag to
% endnl: optional new line
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nam: trimmed name tag
% [~,b]=system('sw_vers')
% strfindtag(b,'ProductName:',newline)
% See also: strfindafter, SGfindswitchcaseconditions, strrepn, strrepalias
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

verOSX- just tired to find out why and when matlab chashes

verOSX% verOSX - just tired to find out why and when matlab chashes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-02 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: verTL, ver, isatleastVer, iscalledbycmdline
% [osx,mlw]=verOSX
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% osx: osx version
% mlw: warning on matlab stability
% verOSX;
% [a,b]=verOSX
% See also: verTL, ver, isatleastVer, iscalledbycmdline
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

BBofBB(ax,d)- scales an axis our bounding box

BBofBB(ax,d)% BBofBB(ax,d) - scales an axis our bounding box
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-02 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% if abs(d) > 1 then d consists of absolute values
% if abs(d) < 1 then d consists of relative values
% (Status of: 2021-12-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: BBofCPL, BBofCPS, BBofPose, BBofPS, BBofSG, BBofT, BBofVL,
% BBofSGcutT
% nx=BBofBB([ax,d])
% ax: Bounding box
% d: scaling vector
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nx: new exis
% SGbox;ax=BBofBB(axis,0.1); axis(ax)
% BBofBB('',0.1);
% See also: BBofCPL, BBofCPS, BBofPose, BBofPS, BBofSG, BBofT, BBofVL,
% BBofSGcutT
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLcrosslineauxpoints(CPL,p1,p2,md)- creates crossing points of a line a a contour with a grid size

CPLcrosslineauxpoints(CPL,p1,p2,md)% CPLcrosslineauxpoints(CPL,p1,p2,md) - creates crossing points of a line a a contour with a grid size
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-01 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% will be improved in future. Fnctn is used to create base points for
% mechanisms design along of straigt lines within a defined contour
% (Status of: 2021-12-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: crossC2P, CPLofPLcrossCPL
% GPL=CPLcrosslineauxpoints(CPL,p1,p2,md)
% CPL: Contour
% p1: Start Point
% p2: End Point
% md: distance; default is 1mm
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% GPL: Gridpointlist
% CPLcrosslineauxpoints(CPLsample(18),[0 -30],[0 +30],5)
% See also: crossC2P, CPLofPLcrossCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_12_01_Pose2synth- shows how to perform a 3 Pose Fourbar syntheses and a 2 Pose Fourbar syntheses and

exp_2021_12_01_Pose2synth% exp_2021_12_01_Pose2synth - shows how to perform a 3 Pose Fourbar syntheses and a 2 Pose Fourbar syntheses and
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-01 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% exp_2021_12_01_Pose2synth
% exp_2021_12_01_Pose2synth
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,psel,m)- Returns solutions for the 2 Pose Sythesis

checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,psel,m)% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,psel,m) - Returns solutions for the 2 Pose Sythesis
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-DEZ-01 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% The 3 poses synthesis searches for frame points and attachment points
% on an effector so that it can perform a certain movement. It is
% possible that one of the three poses was selected in an unsatisfactory
% way, so that the frame points are not located in the desired area. A
% manual shift and visualization of the effect is given with the
% Posetransui fnctn. This fnctn Posetrans4basepos is an attempt to fix
% two poses and analyze where the third pose would be and whether the
% solution is acceptable, based on the desired frame point positions.
% (Status of: 2021-12-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isincirclesegment, Posetransui,
% checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation,
% Posefourbarplotcouplercurve
% PS=checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,[psel,m])
% PS: Pose struct
% psel: Selection of poses to fix; typically the end poses
% m: [GridNr distlink dist base]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PS: Pos including field 'solut'
% fname=loadweb('Posebasecabinet.APD'); PS=PosereadAPD(fname);
% PosereadAPD('/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/MATLAB_files_for_experiments/basecabinet_new.APD');PS=ans;
% PS=checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation(PS)
% PS=Posetransui(PS)
% checkfourbar2Poseattachpermutation(PS,[1 3]); PS=ans;
% See also: isincirclesegment, Posetransui,
% checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation, checkfourbar1Poseattachpermutation,
% Posefourbarplotcouplercurve
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

VMofimagestack(imnam,r90,scl,angle)- performs the inverse radon on an image stack

VMofimagestack(imnam,r90,scl,angle)% VMofimagestack(imnam,r90,scl,angle) - performs the inverse radon on an image stack
% (by Tim Lueth & Valentin Ameres, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-29 as class: VOXELS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: imstackread, imstackwrite, imstackofSGprojection,
% VMof2Dprojections
% VM=VMofimagestack([imnam,r90,scl,angle])
% imnam: image matrix or folder name (File name)
% r90: rotate the image minus 90 degree; default is true
% scl: scale the image; default is 1
% angle: default i 360
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VM: Voxel Model
% IS=imstackread;
% VM=VMofimagestack(IS);
% SGofVMisosurface(VM<115)
% See also: imstackread, imstackwrite, imstackofSGprojection,
% VMof2Dprojections
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

imstackread(dirname,r90,siz,scl,"ext")- reads in an image stack as default uint16

imstackread(dirname,r90,siz,scl,% imstackread(dirname,r90,siz,scl,"ext") - reads in an image stack as default uint16
% (by Tim Lueth & Valentin Ameres, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-29 as class: IMAGES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: imstackofSGprojection, imstackwrite, VMofimagestack
% [IS,seldir]=imstackread([dirname,r90,siz,scl,"ext"])
% dirname: folder name or file name
% r90: if true, imageas are rotated; default is TRUE
% siz: size; default is taken from file size
% scl: scaling; default is 1
% "ext": default is 'raw'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% IS: image stack
% seldir: selected directory
% imstackofSGprojection(SGsample(17)); IS=ans; % CREATE PROJECTION IMAGES 300x300
% imstackwrite(IS,'test'); dname=ans; % WRITE RAW FILE DIRECTORY
% imstackread(dname,false,'',2); IS=ans; % READIN STACK
% See also: imstackofSGprojection, imstackwrite, VMofimagestack
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

imstackwrite(IS,dirnam,spr,inv)- writes a gray scale intesity matrix n x n x m into raw files (used for radon)

imstackwrite(IS,dirnam,spr,inv)% imstackwrite(IS,dirnam,spr,inv) - writes a gray scale intesity matrix n x n x m into raw files (used for radon)
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-28 as class: IMAGES)
% currently the format is uint 16 raw and the intensity is streched from
% 08 to to 12 bit (Status of: 2021-11-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: imstackofSGprojection, imstackread
% dirnam=imstackwrite([IS,dirnam,spr,inv])
% IS: Image stack (n x n x m)
% dirnam: directory name
% spr: if true; the images are spreaded to achieve maximum of intensity;
% default is false
% inv: if true; the images are inverted change b/w to w/b; default is
% false
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dirnam: name of directory created
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% imstackofSGprojection(SGtrans0(JC1)); IS=ans;
% fname=imstackwrite(IS)
% See also: imstackofSGprojection, imstackread
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

imadjustwhite(IS)- adjusts the intensity values from both side that

imadjustwhite(IS)% imadjustwhite(IS) - adjusts the intensity values from both side that
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-27 as class: IMAGES)
% 99.8% of the values define the spread
% This fnctn is used to create pseudo CT images from a figure projections
% (Status of: 2021-11-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: spreadmax
% IS=imadjustwhite(IS)
% IS: original intensity matrix
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% IS: modified intensity matrix
% See also: spreadmax
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

spreadmax(IS,mm)- spreads the values of a matrix for a desired intervall min to max

spreadmax(IS,mm)% spreadmax(IS,mm) - spreads the values of a matrix for a desired intervall min to max
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-27 as class: IMAGES)
% used in imstackofSGprojection
% (Status of: 2021-11-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: imadjustwhite, imstackofSGprojection
% ISN=spreadmax(IS,[mm])
% IS: matrix
% mm: [min max]; defualt is [0 255]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ISN: new matrix
% See also: imadjustwhite, imstackofSGprojection
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_11_26_Holefix(incr)- Experiment to prove that holes/contours with different wall thicknesses can be sliced

exp_2021_11_26_Holefix(incr)% exp_2021_11_26_Holefix(incr) - Experiment to prove that holes/contours with different wall thicknesses can be sliced
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-26 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Based on an idea originally by Erik Löwe from 2008 for coloring the
% z-corp printed colored solids
% The experiment shows that even the slices to set to 0.8 mm wall
% thickness, it is possible to have sliceed and 3d printed solids whose
% drilling holes have a wall thickness if 1.8mm.
% Fnctn writes a file "HOLEFIX.STL" to used with Ultimaker CURA Sclicer
% and wall thickness 0.8 and infill
% (Status of: 2021-11-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% exp_2021_11_26_Holefix([incr])
% incr: if true; the wall is increased by 1 mm; default is true;
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VofRsphere(R,M)- Lead or steel balls must be installed in cavities to create ballast

VofRsphere(R,M)% VofRsphere(R,M) - Lead or steel balls must be installed in cavities to create ballast
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-26 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: V2A
% [V,W,M]=VofRsphere([R,M])
% R: Radius [r h]; default is [r r]
% M: Material such as 'Fe', 'Pb', 'Si'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% V: Volume
% W: Weight
% M: Material
% VofRsphere(5,'Pb'); % Lead sphere with 10mm diameter
% See also: V2A
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLfeatureedge(CPL,al)- selects corners with an angle larger a limit

CPLfeatureedge(CPL,al)% CPLfeatureedge(CPL,al) - selects corners with an angle larger a limit
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-25 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLangle, PLELofFeatureEdges
% [FE,FEi]=CPLfeatureedge(CPL,[al])
% CPL: Closed Polygon list
% al: alpha; default is pi/4 (45 degree)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FE: List of Points
% FEi: Index of FE within CPL
% CPLfeatureedge(CPLsample(1)) % random shape
% CPLfeatureedge(PLcircle(1)) % 16 edges, limit is 16
% CPLfeatureedge(PLcircle(2)) % 32 edges but limit to small
% See also: PLangle, PLELofFeatureEdges
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

celltype(C,tppe)- creates any type check for cells - Missing matlab fnct or at least unknown to me

celltype(C,tppe)% celltype(C,tppe) - creates any type check for cells - Missing matlab fnct or at least unknown to me
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-25 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Some matlab fnctn such as startsWith work with cell list bu fail if the
% type of the cell elements does not fit. Therefor there is a need to
% check only the elements that fit
% (Status of: 2021-11-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: startsWith, ismemberincell
% celltype(C,tppe)
% C: Cell ist
% tppe: type tu check such as @ischar or @isnumeric
% C={1 'asdasd' eye(4)}
% celltype(C,@isnumeric)
% See also: startsWith, ismemberincell
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLfitinCPLrot(CPLA,CPLB,n)- shifts a CPL into the center of another and rotates for optimal fit

CPLfitinCPLrot(CPLA,CPLB,n)% CPLfitinCPLrot(CPLA,CPLB,n) - shifts a CPL into the center of another and rotates for optimal fit
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-23 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLfitinCPLscale, CPLfitsinCPL
% [CPLN,ww]=CPLfitinCPLrot(CPLA,CPLB,[n])
% CPLA: CPL to fit CPLB in
% CPLB: CPL to be rotated to fit into CPLA
% n: number of angeles to try for best fit; default is
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: New Conotur
% ww: rotation angle
% CPLfitinCPLrot(PLsquare([50,10]), 30+PLtransR(PLsquare([40,8]),rot(pi*rand)),40)
% See also: CPLfitinCPLscale, CPLfitsinCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLfitinCPLscale(CPLA,CPLB,bs)- Scales and moves contour to fit into another

CPLfitinCPLscale(CPLA,CPLB,bs)% CPLfitinCPLscale(CPLA,CPLB,bs) - Scales and moves contour to fit into another
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-23 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLfitinCPLrot
% CPLB=CPLfitinCPLscale(CPLA,CPLB,[bs])
% CPLA: Contour to fit in
% CPLB: Contour that has to be scaled to fit in CPLA
% bs: border size; default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLB: final scaled contour
% CPLfitinCPLscale(CPLsample(1),CPLtextimage('test',400))
% CPLfitinCPLscale(CPLsample(1),CPLtextimage('test',400),2) % 2mm distance to the walls
% See also: CPLfitinCPLrot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGreadSTLdir(dirname,mag,fac)- reads all STL files of a folder into one SG cell list

SGreadSTLdir(dirname,mag,fac)% SGreadSTLdir(dirname,mag,fac) - reads all STL files of a folder into one SG cell list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-19 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGreadSTL, SGwriteSTL, VLFLreadSTL, VLFLwriteSTL, stldir
% SG=SGreadSTLdir([dirname,mag,fac])
% dirname: folder name or single file in a folder
% mag: magnification; default is 1
% fac: maximum number of facets overall
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Cell list of Solids
% See also: SGreadSTL, SGwriteSTL, VLFLreadSTL, VLFLwriteSTL, stldir
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

subplotnumber(fig)- simply returns the number of subplots

subplotnumber(fig)% subplotnumber(fig) - simply returns the number of subplots
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-18 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: plotannotation, selectsubplot
% [n,subs]=subplotnumber([fig])
% fig: default is gcf
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% n: number of subplots
% subs: list of handles
% PLsample; subplotnumber
% See also: plotannotation, selectsubplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLbufferCPLlines(CPL,d)- converts a set of lines into a closed polygon concept

CPLbufferCPLlines(CPL,d)% CPLbufferCPLlines(CPL,d) - converts a set of lines into a closed polygon concept
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-18 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofmeshgrid
% CPLN=CPLbufferCPLlines(CPL,d)
% CPL: CPL consisting of open lines without meshes
% d: buffer width
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: New CPL or CPS
% CPLofmeshgridrods([0 15 25 35 45 55 65],[0 10]); x=ans;
% CPLbufferCPLlines(x,1);
% CPLbufferCPLlines(PLcircle(10),1);
% CPLbufferCPLlines(CPLofPL(PLcircle(10)),1);
% See also: CPLofmeshgrid
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

imstackofSGprojection(SG,sz,nw,tr)- creates projection images similar to a CT from a solid

imstackofSGprojection(SG,sz,nw,tr)% imstackofSGprojection(SG,sz,nw,tr) - creates projection images similar to a CT from a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-17 as class: IMAGES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VMof2Dprojections, imstackwrite, imstackread
% IS=imstackofSGprojection([SG,sz,nw,tr])
% SG: Solid Geometry; default is SGofgca
% sz: size; default is 300
% nw: number of images; default is 180
% tr: transparency level; default is 0.4
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% IS: image stack
% SGloadAdamEva; SG=ans;
% See also: VMof2Dprojections, imstackwrite, imstackread
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VMcaxis2(VM,sect)- adjustes the caxis of the VMplot diagram

VMcaxis2(VM,sect)% VMcaxis2(VM,sect) - adjustes the caxis of the VMplot diagram
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-17 as class: VOXELS)
% In contrast to VMcaxis, which look for minmaxall(VM), this fnctn
% VMcaxis2 uses the intenstity area to cover 98% of the image histogram
% intensities
% SLOW fnctn (Status of: 2021-11-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VMplot, VMwindowplot, VMcaxis, histograms
% ca=VMcaxis2(VM,[sect])
% VM: [cmin cmax]; default is min and max of the current! surfaces
% sect: number of sections for the histogramm; default is 64
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ca: selected Values if called without input paramter
% VMplot(VM)
% VMcaxis2
% See also: VMplot, VMwindowplot, VMcaxis, histograms
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGBAUHAUSbox(siz,b,cutw)- designs a BAUHAUS style boxes to hide cables and stuff

SGBAUHAUSbox(siz,b,cutw)% SGBAUHAUSbox(siz,b,cutw) - designs a BAUHAUS style boxes to hide cables and stuff
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-17 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% This is an homage to the BAUHAUS idea of 1920 to design simple
% geometries in colors that fulfil a task in daily life. Fnctn writes ans
% STL to computer desktop dir
% x y z are dimensions of box
% r radius
% w wall thickness
% l = height of inner cover (Status of: 2021-11-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcompass, SGboxMacmini, SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder
% [box,cov]=SGBAUHAUSbox([siz,b,cutw])
% siz: [x y z r w l]; default is [160 25 20 2]
% b: width of opening; default is z/2
% cutw: angles for openings; default is [0, pi]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% box: SG of box
% cov: SG of cover
% SGBAUHAUSbox([30 20 10 2 1 5])
% SGBAUHAUSbox([195,195,36,2,2,1]) % MAC mini shpaed Box
% SGBAUHAUSbox([150 54 65 1 2 0],0) % Box for sun glasses
% See also: SGcompass, SGboxMacmini, SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLtextbanner(txt,sz,r,rem)- Returs a CPL for an size adjusted Textbanner or Contour

CPLtextbanner(txt,sz,r,rem)% CPLtextbanner(txt,sz,r,rem) - Returs a CPL for an size adjusted Textbanner or Contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-17 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% extracted from SGtextbanner
% if border==0; the border is calculated automatically (Status of:
% 2021-11-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGtextstamp, SGtextbanner
% [CPL,CPLT,CPLB]=CPLtextbanner([txt,sz,r,rem])
% txt: Text or CPL to enclose
% sz: [widht height border]; default is [120 25 4];
% r: optional radius; default is automatic border/2
% rem: if true; the contours that would fall out are removed; default
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: of Text Banner
% CPLT: CPL of Text contour
% CPLB: CPL of Box Contour
% CPLtextbanner
% CPLtextbanner('DISZIPLIN')
% CPLtextbanner(PLcircle([10 20 30 40]),[40 20])
% See also: SGtextstamp, SGtextbanner
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGtextbanner(txt,sz,r)- Returs a solid an a CPL for an size adjusted Textbanner

SGtextbanner(txt,sz,r)% SGtextbanner(txt,sz,r) - Returs a solid an a CPL for an size adjusted Textbanner
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-15 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGtextstamp
% [SG,CPL,CPLT,CPLB]=SGtextbanner([txt,sz,r])
% txt: Text
% sz: [widht height border thickness]; default is 120 25 5 2]
% r: optional radius; default is automatic
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: SG
% CPL: SG contour
% CPLT: Text contour
% CPLB: Box Contour
% SGtextbanner('DISZIPLIN')
% See also: SGtextstamp
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder(siz,num,cutw)- designs a BAUHAUS style boxes to hide cables and stuff

SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder(siz,num,cutw)% SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder(siz,num,cutw) - designs a BAUHAUS style boxes to hide cables and stuff
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-13 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% This is an homage to the BAUHAUS idea of 1920 to design simple
% geometries in colors that fulfil a task in daily life
% writes an STL to the computer desktop folder (Status of: 2021-11-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcompass, SGboxMacmini, SGBAUHAUSbox
% [box,cov]=SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder([siz,num,cutw])
% siz: [diameter height height wall slot]; default is [160 30 2 2 0]
% num: number of edges; default is [];
% cutw: angles for openings; default is [0, -pi/5, +pi/5]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% box: SG of box
% cov: SG of cover
% SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder([160 25 20 2 40])
% SGBAUHAUSdeskcylinder([160 25 20 2 40],6,[0 , -pi/2]) % 6 Edges, 90 degree holes
% See also: SGcompass, SGboxMacmini, SGBAUHAUSbox
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGboxMacmini- designs a cylinder shaped box for my office desk to hide cables and stuff

SGboxMacmini% SGboxMacmini - designs a cylinder shaped box for my office desk to hide cables and stuff
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-11 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% This is an homage to the BAUHAUS idea of 1920 to design simple
% geometries in colors that fulfil a task in daily life
% writes ans STL to computer desktop dir (Status of: 2021-11-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcompass
% [box,cov]=SGboxMacmini
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% box: SG of the box
% cov: SG of the cover
% EXAMPLE: Just call:
% SGboxMacmini
% See also: SGcompass
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcutrecursivly(SG,lim)- cuts a part recursively into pieces until it fits a maximum dimensions

SGcutrecursivly(SG,lim)% SGcutrecursivly(SG,lim) - cuts a part recursively into pieces until it fits a maximum dimensions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-11 as class: SURFACES)
% Useful to separate parts into pices without positive locking
% The cut is done in order of the largest need/ratio for shortening
% (Status of: 2021-11-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGpuzzlecut3D
% SG=SGcutrecursivly(SG,[lim])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% lim: cutting dimensions; default is [inf inf inf]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Cell list of Solid Geometries
% SGcutrecursivly(SGboxMarie,10)
% SGcutrecursivly(SGofCPLz(PLtriangle('','',40),10),[100 10 ])
% See also: SGpuzzlecut3D
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

imreadraw(filname,sz,bit)- reads an image file as raw data

imreadraw(filname,sz,bit)% imreadraw(filname,sz,bit) - reads an image file as raw data
% (by Tim Lueth & Valentin Ameres, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-04 as class: IMAGES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: imread, imreadui, imreadlastchanged, imreadraw
% [IMG,sz]=imreadraw([filname,sz,bit])
% filname: raw data projection image file
% sz: rows and cols of the image;default is automatic detection of a
% square matrix
% bit: bits per pixel; default is 16
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% IMG: single image as real matrix
% sz: size or detected size
% imreadraw('/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/WIN AIM Matlab Libraries/2D_Xray_Projection_(Ameres)/raw_2016_07_13/_0368,00_0031.raw')
% See also: imread, imreadui, imreadlastchanged, imreadraw
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VMof2Dprojections(dirname,angle,siz,lim,scl,r90)- this fnct reads in a directory full of projection images and creates a voxel model

VMof2Dprojections(dirname,angle,siz,lim,scl,r90)% VMof2Dprojections(dirname,angle,siz,lim,scl,r90) - this fnct reads in a directory full of projection images and creates a voxel model
% (by Tim Lueth & Valentin Ameres, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-04 as class: VOXELS)
% This fnctn creates automatically a directory within the given directory
% to story the reconstrion include date and time (Status of: 2021-11-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VMofSG, VMofSGweight
% [VM,SG,IMG]=VMof2Dprojections([dirname,angle,siz,lim,scl,r90])
% dirname: directory name or file name; default is empty => manual select
% angle: angle list or maximum area value of the projection images;
% default is 360
% siz: size of the images; default is squared image matrix
% lim: limit; default is '' == automatic
% scl: scaling; default is 1
% r90: rotate the images 90 degree; default is true
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VM: Voxel model
% SG: Surface Model
% IMG: Image Stack
% EXAMPLE: % '/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/WIN AIM Matlab Libraries/2D_Xray_Projection_(Ameres)/raw_2016_07_13/_0368,00_0031.raw')
% See also: VMofSG, VMofSGweight
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

stldir(fname)- returns path, or filename, or list of existing files

stldir(fname)% stldir(fname) - returns path, or filename, or list of existing files
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-04 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% ATTENTION - non conform argout
% This fnctn is a mixture of pathname, adding a pathname, and finding
% files similar to which written especially for STL files, but could
% easyl modified for alls extensions (Status of: 2021-11-04)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: desktopdir
% [flist,fdir]=stldir([fname])
% fname: strinf to search for in the stl default directory
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% flist: stldir or path to stldir or list of all files that contains the
% search string
% fdir: corresponding dir result
% [stldir filesep 'sdsd'] % just returns stldir as string
% stldir('sdsd') % creates a new filename in to stldir
% stldir('jaguar') % fnds all files that contain the string jaguar
% See also: desktopdir
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGfigureInteractiveMove(SGfigureInteractiveMovebutton)- Interactive moving of patches on the screen

SGfigureInteractiveMove(SGfigureInteractiveMovebutton)% SGfigureInteractiveMove(SGfigureInteractiveMovebutton) - Interactive moving of patches on the screen
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-03 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% 0 = do nothing
% 1 = 'left' click
% 2 = 'right' click
% 3 = 'middle' click
% 4 = 'double' click (Status of: 2021-11-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGfigureInteractiveSort
% SGfigureInteractiveMove([SGfigureInteractiveMovebutton])
% SGfigureInteractiveMovebutton: Task Order 'VIEW ROTATION' 'SOLID MOVE'
% 'Solid Rotate'; default is [2 1 3]
% SGloadAdamEva;
% SGbox([30 20 10;30 40 20;10 10 10],'','randxy',true);
% SGfigureInteractiveMove % Left=move; right = view rotation; middle = rotate
% SGfigureInteractiveMove ([2 1 0]) % No surface rotation
% See also: SGfigureInteractiveSort
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGfigureInteractiveSort(SG)- fnct to sort surfaces into two independent solids interactevely

SGfigureInteractiveSort(SG)% SGfigureInteractiveSort(SG) - fnct to sort surfaces into two independent solids interactevely
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-02 as class: SURFACES)
% Opens two subplots and allos by mouseclick to swap surfaces from a left
% or a right window (Status of: 2021-11-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGsurfaces
% [SGR,SGL]=SGfigureInteractiveSort(SG)
% SG: Original Solid
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGR: Right selection
% SGL: Left selection
% SGreadSTL('../STL Files for SG-Lib/Jaguar E-Type Roadstart 300000.STL'); SG=ans;
% SGfigureInteractiveSort(SG);
% See also: SGsurfaces
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGopentoline(fname,line)- same as opentoline which does not work anymore in 2020b Update6 on Catilina

SGopentoline(fname,line)% SGopentoline(fname,line) - same as opentoline which does not work anymore in 2020b Update6 on Catilina
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-02 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% simply the same as
% matlab.desktop.editor.openAndGoToLine(which(fname),line) (Status of:
% 2021-11-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: opentoline, matlab.desktop.editor.openAndGoToLine
% SGopentoline(fname,line)
% fname: filename
% line: line number
% SGopentoline('PLcircle',20)
% See also: opentoline, matlab.desktop.editor.openAndGoToLine
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

dbprintmode(md)- switches on the possibility to reach code lines when using dbprintf fnct

dbprintmode(md)% dbprintmode(md) - switches on the possibility to reach code lines when using dbprintf fnct
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-NOV-02 as class: LANGUAGE PROCEDURES)
% A fnctn, MathWorks should implement for quick debugging. Same
% fnctnality also implemented for dbreturn. By using dbprintmode, it is
% possible to ectivate the openinline fnctn to reach the fnctn call
% immedeatly (Status of: 2021-11-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: dbreturn, dbprintf, dbexit, debugTL, dbsave
% dbmode=dbprintmode([md])
% md: true or false; default is true;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dbmode: true or false
% EXAMPLE: % can be tested only within functns
% dbprintf
% dbprintmode on
% dbprintf
% See also: dbreturn, dbprintf, dbexit, debugTL, dbsave
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGremimprint(SG,fil)- removes engravings on a defined feature surface

SGremimprint(SG,fil)% SGremimprint(SG,fil) - removes engravings on a defined feature surface
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-OKT-31 as class: SURFACES)
% In many downloaded geometries from the Internet there are engravings in
% the surface which appear inappropriate after the modification of the
% geometry. These are to be removed with the command (Status of:
% 2021-11-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGremsurfedgepoints
% SGN=SGremimprint(SG,fil)
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fil: Facet index list; defining the surface
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN:
% SGofCPLcommand('b 40 30,h 10, enter, text TTT 20 4, rel center, rel ontop -2, sub'); SG=ans;
% SGremimprint(SG,FSselect(SG,[0 0 1],'front',1)); X=ans;
% SGremimprint(SG,[0 0 1]); X=ans;
% SGremsurfedgepoints(X)
% See also: SGremsurfedgepoints
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLofFS(SG,fil)- returns a CPL of a Feature Surface

CPLofFS(SG,fil)% CPLofFS(SG,fil) - returns a CPL of a Feature Surface
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-OKT-31 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% mainly the same as CPLofVLFL (Status of: 2021-11-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofVLFL
% [CPL,T,ez]=CPLofFS(SG,fil)
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fil: facet index list; or ez vector;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: Transformation matrix for CVL
% ez: ez vector used
% EXAMPLE: %% Hatchet Example for halloween
% SGreadSTL('/Users/lueth/Desktop/HalloweenAxe.STL'); N=ans;
% CPLofFS(N,FSselect(N,[0 0 -1])); % Using a fil list
% CPLofFS(N,[0 0 -1]); % Using a ez vector;
% CPLofFS(N); % Interactive mode
% See also: CPLofVLFL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

rulerCPL(CPL,ORG,OEZ,SIZ)- plots ruler for a closed polygon list

rulerCPL(CPL,ORG,OEZ,SIZ)% rulerCPL(CPL,ORG,OEZ,SIZ) - plots ruler for a closed polygon list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-OKT-19 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: textCPL
% ORG: Position of ruler; default is center of CPL
% OEZ: Second Point for direction
% SIZ: size of tip; default is sofBB/20
% cla; rulerCPL(PLstar(10),[2 -1]); CPSplot(PLstar(10)); shg;
% cla; CPSplot(PLstar(10)); pause(1); rulerCPL(PLstar(10)); shg;
% cla; CPSplot(PLstar(10)); pause(1); rulerCPL(PLstar(10),[2 -1]); shg;
% See also: textCPL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

fontsize(FS,ds)- sets the font size of all text to a specified figure

fontsize(FS,ds)% fontsize(FS,ds) - sets the font size of all text to a specified figure
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-OKT-12 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGfigureeval, SGfigurepapermode, papermode, textadjust2gca
% h=fontsize([FS,ds])
% FS: default is 16pt on a printout
% ds: if true, the font size is adjusted based on the figure size
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to all text
% See also: SGfigureeval, SGfigurepapermode, papermode, textadjust2gca
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcastplot(SGO,TTO,Name,cols)- creates plots in a cell list wrt to the SGcast type

SGcastplot(SGO,TTO,Name,cols)% SGcastplot(SGO,TTO,Name,cols) - creates plots in a cell list wrt to the SGcast type
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-SEP-14 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGfeature, SGcast
% SGcastplot(SGO,TTO,Name,[cols])
% SGO: Cell list of objects
% TTO: type of cell entry; if empty SGcast is used
% Name: optinal name as subplot title
% cols: color string
% SGcast
% C=SGcylinder; C.FIL=FSselect(SGcylinder,[0 0 1],0.1)
% CVL=VLtransR(VLaddz(PLcircle(10)),rot([pi/3,pi/3,pi/3]));
% SGfigure; SGcastplot({SGbox,SGcylinder(10),PLcircle(10)})
% SGfigure; SGcastplot({SGbox,SGcylinder(10),PLcircle(10)},'','test')
% SGfigure; SGcastplot({SGbox,SGcylinder(10),PLcircle(10),eye(4),C,CVLsample(18)},'','test')
% SGfigure; SGcastplot({SGbox,SGcylinder(10),PLcircle(10),eye(4),C,CVLsample(18)},'','test','m--',0.1)
% See also: SGfeature, SGcast
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcast(SG)- class name cast fnct for SG library

SGcast(SG)% SGcast(SG) - class name cast fnct for SG library
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-SEP-14 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn is used to implement complex fnctns similar to an object
% oriented (Status of: 2021-09-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGfeature, SGcastplot
% classname=SGcast(SG)
% SG: Any SG library data type
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% classname: SG classname
% A=SGcompass; SGcast({A,A,eye(4),VLaddz(PLcircle(3)),{A,A}})
% SGcast({A,A,eye(4),VLaddz(PLcircle(3)),{A,A},5,PLcircle(3)}')
% See also: SGfeature, SGcastplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcompass- creates a desktop housing for the magnetic compass (look like a Gyro compass)

SGcompass% SGcompass - creates a desktop housing for the magnetic compass (look like a Gyro compass)
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-SEP-12 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGjuicermachineclip
% SG=SGcompass
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Just returns the geometry of the compass
% SGcompass
% See also: SGjuicermachineclip
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

meanT(TL)- returns the man value of a T matrix

meanT(TL)% meanT(TL) - returns the man value of a T matrix
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: mean, meanGauss
% T=meanT(TL)
% TL: cell list or numerical sequence of 4x4 matrices
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: mean value of a set of HT Matrices
% See also: mean, meanGauss
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcheck4cura(SG,turn)- Analyzes and checks Solid orientation for printing an a FDM printer

SGcheck4cura(SG,turn)% SGcheck4cura(SG,turn) - Analyzes and checks Solid orientation for printing an a FDM printer
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-11 as class: CHECKING PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn analyzes solids or STl files to reduce the rotation of
% objects in the program cura
% 1. Whether holes are oriented in the direction of the Z axis,
% 2. Whether blind holes are also oriented with the opening facing upwards
% the fnctn rotates the solids if necessary
% in case of STL file, the filename is modified and a rotated copy is
% saved.
% This fnctn is used in the fnctn "cura" (Status of: 2021-08-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: cura, gcode2sdcard, CPLofSGboreholes, FSselect, FSfeature
% [SG,fname]=SGcheck4cura([SG,turn])
% SG: file name or solid geoemtry
% turn: if true, the part is turned; default is true
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fname: file name
% SGcheck4cura(SGrotate(SGcylinder(4,10,'',3),'y',pi/2))
% SGcheck4cura(YKBasePlate) % 3rd case area, Does not work yet 2021-08-12
% See also: cura, gcode2sdcard, CPLofSGboreholes, FSselect, FSfeature
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcapontopprojection(SG,T,w,h,sl)- create a simple cap ontop

SGcapontopprojection(SG,T,w,h,sl)% SGcapontopprojection(SG,T,w,h,sl) - create a simple cap ontop
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-11 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN)
% Based on the outside projection contour "CPLofSGboreholes", this fnctn
% creates a shell with cap (Status of: 2021-08-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcapontop
% SGN=SGcapontopprojection(SG,[T,w,h,sl])
% SG: Solid geometry
% T: ez vector for upward, or T matrix
% w: widht of shell and cover default is [3 3];
% h: height of shell; default is full length
% sl: slot; default is slfit('t')
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Resulting cap for solid
% load ADAM_Amono.mat
% SGcapontopprojection(ADAM_Amono,[0 +1 0],2,20,1)
% See also: SGcapontop
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGservoflange(info,H,sl)- Manually designs a flange connection for a servo motor

SGservoflange(info,H,sl)% SGservoflange(info,H,sl) - Manually designs a flange connection for a servo motor
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-10 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% Do Outer Diameter
% Di Inner Diameter
% M Screw Diameter
% N Number of Screws
% W Distance of Screw to Outer Diameter; default is 1mm (Status of:
% 2021-08-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGbottleholder, SGrobotTCPdesign
% SG=SGservoflange([info,H,sl])
% info: [Do Di M N W]
% H: [Height Plate height]; default is [10 0]
% sl: slfit ; default is slfit('c')
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry of Part
% SGservoflange('',[10 3]);
% SGservoflange('',[10 0]);
% See also: SGbottleholder, SGrobotTCPdesign
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

Trelation(T,rel)- creates a frame relative to another frame

Trelation(T,rel)% Trelation(T,rel) - creates a frame relative to another frame
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-10 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% 'up','z+','+z', 'down','z-', 'right','x+', 'left','x-','forward','y',
% 'backward','y-', 'rotz', 'rotx', 'roty' (Status of: 2021-08-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: ToftransrelSG, TofTrel
% T=Trelation([T,rel])
% T: Frame; default is eye(4)
% rel: sequence of spatial relations
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: resulting HT frame
% Trelation(TofPez([5 0 0],[0 -1 0]),'up',4)
% Trelation(TofPez([5 0 0],[0 -1 0]),'up',4,'left',1)
% See also: ToftransrelSG, TofTrel
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TofCVLdimclassifier(CVL,minmaxR,minmaxW,ez);- returns Frames for radii in 3D-Contours as CVL

TofCVLdimclassifier(CVL,minmaxR,minmaxW,ez);% TofCVLdimclassifier(CVL,minmaxR,minmaxW,ez); - returns Frames for radii in 3D-Contours as CVL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-09 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Different to TofCVL
% Similar to SGTsetofRL, but intened for with CVL 3D-Contours (Status of:
% 2021-08-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTsetofRL, TofCVL
% TofCVLdimclassifier(CVL,[minmaxR,minmaxW,ez]);
% CVL: 3D-Contours
% minmaxR: mimimal and maximal radius to consider default is [1.25 10]
% minmaxW: minimal & maxium circum angle to consider; default is [40 360]
% ez: force ez vector
% load Yannick_robot.mat
% SG=YKLowerServo; SG= SGrotate(SG,'x')
% FSselect(SG,[0 -1 0],'numholes',5); fil=ans;
% FSfeature(SG,fil,'cvl'); cvl=ans;
% TofCVLdimclassifier(cvl,[0 4]), cell2mat(ans)
% TofCVLdimclassifier(CPLbuffer(PLsquare(10),2,'round'),[0 4]), cell2mat(ans)
% See also: SGTsetofRL, TofCVL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcopyTL(SG,TL,rel)- copies a solid using a cell list of frames

SGcopyTL(SG,TL,rel)% SGcopyTL(SG,TL,rel) - copies a solid using a cell list of frames
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-09 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcopyVL, CPLcopypatternTL, SGcopyrotZ, SGcopypatternXYZ,
% Trelation
% SGC=SGcopyTL(SG,TL,[rel])
% SG: Solid Geometry to copy
% TL: List of Frames
% rel: spatial relations for Trelation
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGC: Solid including all copies of TL
% load Yannick_robot.mat
% SG=YKLowerServo; SG= SGrotate(SG,'x')
% FSselect(SG,[0 -1 0],'numholes',5); fil=ans;
% FSfeature(SG,fil,'cvl'); cvl=ans;
% TofCVLdimclassifier(cvl,[0 4]); TL=ans, cell2mat(ans)
% SGcopyTL(SGcylinder(1.5,10),TL); SGplotalpha(SG,'y',0.2); CVLplot(cvl,'-'); tplot(TL,20);
% SGcopyTL(SGcylinder(1.5,10),TL,'down',3); SGc=ans; CVLplot(cvl,'-',2); tplot(TL,20);
% SGsubtract(SG,SGc)
% See also: SGcopyVL, CPLcopypatternTL, SGcopyrotZ, SGcopypatternXYZ,
% Trelation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLunsort(CPL)- changes the order of nan separated CPL using unsortNaN

CPLunsort(CPL)% CPLunsort(CPL) - changes the order of nan separated CPL using unsortNaN
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-06 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Mainly for testing other fnctn such as CPLregions (Status of:
% 2021-08-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: unsortNaN
% CPLU=CPLunsort(CPL)
% CPL: Original CPL
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLU: THe order of Conturs has changed
% CPLunsort(CPLsample(27))
% See also: unsortNaN
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLregions(CPL)- sorts a CPL with respect to regions

CPLregions(CPL)% CPLregions(CPL) - sorts a CPL with respect to regions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-05 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% mainly same as CPLsortinout (Status of: 2021-08-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLsortinout, CPLselectinout
% [CPLN,PiL]=CPLregions(CPL)
% CPL: Closed Polygon Line
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: Sorten to regions
% PiL: [parent-index of CPLN, region leve, 0 = outsidel]
% CPLregions(CPLsample(27));
% See also: CPLsortinout, CPLselectinout
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGofCPLzrotxy(CPL,z,w)- rotates a CPL and extrudes in z

SGofCPLzrotxy(CPL,z,w)% SGofCPLzrotxy(CPL,z,w) - rotates a CPL and extrudes in z
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-AUG-04 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGofCPLz
% SG=SGofCPLzrotxy(CPL,[z,w])
% z: height
% w: roatation angle in [x y z]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry
% SGofCPLzrotxy (PLsquare([20 40]),50,[0 pi/10 0])
% SGofCPLzrotxy (PLsquare([20 40]),50,[0 pi/10 pi/4])
% SGofCPLzrotxy (CPLsample(12),50,[0 pi/10])
% See also: SGofCPLz
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGbanditjethelmclip- creates a clip for a Bandit Jet Helmet

SGbanditjethelmclip% SGbanditjethelmclip - creates a clip for a Bandit Jet Helmet
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-28 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGofCPLcommand
% SGbanditjethelmclip
% See also: SGofCPLcommand
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLcircleofPL(CPL)- returns minimal and maximal circle around a CPL

PLcircleofPL(CPL)% PLcircleofPL(CPL) - returns minimal and maximal circle around a CPL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLcircle
% [PLCmax,PLCmin,rmax,rmin,cp]=PLcircleofPL(CPL)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PLCmax: PLcircle(Rmax)
% PLCmin: PLcircle(Rmin)
% rmax: rmax
% rmin: rmin
% cp: cp
% PLcircleofPL(CPLsample(3))
% See also: PLcircle
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLregions(VL,FL,FIL)- fnct to separate regions in face index list

VLFLregions(VL,FL,FIL)% VLFLregions(VL,FL,FIL) - fnct to separate regions in face index list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-27 as class: SURFACES)
% This is the modern version of VLFLseparate. It is used for instance in
% FSofSGnormal.
% Following the terms of Matlab in the polyshape classe, I now also use
% the term regions for surfaces that are connected to each other. In
% previous versions, only the term VLFLseparate or SGseparate was used.
% Based on FLorder (Status of: 2021-07-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGseparate, SGsurfaces, FLorder
% fil=VLFLregions(VL,FL,[FIL])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% FIL: ONE facet index list; default is 1:size(FL,1)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fil: cell list for separated regions
% See also: SGseparate, SGsurfaces, FLorder
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

FSfeature(SG,FIL,feat)- Selects features surfaces based on

FSfeature(SG,FIL,feat)% FSfeature(SG,FIL,feat) - Selects features surfaces based on
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-15 as class: SURFACES)
% There are several fnctns for the selection of surfaces, features, and
% frames
% FSofSGnormal - uses a normal vector for the selection
% FSselect - should simply select surfaces out of a larger set of surfaces
% FSfeature - should return properties of different data types
% see also all SGTset fnctns
% =======================================================================
% The 3rd of a set of fnctns aimed directly at the analysis and formal
% specification of surfaces. This is necessary to give a clear structure
% to the formal addressing of surfaces. Concept similar to TofSG
% 1) FSofSGnormal - FIL wrt to a normal vector
% 2) FSselect - FIL as selection based on features
% 3) FSfeature - Different data types wrt to feature request
% Feature request:
% "cp" Center point
% "ez" Normla vector
% "area" Area size
% "numholes" Number of holes
% "T" Center Frame
% (Status of: 2021-09-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FSofSGnormal, FSselect, FSofSG, FSofSGfacet,
% TofCVLdimclassifier
% F=FSfeature(SG,FIL,[feat])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% FIL: Cell list of facet indices
% feat: feature request string
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% F: Result as cell list; scalars, vectors, frames, etc.
% load JACO_robot.mat
% FSselect(JC0,[1 0 0],0.4,'areamin',100); FIL=ans;
% FSfeature(JC0,FIL,'numholes'); cell2mat(ans)
% See also: FSofSGnormal, FSselect, FSofSG, FSofSGfacet,
% TofCVLdimclassifier
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

FSofSGnormal(TR,nv,alp,rec)- finds all feature surfaces that fullfil the same normal vector condition

FSofSGnormal(TR,nv,alp,rec)% FSofSGnormal(TR,nv,alp,rec) - finds all feature surfaces that fullfil the same normal vector condition
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-14 as class: SURFACES)
% There are several fnctns for the selection of surfaces, features, and
% frames
% FSofSGnormal - uses a normal vector for the selection
% FSselect - should simply select surfaces out of a larger set of surfaces
% FSfeature - should return properties of different data types
% see also all SGTset fnctns
% =======================================================================
% The 1st of a set of fnctns aimed directly at the analysis and formal
% specification of surfaces. This is necessary to give a clear structure
% to the formal addressing of surfaces (Status of: 2021-09-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FSofSGfacet, FSselect, FSfeature
% [FILk,FILm,FILi]=FSofSGnormal(TR,[nv,alp,rec])
% TR: Triangulation or SG
% nv: normal vector; default is [0 0 1]
% alp: alpha angle; default is 0.01
% rec: if false, alpha is also the absolut limit to the nv vector;
% default is true;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FILk: Cell list of facets that belong to the same feature surface
% FILm: Cell list of facets that belong to the same feature surface but
% are most similar to nv
% FILi: Cell list of one facet per surface that is most similar to nv
% load JACO_robot.mat
% FSofSGnormal(JC0,[0 0 1])
% FSofSGnormal(SGsample(44),[0 0 1])
% FSofSGnormal(SGsphere(100),[0 0 1],pi/20,true)
% FSofSGnormal(SGsphere(100),[0 0 1],pi/20,false)
% See also: FSofSGfacet, FSselect, FSfeature
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

FSselect(SG,FIL,rel)- Selects features surfaces based on

FSselect(SG,FIL,rel)% FSselect(SG,FIL,rel) - Selects features surfaces based on
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-14 as class: SURFACES)
% There are several fnctns for the selection of surfaces, features, and
% frames
% FSofSGnormal - uses a normal vector for the selection
% FSselect - should simply select surfaces out of a larger set of surfaces
% FSfeature - should return properties of different data types
% see also all SGTset fnctns
% =======================================================================
% The 2nd of a set of fnctns aimed directly at the analysis and formal
% specification of surfaces. This is necessary to give a clear structure
% to the formal addressing of surfaces. Concept similar to TofSG
% There are some features that only run on one surface, but also others
% that combine multiple surfaces. Maybe this will become a fourth fnctn.
% Current implemented selectors 'sizedescend', 'sizeascend', 'sizemin',
% 'sizemax', 'front','back', 'numholes''
% (Status of: 2021-09-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FSofSGnormal, FSofSG, FSofSGfacet
% FILN=FSselect(SG,FIL,[rel])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% FIL: Cell list of facet indices, or normal vector for FSofSGnormal
% rel: list of descriptors, can also start with an angle of FIL is a
% normal vector
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FILN: unsorted cell list of FILs for the selected surfaces
% load JACO_robot.mat
% FSofSGnormal(JC0,[0 0 1]); FIL=ans
% FSofSGnormal(JC0,[1 0 0]); FIL=ans
% FSselect(JC0,FIL,'areamax',400,'areadescend',1:10,'holesnum',1:10);
% FSselect(JC0,[1 0 0],'areamax',400,'areadescend',1:10,'holesnum',1:10);
% FSselect(JC0,[1 0 0],pi/2.2,'areamax',400,'areadescend',1:10,'holesnum',1:10);
% FSselect(JC0,[1 0 0],pi/2.2,'areamax',400,'areadescend',1:10,'holesnum',1:10,'front',1:2); % 1 and 2
% FSselect(JC0,[1 0 0],pi/2.2,'areamax',400,'areadescend',1:10,'holesnum',1:10,'front',-5); % 5mm distance
% See also: FSofSGnormal, FSofSG, FSofSGfacet
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGdesignrules- Tim Lueth's design rules for creating 3D printable products for daily living

SGdesignrules% SGdesignrules - Tim Lueth's design rules for creating 3D printable products for daily living
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-13 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% This helptext can be copied into the clipboard and inserted as code by
% paste2code: I write in German and translate it using deepL. Comment
% signs at line starts are filtered.
% The original Text is a second comment block in the code, that can be
% changed in the matlab editor.
% (Status of: 2021-07-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: paste2code
% SGdesignrules
% SGdesignrules
% See also: paste2code
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGbottleholder(D,L,B,H,n);- returns the geometry of a simple bottle holder

SGbottleholder(D,L,B,H,n);% SGbottleholder(D,L,B,H,n); - returns the geometry of a simple bottle holder
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-12 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn uses slfit to be adaptive to different 3D Printers (Status
% of: 2021-07-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGrobotTCPdesign
% SA=SGbottleholder([D,L,B,H,n]);
% D: Diameter of the bottle; default is 68mm
% L: Length of the Hold
% B: Wall tickness of all elements; default is 3
% H: Height of the rings and struts
% n: number of struts
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SA: Geometry of the bottle holder with Frames 'B' and 'F'
% SGbottleholder(68,40,3,10,3)
% SGbottleholder(68,106,3,10,7)
% See also: SGrobotTCPdesign
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TofBB(BB,listofrel)- returns frames relative to bounding boxes

TofBB(BB,listofrel)% TofBB(BB,listofrel) - returns frames relative to bounding boxes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-12 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% calls the fnctn TofSG of 27.11.2016
% modified 2022-05-01 (Status of: 2022-05-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TofSG
% T=TofBB(BB,[listofrel])
% BB: Bounding Box or cell list of Bounding boxes
% listofrel: list of relation such as 'under', {disp, ez, rotz}
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: Frame or cell list of frames
% clc; TofBB(SGbox,'under',{10,[0 -1 0],pi/10})
% See also: TofSG
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGrobotTCPdesign(SG,TN,d)- Tutorial fnct to design Robot Tools

SGrobotTCPdesign(SG,TN,d)% SGrobotTCPdesign(SG,TN,d) - Tutorial fnct to design Robot Tools
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUL-07 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% For the turn of the year 2020/2021, I have designed a quick-change
% adapter for the robot (SGrobotTCPchanger fnctn). This can be mounted
% directly on the SERVO flange via 4 cylinder head screws. The next step
% is to design tools for different tasks as quickly as possible. The
% simplest method is to design a gripper or a tool and to attach the
% adapter to the component via a position/frame/mouse click. (Status of:
% 2021-07-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGrobotTCPchanger
% [TCPtool]=SGrobotTCPdesign(SG,TN,[d])
% SG: Solid Geometry to mount to TCPtool
% TN: Frame Name at SG to move TCPtool to
% d: distance to adjust TCP tool
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% [TCPtool]: Just the Tool
% SH=SGbottleholder; SGrobotTCPdesign(SH,'B'); SA=ans; SGwriteSTL(SGconcat(SA,SH))
% See also: SGrobotTCPchanger
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

Tofselect3d(SG,pfi,alp,mbf,Text)- Select interactively FS, surface, and complete solids

Tofselect3d(SG,pfi,alp,mbf,Text)% Tofselect3d(SG,pfi,alp,mbf,Text) - Select interactively FS, surface, and complete solids
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-JUN-29 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% identical to SGselect3Dsurface and fiofselect3d but different return
% values
% 1 = left mouse button = feature surface
% 3 = right mouse button = complete surface
% 2 = middle mouse button/wheel = solid geometry that belongs to object
% (Status of: 2021-06-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGselect3d, SGselect3dPL, select3d, SGselect3Dsurface,
% fiofselect3d
% [T,fi,fil,pp]=Tofselect3d([SG,pfi,alp,mbf,Text])
% SG: Solid Geometry; if empty SGofgca is used
% pfi: optional already preselected facet index
% alp: angle to select faces
% mbf: force button mode 1, 2, 3
% Text: Optional text for the header of the windows
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: touched facet index
% fi: Facet index list that belongs to touched graphics object
% fil: Frame of FS
% pp:
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% Tofselect3d(JC0,'','','','PLEASE BE ASTONISHD')
% See also: SGselect3d, SGselect3dPL, select3d, SGselect3Dsurface,
% fiofselect3d
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CListype(CL,ind)- returns the type of correlation link

CListype(CL,ind)% CListype(CL,ind) - returns the type of correlation link
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MAI-01 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% required if the CL list in manipulated for optimization
% I == 1:1
% A == n:1
% V == 1:n
% requests of type [ai bi], [nan bi], [ai nan] (Status of: 2021-05-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CLofFLW
% [res,ind]=CListype(CL,ind)
% CL: Correlation list
% ind: [ai bi], [nan bi], [ai nan]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% res: Type of link
% ind:
% [SG,FLW]=SGof2CPLz(CPLsample(17),CPLsample(18),100); CL=CLofFLW(FLW);
% CListype(CL,[nan nan])
% CListype(CL,[1 nan]) % I-Type
% CListype(CL,[4 nan]) % A-Type
% CListype(CL,[9 nan]) % V-Type
% CListype(CL,[nan 1]) % I-Type
% CListype(CL,[nan 2]) % A-Type
% CListype(CL,[nan 3]) % V-Type
% CListype(CL,[26 22]) 5 Does not exist
% See also: CLofFLW
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

papermode()- removes picture title and increases font size for publications

papermode()% papermode() - removes picture title and increases font size for publications
% (by Tim Lueth and Yilun Sun, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-29 as class: USER
% SAME AS SGfigurepapermode (Status of: 2021-12-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGfigureeval, SGfigurepapermode, fontsize
% papermode([])
% SGfigure(SGbox)
% SGfigurepapermode
% See also: SGfigureeval, SGfigurepapermode, fontsize
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CLsortrows(CL)- Sorts a corrleation list

CLsortrows(CL)% CLsortrows(CL) - Sorts a corrleation list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-29 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Use ELunsort to check (Status of: 2021-04-30)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CLofFLW, PLcorrelationcheck, CLplot
% CL=CLsortrows(CL)
% CL: Correlation list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CL: Sorted Correlation list
% [SG,FLW]=SGofCPLz(PLcircle(10,10),20); CL=CLofFLW(FLW), [PLA,PLNB]=PLofCL(CL);
% CLN=ELunsort(CL), CLsortrows(CL)
% See also: CLofFLW, PLcorrelationcheck, CLplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CLplot(CL,w)- plots a correlation for debugging (same as plotcorrelation)

CLplot(CL,w)% CLplot(CL,w) - plots a correlation for debugging (same as plotcorrelation)
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-29 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% more or less for debugging
% graphofEL => Shows just CL
% plotcorrelation => 2D view
% PLplotcorrelation => CL plus Point information
% (Status of: 2021-05-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelationcheck, plotcorrelation,
% PLplotcorrelation
% CLplot(CL,[w])
% CL: Corrleation list (or FL)
% w: Widht of lines
% cla; CLplot([1 1;2 1;3 1; 4 2; 5 3 ; 5 4; 5 5; 6 6],2); plotannotationdelete; papermode
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelationcheck, plotcorrelation,
% PLplotcorrelation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLofCL(CL)- returns an arbitrary planar point list to vizualize the correspondance list

PLofCL(CL)% PLofCL(CL) - returns an arbitrary planar point list to vizualize the correspondance list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-29 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% extracted from PLplotcorrelation (Status of: 2021-04-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLplotcorrelation
% [PL1,PL2]=PLofCL(CL)
% CL: Correspondance list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL1: Point list belongst to 1st col of CL
% PL2: Point list belongst to 2nd col of CL
% [SG,FLW]=SGof2CPLz(CPLsample(17),CPLsample(18),100);
% See also: PLplotcorrelation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CLofFLW(FLW)- returns a correlation list from a facet list between 2 free boundaries

CLofFLW(FLW)% CLofFLW(FLW) - returns a correlation list from a facet list between 2 free boundaries
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-26 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% inverse fnctn to FLofPLcorrelation (Status of: 2021-04-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, CLplot, PLcorrelationcheck
% FLW: Facet list of a wall between two free boundary contours
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CL: Correspondance list
% [CL,VL]=PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLsample(17),CPLsample(18));
% FLofPLcorrelation(CL,'',VL); FLW=ans;
% FLofPLcorrelation(CL); FLW=ans;
% CLofFLW(FLW); CLN=ans
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, CLplot, PLcorrelationcheck
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

plotcorrelation(CL)- plots a correlation for debugging

plotcorrelation(CL)% plotcorrelation(CL) - plots a correlation for debugging
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-20 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% more or less for debugging
% graphofEL => Shows just CL
% plotcorrelation => 2D view
% PLplotcorrelation => CL plus Point information
% (Status of: 2021-04-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelationcheck, PLplotcorrelation
% plotcorrelation(CL)
% CL: Corrleation list (or FL)
% EL=CL; EL(:,2)=EL(:,2)+max(EL(:,1)); graphofEL(EL);
% [CL,VL]=PLcorrelate(CPLsample(3),PLcircle(10,4));
% plotcorrelation(CL)
% [CL,VL]=PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLsample(17),CPLsample(18));
% plotcorrelation(CL)
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelationcheck, PLplotcorrelation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

paste2code(n)- if called on the commandwindow, it returns the contant of the clipboard as matlab code

paste2code(n)% paste2code(n) - if called on the commandwindow, it returns the contant of the clipboard as matlab code
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-17 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% It is possible to generate a keyboard macro like Command-Shift-V that
% opens the command window A (Command-Zero) and types paste2code. Then it
% is possible
% 1. to mark any Text in the editor (for example as comment)
% 2. Use Deep-L for translation
% 3. Use Command-Shift-V to create the source code in the command window
% (and to insert it into the past buffer
% 4. Copy it into the editor (Status of: 2021-04-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: textHorizontalBlockAlign, str2codelines, paste2code.,
% clipboardrem, clipboardadd
% text=paste2code([n])
% n: number of chars per line; default is 112;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% text: text from the clipbord
% EXAMPLE: Copy the follwowing help text into clip bey by command-C/control c and call paste2code in the commandwindow
% % 1. you can actually translate this text into English.
% % 2. once the translation has been copied to the clipboard, you can
% % 3. get the lines for the source code in the commandwindow by using the command past2code.
% % 4. copy the lines from the commandwindo into the source code
% See also: textHorizontalBlockAlign, str2codelines, paste2code.,
% clipboardrem, clipboardadd
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLoptimizeFLWez(VL,FL)- finds the surfaces correlation that creates the largest volume

VLFLoptimizeFLWez(VL,FL)% VLFLoptimizeFLWez(VL,FL) - finds the surfaces correlation that creates the largest volume
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-16 as class: SURFACES)
% was part of exp_2021_04_16_FLcorrelate
% (Status of: 2021-04-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLfreeboundarycircshift, FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelate,
% PLcorrelatingsegments, SGof2CPLz
% [FLN,VLN]=VLFLoptimizeFLWez(VL,FL)
% VL: Vertex List
% FL: Facet list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FLN: New Facet list wrt to original Vertex list
% VLN: New Vertex list wrt to original Facet list
% [SG,FLW,FLA,FLB]=SGof2CPLz(CPLaddauxpoints(CPLsample(2),1),CPLaddauxpoints(CPLsample(3),1),40);
% VLFLoptimizeFLWez(SG.VL,FLW); FLW=ans;
% SG.FL=[FLW;FLA;FLB]; cla; SGplotalpha(SG,'w',1,'k')
% See also: VLFLfreeboundarycircshift, FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelate,
% PLcorrelatingsegments, SGof2CPLz
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(VL,FL,k)- changes Vertices or Facets to achieve a free boundary rotation

VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(VL,FL,k)% VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(VL,FL,k) - changes Vertices or Facets to achieve a free boundary rotation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-16 as class: SURFACES)
% was part of exp_2021_04_16_FLcorrelate
% (Status of: 2021-04-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLoptimizeFLWez, FLofPLcorrelation, PLplotcorrelation,
% PLcorrelationcheck, SGof2CPLz
% [VLN,nE,FLN]=VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(VL,FL,[k])
% VL: Vertex List
% FL: Facet list with exact TWO open boundaries
% k: shift number; default is 1
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VLN: New Vertex list wrt to old facet list
% nE: number of changes
% FLN: New Facet list wrt to old vertex list
% VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(SG.VL,FLW,1);
% VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(SG.VL,FLW,2);
% VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(SG.VL,FLW,3);
% VLFLfreeboundarycircshift(SG.VL,FLW,-2);
% See also: VLFLoptimizeFLWez, FLofPLcorrelation, PLplotcorrelation,
% PLcorrelationcheck, SGof2CPLz
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

scalesequence(x,n,usemean)- returns a streched sequence between an minimal and maximal value

scalesequence(x,n,usemean)% scalesequence(x,n,usemean) - returns a streched sequence between an minimal and maximal value
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-16 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% seemed to be simple, but the exception cases are more complex, so it
% makes to have an own fnctn (Status of: 2021-04-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: mod1circsequ
% y=scalesequence(x,n,[usemean])
% x: value sequence - only first and last values are used
% n: number of desired values
% usemean: use mean value if n==1 and numel(unique(x))>1; default is false
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% y: new sequence as [1 x n] row vector
% scalesequence([3 4],1)
% scalesequence([3 4],2)
% scalesequence([3 4],3)
% a=[ 3 4 5 6], b = [7 9], [scalesequence(a,max(numel(a),numel(b))); scalesequence(b,max(numel(a),numel(b)))]
% See also: mod1circsequ
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLplotcorrelation(CL,CPLA,CPLB,col,wdt,ss,z)- simply plots a point list correlation

PLplotcorrelation(CL,CPLA,CPLB,col,wdt,ss,z)% PLplotcorrelation(CL,CPLA,CPLB,col,wdt,ss,z) - simply plots a point list correlation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-15 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% also performs an PLcorrelationcheck (Status of: 2021-04-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelationcheck, plotcorrelation
% PLplotcorrelation(CL,CPLA,CPLB,[col,wdt,ss,z])
% CL: CL see PLcorrelate
% col: color; default is 'r-'
% wdt: width; default is 2
% ss: selection of rows in CL
% z: specific z difference
% CL=PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLsample(3),CPLsample(6));
% cla; PLplotcorrelation(CL,CPLsample(3),CPLsample(6))
% See also: FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelationcheck, plotcorrelation
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLcorrelationcheck(CL,CPLA,CPLB,text)- important fnct to detect problems that are difficult to see for a human

PLcorrelationcheck(CL,CPLA,CPLB,text)% PLcorrelationcheck(CL,CPLA,CPLB,text) - important fnct to detect problems that are difficult to see for a human
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-15 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% used in PLcorrelation (Status of: 2021-04-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLcorrelate, ismonotonously
% err=PLcorrelationcheck(CL,CPLA,CPLB,[text])
% CL: Correlation List of PLcorrelate
% CPLA: Contour A used in PLcorrelate
% CPLB: Contour B used in PLcorrelate
% text: optionl text for testing
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% err: if true, there is an error in the Correlation list
% See also: PLcorrelate, ismonotonously
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLA,CPLB,ww)- A new implemenation of PLcorrelate

PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLA,CPLB,ww)% PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLA,CPLB,ww) - A new implemenation of PLcorrelate
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-15 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% This is a bug free version that stops automatically and ich double
% checked by PLcorrelationcheck. May not optimal in all cases, but in
% addition with FLofPLcorrelation and VLFLoptimizeFLWez a more reliable
% base than the older concepts such as PLcorrelate or SGof2CPLz. Will see
% It till creates self intruding facets, since it is not clear to me
% wether there is alwas a possible solution in case of two planar contour.
% (Status of: 2021-04-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLplotcorrelation, PLdecompose, FLofPLcorrelation,
% VLFLoptimizeFLWez
% CL=PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLA,CPLB,[ww])
% CPLA: Contour A, No NAN allowed
% CPLB: Contour B, No NAN allowed
% ww: angle resolution for PLdecompose default is pi/10
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CL: Ccrrelation list
% PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLsample(3),CPLsample(6),pi/100);
% PLcorrelatingsegments(CPLaddauxpoints(CPLsample(3),1),CPLaddauxpoints(CPLsample(20),pi/6));
% See also: PLplotcorrelation, PLdecompose, FLofPLcorrelation,
% VLFLoptimizeFLWez
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

ismonotonously(x,circ)- returns wether a sequence in monotonously increasing or decreasing

ismonotonously(x,circ)// ismonotonously(x,circ) - returns wether a sequence in monotonously increasing or decreasing
// (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-14 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
// Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
// See also: mod1circsequ
// [mon,fd,k]=ismonotonously(x,[circ])
// x: sequence [n x 1] or [1 x n]
// circ: if true; x is a circular sequence with one jump; default is false
// === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
// mon: 1= icreasing -1 => decreasing 0 == not monotonously
// fd: indices of the faulty values
// k: -1 = mainly decreasing, +1 = mainly increasing
// ismonotonously(circshift([1:10 10 4 10 5 10],8),true)
// See also: mod1circsequ
// Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLsetdiff(CPL,PL,tol)- more tolerant than setdiff for vectors

PLsetdiff(CPL,PL,tol)% PLsetdiff(CPL,PL,tol) - more tolerant than setdiff for vectors
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-13 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: setdiff
% PLN=PLsetdiff(CPL,PL,[tol])
% CPL: Point list A
% PL: Point list B
% tol: Tolerance
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PLN: Returns a Point list CPL without PL
% CPLsample(9); CPLA=ans; PLsetdiff(CPLA,[CPLA(3,:); CPLA(end-3,:)]); CPLB=ans
% CPLinsertPL(CPLB,[CPLA(3,:);CPLA(end-3,:)])
% See also: setdiff
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGofCPLzfillgaphull(CPLA,z,bf,dn)- extrudes several regions without subregions into one region

SGofCPLzfillgaphull(CPLA,z,bf,dn)% SGofCPLzfillgaphull(CPLA,z,bf,dn) - extrudes several regions without subregions into one region
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-13 as class: SURFACES)
% developed to improve SGof2CPLbranch (Status of: 2021-04-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGof2CPLzfillgaphull
% [SG,FLXW,FLXA,FLXB,CVL2]=SGofCPLzfillgaphull(CPLA,[z,bf,dn])
% CPLA: Original Contour consisting of several regions without subregions
% z: height to extrude
% bf: buffer around CPLA used for CPLconvexhulloutline - fillgap
% dn: optional auxiliary point distance for single contour at top
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry VL/FL
% FLXW: Just Wall with respect to SG.VL
% FLXA: Just Floor with respect to SG.VL
% FLXB: Just Ceiling with respect to SG.VL
% CVL2: Top Contour
% SGofCPLzfillgaphull(CPLsample(9)
% SGofCPLzfillgaphull(CPLsample(41),10,2,0.5)
% See also: SGof2CPLzfillgaphull
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLinsertPL(CPL,PL,tol)- inserts removed points if they are on still exisiting lines

CPLinsertPL(CPL,PL,tol)% CPLinsertPL(CPL,PL,tol) - inserts removed points if they are on still exisiting lines
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-13 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Sincy polyshape 'keeplinear' doe not work correctly, this fnctn was
% programmed, to insert missing points afterwards of matlabfnctn
% Even fnctns such as CPLbuffer suffers from that
% fnctn uses PLcrossCPLline not mirroringatline
% (Status of: 2021-04-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLcrossCPLline
% CPLN=CPLinsertPL(CPL,PL,[tol])
% CPL: arbitrary CPL
% PL: unosrted list of points that may be on lines of CPL
% tol: maximum distance
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: New CPL with inserted Points if possible
% CPLX=CPLaddauxpoints(CPLsample(14),1);
% CPLfillgap(CPLX,3,'miter',true); CPLN=ans;
% CPLfillgap(CPLX,3,'miter',false); CPLN=ans;
% See also: PLcrossCPLline
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

bugexp_2021_04_13_PLcorrelate- EXPERIMENT to show a problematic Solid Design from 2 multi region CPLS

bugexp_2021_04_13_PLcorrelate% bugexp_2021_04_13_PLcorrelate - EXPERIMENT to show a problematic Solid Design from 2 multi region CPLS
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-13 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% While the transition 1:n or n:1 with the fnctn SGofCPLzfillgaphull has
% been redesigned compared to SGof2CPLzbranch, the problem of assigning
% the point of two contours of which at least one has strongly curved and
% direction-changing contour segments remains.Possibly CPLdecomponse must
% be used or the segments must be optimized locally afterwards. (Status
% of: 2021-04-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGof2CPLzfillgaphull
% bugexp_2021_04_13_PLcorrelate
% See also: SGof2CPLzfillgaphull
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLzcut(CVL,z)- cuts out defined z levels

CVLzcut(CVL,z)% CVLzcut(CVL,z) - cuts out defined z levels
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-10 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% ATTENTION: OUTPUT ORDER IS DIFFERENT TO SGcut ! (Status of: 2021-04-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CVLzflipud, CVLzplot, CVLzplotasCPS, CVLzplotui
% [CVLA,CVLB]=CVLzcut(CVL,[z])
% CVL: Original CVLz
% z: [z1] for or [z1 z2] for z1..z2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLA: Upper Part or niddle part
% CVLB: Lower Part and Upper part
% CVLzcut(CVLzsample(2),[0 15])
% See also: CVLzflipud, CVLzplot, CVLzplotasCPS, CVLzplotui
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGof2facets (w1,w2,w3)- creates a surface consisting of two faces

SGof2facets (w1,w2,w3)% SGof2facets (w1,w2,w3) - creates a surface consisting of two faces
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-10 as class: SURFACES)
% In this example the second triangle is rotated using the edge as
% rotation matrix. (Status of: 2021-04-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: mirroringatline3D
% SGof2facets([w1,w2,w3])
% w1: [angle 1 length 1]
% w2: [angle 2 length 2]
% w3: angle rotation agains axis
% SGof2facets(pi/3,pi/2,pi/3)
% See also: mirroringatline3D
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLfaceneighborhood(VL,FL,fi,n)- return the neighbors and the neighbor neighbors

VLFLfaceneighborhood(VL,FL,fi,n)% VLFLfaceneighborhood(VL,FL,fi,n) - return the neighbors and the neighbor neighbors
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-10 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLfaceneighborangle
% fil=VLFLfaceneighborhood(VL,FL,fi,n)
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% fi: face index
% n: shells of neighbors
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fil: cell list of neighborhood
% load JACO_robot.mat % or loadweb
% VLFLfaceneighborhood(JC1.VL,JC1.FL,11181,10)
% VLFLfaceneighborhood(SGsphere(1),'',100,2)
% See also: VLFLfaceneighborangle
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

dbsave(var2base)- writes for debugging variables into the global workspace

dbsave(var2base)% dbsave(var2base) - writes for debugging variables into the global workspace
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-10 as class: LANGUAGE PROCEDURES)
% A fnctn, MathWorks should implement for quick debugging. Same
% fnctnality also implemented for dbreturn.
% By using dbprintmode, it is possible to ectivate the openinline fnctn
% to reach the fnctn call immedeatly (Status of: 2021-11-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: dbprintf, dbreturn, dbexit, dbprintmode
% dbsave([var2base])
% var2base: list of variables that should be in the workspace after return
% EXAMPLE: works only in funct
% testvar=4;
% dbsave(testvar); % creates testvar in workspace
% See also: dbprintf, dbreturn, dbexit, dbprintmode
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLfaceneighborangle(VL,FLi,FLn)- returns a signed (convex/concave) normal vector difference

VLFLfaceneighborangle(VL,FLi,FLn)% VLFLfaceneighborangle(VL,FLi,FLn) - returns a signed (convex/concave) normal vector difference
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-09 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% used in VLFLremovekinks
% positive angle is concave
% negative angle is convex (Status of: 2021-04-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLremovekinks
% w=VLFLfaceneighborangle(VL,FLi,FLn)
% VL: Vertex list
% FLi: single face row
% FLn: up to 3 rows for neighbor facets
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% w: angles related to the FLn
% A=SGbox;
% VLFLfaceneighborangle(A.VL,A.FL(1,:),A.FL([2 5 10 ],:))
% See also: VLFLremovekinks
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLfaceneighborswapangle(VL,FL,fi,k,NN,w,A)- returns and explains swapping decisions

VLFLfaceneighborswapangle(VL,FL,fi,k,NN,w,A)% VLFLfaceneighborswapangle(VL,FL,fi,k,NN,w,A) - returns and explains swapping decisions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-09 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% educational fnctn for removing kinks
% similar to VLFLfaceneighborswap (Status of: 2021-04-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLtrianglegeometry, VLFLfaceneighborswap
% [www,ci,i4]=VLFLfaceneighborswapangle(VL,FL,fi,[k,NN,w,A])
% VL: Vertex List
% FL: Facet List
% fi: face index to swap
% k: index (1..3) to swap
% NN: seeVLFLtrianglegeometry
% w: see VLFLtrianglegeometry
% A: see VLFLtrianglegeometry
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% www: angle information
% ci: used neigbor to fi == NN(fi,k)
% i4: vertex index for new triangles
% SG=SGbox;
% VLFLfaceneighborswapangle(SG.VL,SG.FL,1)
% VLFLfaceneighborswapangle(SG.VL,SG.FL,1,3)
% See also: VLFLtrianglegeometry, VLFLfaceneighborswap
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLfaceneighborswap(VL,FL,fi,k)- shows what happens if a triangle-pair is swapped

VLFLfaceneighborswap(VL,FL,fi,k)% VLFLfaceneighborswap(VL,FL,fi,k) - shows what happens if a triangle-pair is swapped
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-09 as class: SURFACES)
% educational fnctn, explaining coding
% written in Grindelwald (Status of: 2021-04-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLremovelargeangle
% VLFLfaceneighborswap(VL,FL,fi,k)
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% fi: face index
% k: number of neigbor (1..3)
% See also: VLFLremovelargeangle
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLtrianglegeometry(VL,FL,fi)- returns all important information on the triangles of a facet list

VLFLtrianglegeometry(VL,FL,fi)% VLFLtrianglegeometry(VL,FL,fi) - returns all important information on the triangles of a facet list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-07 as class: ANALYZING PROCEDURES)
% precalculation fnctn
% Call once to analyze meshes afterwards (Status of: 2021-04-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGchecktrianglegeometry, VLFLremovelargeangle,
% VLFLfaceAngles, VLFLfaceNormal
% [w,d,A,NL,NN]=VLFLtrianglegeometry([VL,FL,fi])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list [1 2 3; etc
% fi: face index; makes sense only if there is no output
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% w: angle [w1 w2 w3] wrt. [v1 v2 v3]
% d: length [d1 d2 d3] wrt. opponent edge to [v1 v2 v3]
% A: area of triangle
% NL: Normal vector of facets
% NN: Neigbor of facet wrt. opponent edge to [v1 v2 v3]
% VLX=[4 4; 10 0; 0 10; 7 6; 0 0; 10 10];
% FLX=[4 3 1; 3 5 1; 4 6 3; 5 2 1; 2 6 4; 1 2 4];
% VLFLtrianglegeometry(VLX,FLX)
% See also: SGchecktrianglegeometry, VLFLremovelargeangle,
% VLFLfaceAngles, VLFLfaceNormal
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLremovekinks(VL,FL,re)- removes kinks after SGofCVLz

VLFLremovekinks(VL,FL,re)% VLFLremovekinks(VL,FL,re) - removes kinks after SGofCVLz
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-07 as class: SURFACES)
% slow, and not perfect recursive fnctn
% not completely understood (Status of: 2021-04-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLFLfaceneighborangle
% [SGN,cnt]=VLFLremovekinks([VL,FL,re])
% VL: Vertexn list
% FL: Facet list
% re: recursion; default is true
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: New Sold
% cnt: number of changes
% See also: VLFLfaceneighborangle
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

editorwindow- opens the last file modified file in the editor window

editorwindow% editorwindow - opens the last file modified file in the editor window
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-07 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: openbydoubleclick, matlabopen, commandwindow, shg
% editorwindow
% See also: openbydoubleclick, matlabopen, commandwindow, shg
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

camofVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi,gf)- shows to a specific facet for inspecting a facet of interest

camofVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi,gf)% camofVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi,gf) - shows to a specific facet for inspecting a facet of interest
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-06 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: camofT, VLFLplotfi, plotVLFLfi
% camofVLFLfi(VL,FL,[fi,gf])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% fi: facet
% gf: grow arund factor; default is 10
% SGsphere(10); SG=ans; camofVLFLfi(SG.VL,SG.FL,1000)
% SGsphere(10); SG=ans; camofVLFLfi(SG.VL,SG.FL,1000,30)
% See also: camofT, VLFLplotfi, plotVLFLfi
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLdullededges(CPL,d,typ)- returns a CPL with dulled edges

CPLdullededges(CPL,d,typ)% CPLdullededges(CPL,d,typ) - returns a CPL with dulled edges
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-05 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% makes sense after CPLtransform (Status of: 2021-04-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLbuffer, CPLradialEdges
% CPLN=CPLdullededges(CPL,[d,typ])
% d: distance between edges
% typ: miter (sharp edges) or square (alle egdes) or round (all edges)l
% default is miter
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLdullededges(CPLsample(7))
% See also: CPLbuffer, CPLradialEdges
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGrotate4print(SG,ez,st)- rotates an object to achieve as long as possible lines on the floot

SGrotate4print(SG,ez,st)% SGrotate4print(SG,ez,st) - rotates an object to achieve as long as possible lines on the floot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-03 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% developed for Luisa and Julia Prinz, Dietersheim (Status of: 2021-04-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGrotate
% SGN=SGrotate4print(SG,[ez,st])
% SG: Soli Geometry
% ez: direction of the base plate; default is [0 0 1]
% st: number of auxiliary grid points; default is at least 3
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Rotated Geoemtry
% SGrotate4print(Horse,'+z'); SGN=ans
% See also: SGrotate
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

mod1circsequ(s,e,n)- returns a forwared sequence from start to end and a backward sequence from start to end

mod1circsequ(s,e,n)% mod1circsequ(s,e,n) - returns a forwared sequence from start to end and a backward sequence from start to end
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-02 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLpathdist, mod1
% [forw,back]=mod1circsequ(s,e,n)
% s: start point
% e: end point
% n: number of points
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% forw: [s .. e] always increasing numbers
% back: [s .. e] always decreasing numbers
% mod1circsequ(3,10,20);
% mod1circsequ(10,3,20);
% See also: VLpathdist, mod1
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

getkeyboardchartimer(chrset,maxtime)- fnct getkey for figures if rotate3d is on - and the callbacks are blocked

getkeyboardchartimer(chrset,maxtime)% getkeyboardchartimer(chrset,maxtime) - fnct getkey for figures if rotate3d is on - and the callbacks are blocked
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-02 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Improved version of getkeyboardcharpause - Shows also some second
% waiting text
% In Matlab there are different possibilities to get a char from the
% keyboard if a figure is open. The method depends on the rotate3d mode.
% If rotate3d is on, mouse buttons and keyboard are blocked for
% callbacks ==> The pause command must be used in combination with
% get(gcf,'CurrentCharacter'). If rotate3d is on, a callback fnctn can be
% used to detect mouse buttons and keyboard chars. Also ginput(1) can be
% used (Status of: 2021-08-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: ginput, getkeyboardcharpause, waitforfigurekeyboardchar
% c=getkeyboardchartimer([chrset,maxtime])
% chrset: set of allowed character; default is 1:255
% maxtime: maximum of waiting time; default is 3 seconds
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% c: uint8 of char pressed during pause command and rotate3d was on
% SGbox; getkeyboardchartimer('',4) % returns the pressed key or stops after 4 seconds
% See also: ginput, getkeyboardcharpause, waitforfigurekeyboardchar
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLpathdist(VLD,i,k)- distance between two points on a CVP PAth

VLpathdist(VLD,i,k)% VLpathdist(VLD,i,k) - distance between two points on a CVP PAth
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-APR-01 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% to speed up calc VLD before (Status of: 2021-04-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLdistance, mod1circsequ
% lll=VLpathdist(VLD,i,k)
% VLD: VLdistance(CVL) or CVL
% i: start index
% k: end index; if more than 1 index, the shortes forward and the
% shortest backward is selected
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% lll: forward distance-backward-distance overall-length]; two rows in
% numel(k)>1
% VLpathdist (CPLsample(20),20,50)
% CLD=VLdistance(CPLsample(3)), VLpathdist (CLD,2,8), % graphics output uses a circle
% VLpathdist(CPLsample(3),2,8)
% VLpathdist (CPLsample(40),20,[45 5])
% See also: VLdistance, mod1circsequ
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

isCVP(VL)- returns wether a sequence of vertices is a contour vertex path

isCVP(VL)% isCVP(VL) - returns wether a sequence of vertices is a contour vertex path
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-31 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% NOT ANGLE LARGER THAN 45 DEGREE (Status of: 2021-03-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CVLpathwarning, VLof2TR
% x=isCVP(VL)
% VL: Vertex list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% x: true if all conditions are fullfilled
% TLofn([1 6 6]); TL=ans; VLof2TR(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),10); VL=ans; isCVP((VL))
% TLofn([1 6 6]);TL=ans; VLof2TR(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),10); VL=ans; isCVP(VLradialEdges(VL,5))
% See also: CVLpathwarning, VLof2TR
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

RLofCVL(CVL,res)- Returns Radii of a contour, same as CVLdimclassifier

RLofCVL(CVL,res)% RLofCVL(CVL,res) - Returns Radii of a contour, same as CVLdimclassifier
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-31 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% RL=[cx cy cz Nr deg R vx vy vz] (Status of: 2021-03-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CVLdimclassifier
% [RL,RMM]=RLofCVL(CVL,[res])
% CVL: 3D path in space
% res: default is 0.1
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% RL: [cx cy cz Nr deg R vx vy vz]
% RMM: [rmin rmax]
% CVL=VLofT(TLof2T(TLofn(0))); RLofCVL(CVL)
% CVL=VLofT(TLof2T(TLofn(0),'','',20)); RLofCVL(CVL)
% See also: CVLdimclassifier
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLzflipud(CVLz)- flips z values for a CVLz

CVLzflipud(CVLz)% CVLzflipud(CVLz) - flips z values for a CVLz
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-30 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% THE ORIENTATION cw/ccw will not change by changing z values (Status of:
% 2021-03-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CVLzsample
% CVLn=CVLzflipud(CVLz)
% CVLz: Original CVLz
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLn: CVLZ up and down
% CVLzflipud(CVLzsample);
% See also: CVLzsample
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLz,keepcolinear,simplify)- corrects cw/ccw orientation and removes doubled start/end points

CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLz,keepcolinear,simplify)% CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLz,keepcolinear,simplify) - corrects cw/ccw orientation and removes doubled start/end points
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-30 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLisccwcorrectedCPS
% CVLz=CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLz,[keepcolinear,simplify])
% CVLz: List of planar CPLs with
% keepcolinear: default is true
% simplify: default is true | NEVER CHANGE TO FALSE!
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLz: New CVLz in right order and
% tic; CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLzsample); toc
% tic; CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLzaddauxpoints(CVLzsample,1),true); toc
% tic; CVLzisccwcorrected(CVLzaddauxpoints(CVLzsample,1),false); toc
% See also: CPLisccwcorrectedCPS
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLzsample(Nr,T)- creates a CVLz sample for different Purposes

CVLzsample(Nr,T)% CVLzsample(Nr,T) - creates a CVLz sample for different Purposes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-30 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLsampletriangles, CPLsample, SGsample, VLsample, PLsample,
% VLFLsample, CSGsample
% CVLz=CVLzsample([Nr,T])
% Nr: Number of
% T: optional Parameter to Transform CVLz
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLz: Set of planar CPLS' in different z levels
% See also: VLsampletriangles, CPLsample, SGsample, VLsample, PLsample,
% VLFLsample, CSGsample
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

T2ofCVLpath(XVL,T1,T2)- Returns Start frame and End Frame for a Contour path

T2ofCVLpath(XVL,T1,T2)% T2ofCVLpath(XVL,T1,T2) - Returns Start frame and End Frame for a Contour path
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-29 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% In order to generate correct frame sequences for a contour path, angle
% changes greater than or equal to 90 degrees must not be made under any
% circumstances, since these changes or the possible Euler angles for
% this are ambiguous. So it is absolutely necessary to round or break the
% edges before converting the point sequence into a frame sequence. This
% is done for example with the fnctns: VLradialEdges(XVL), VLBezierC(XVL)
% or VLradialEdges(VLBezierC(XVL).
% ------------------------
% For example, contour paths without predefined frames are created with
% VLsample or also VLof2TR. These two fnctns provide the simplest
% possible path skeleton with kinks and straight sections. In other
% words, no correct frame sequences can be generated from it yet!
% However, while with VLof2TR the start and end frames were already
% known, these must be generated with VLsample first!
% ------------------------
% THIS FNCTN T2ofCVLpath RETURNS the start frame and the end frame of a
% contour path. These frames can be torsioned/twisted against each other
% and the rotation dw specifies by which angle the torsion exists
% ------------------------
% As soon as a path through broken or rounded corners has only angles <
% 90 degrees [VLradialEdges(XVL), VLBezierC(XVL) or
% VLradialEdges(VLBezierC(XVL) ] the torsion between start point and end
% point is computable. This is done with VLedgeNormal. The start and end
% frame can then be derived from this.
% ------------------------
% If there is the wish that a contour has a certain rotation angle offset
% at the start and at the end this can be achieved with the fnctn
% TLadjustR. However, this also only makes sense if it is already ensured
% that no corner with angle >=90 degrees occurs.
% ------------------------
% The fnctn TLofCVL has been modified to support old an new concepts.
% OLD Concept:
% CVLof2T
% NEW Concept: TLof2T replacing VLradialEdges2T one day
% 2 Frames (TLofn) arbitray two frames TA and TB in space
% =>Frame skeleton(VLof2TR) Path skeletons with 90 degree angles
% =>Broken edges(VLradialEdges) Path with no angle >= 90 degree
% =>Frame list(T2ofCVLpath) Full frame list of
% =>Adjusted Torsion(TLadjustR) Adjusted Torsion to start with TA and end
% With TB (Status of: 2021-03-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLsample, VLof2TR
% [TL,dw,Ti]=T2ofCVLpath(XVL,[T1,T2])
% XVL: Simple Contour Path
% T1: Only if T1 and T2 are known already => calls Ti=TLadjustR(Ti,T1,T2);
% T2: Only if T1 and T2 are known already => calls Ti=TLadjustR(Ti,T1,T2);
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TL: Inside Start-Frame and Outside End-Frame
% dw: angle difference [torsion inclination] in rad
% Ti: Full List of Frames
% T2ofCVLpath(VLsample(9)) % Not Torsion, Inclination 90 degree
% T2ofCVLpath(VLsample(14)) % Correct but dw is correct more by chance
% T2ofCVLpath(VLradialEdges(VLsample(14),2)) % Correct and dw is definitely reliable
% See also: VLsample, VLof2TR
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLpathwarning(CVL,warna,ignor)- warns if a path contains angles larger than pi/2

CVLpathwarning(CVL,warna,ignor)% CVLpathwarning(CVL,warna,ignor) - warns if a path contains angles larger than pi/2
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-29 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isCVP, VLof2TR
% wa=CVLpathwarning(CVL,[warna,ignor])
% CVL:
% warna: warning angle; default is pi/2*0.99
% ignor: if true (default), CvL is considered as open, if false start to
% end is also considered
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% wa: true if angles exist larger thatn pi/2
% TLofn([1 6 6]);TL=ans; VLof2TR(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),10); VL=ans; CVLpathwarning(VL)
% TLofn([1 6 6]);TL=ans; VLof2TR(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),10); VL=ans; CVLpathwarning(VLradialEdges(VL,5))
% See also: isCVP, VLof2TR
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLof2TR(TA,TB,R,ty);- returns a path with minimal number of axuiliary points to come from frame A to Frame B

VLof2TR(TA,TB,R,ty);% VLof2TR(TA,TB,R,ty); - returns a path with minimal number of axuiliary points to come from frame A to Frame B
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-28 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% New version of CVLof2T, uses VLofTtoP
% RVL=VLradialEdges(CVL,R);
% BVL=VLBezierC(CVL,100);
% create smoother contours if used afterwards
% (Status of: 2021-03-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLofTtoP, VLradialEdges, VLBezierC, TLof2T, CVLpathwarning
% [CVL,RVL]=VLof2TR([TA,TB,R,ty]);
% TA: Frame A, z-vector shows forward creating the start of the path
% TB: Frame B, z-vector shows backwards creating the end of the path
% R: Minimal Radius
% ty: not supported yet, default is 'skeleton' => CVLpathwarning
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: List of 2 to 4 points
% RVL: List with more points to create a radial path
% TLofn([1 6],'','',100); TL=ans; % Distance 100
% VLof2TR(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),10) % Radius 10
% See also: VLofTtoP, VLradialEdges, VLBezierC, TLof2T, CVLpathwarning
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLofTtoP(TA,PB,R)- returns a list o fpoints that create a shortes path towards PB with radius R

VLofTtoP(TA,PB,R)% VLofTtoP(TA,PB,R) - returns a list o fpoints that create a shortes path towards PB with radius R
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-28 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% PB is not included into CVL. This fnctn is used in VLof2T (Status of:
% 2021-03-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLof2TR
% CVL1=VLofTtoP([TA,PB,R])
% TA: Frame
% PB: Final point to reach
% R: minimal required radius
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL1: List of 2 to 4 points starts at TA leads towards PB
% VLofTtoP(Tofn(0,[1 4 5]),[50 50 50])
% VLofTtoP(Tofn(0),'',20)
% x=VLofTtoP(Tofn(0,[1 4 5]),[50 50 50])
% See also: VLof2TR
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TLofn(n,poff,woff,d)- returns a frame 1 of 36 with different ez vector and orientation

TLofn(n,poff,woff,d)% TLofn(n,poff,woff,d) - returns a frame 1 of 36 with different ez vector and orientation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-27 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Used for creating test cases; returns values for about 10000 simple but
% different double frame cases (Status of: 2021-03-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: Tofn, VLof2TR
% [T1,T2]=TLofn([n,poff,woff,d])
% n: 1..36 for an frame; if n==0 a random solution is selected
% poff: offset value; default is [0 0 0]
% woff: angle osset default is 0
% d: distance between the two frames default is 100
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T1: List of two frames or T1
% T2: T2
% TLofn(0)
% [T1,T2]=TLofn(0,'',pi/5); TLof2T(T1,T2,0,10);
% [T1,T2]=TLofn(1221,'',pi/5); TLof2T(T1,T2,0,10);
% TL=TLofn(832); TLof2T(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),0,10);
% See also: Tofn, VLof2TR
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

Tofn(n,poff,woff)- provides a standardized test frame from 1 of 36 with different ez-vector and orientation

Tofn(n,poff,woff)% Tofn(n,poff,woff) - provides a standardized test frame from 1 of 36 with different ez-vector and orientation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-27 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Used for creating test cases for instance for TLof2T (Status of:
% 2021-03-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TLofn, VLof2TR
% Tofn([n,poff,woff])
% n: 1..36 for an frame; if n==0 a random solution is selected
% poff: offset value; default is [0 0 0]
% woff: angle osset default is 0
% Tofn(11)
% Tofn('',[0 100 0], pi/10)
% See also: TLofn, VLof2TR
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLplotTL(CPL,TL,parameter)- silpmy plot a contour transferred wrt to list fo frames

CPLplotTL(CPL,TL,parameter)% CPLplotTL(CPL,TL,parameter) - silpmy plot a contour transferred wrt to list fo frames
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-27 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLplot
% h=CPLplotTL(CPL,TL,[parameter])
% CPL: 2D planar contour
% TL: List of frames [4x4xn]
% parameter: similar to PLplot
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to plot
% TA=eye(4); TB=TofR([0 pi/2 0],[0 0 40]); R=10;
% CVLof2T(TA,TB,'',R,'radial'); CVL=ans; whos CVL
% TLofCVL(CVL,R,TA,TB); TL=ans;
% See also: CPLplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TLof2T(TA,TB,elo,Rv,Cs)- returns a list of Frames between a start frame and an end frame

TLof2T(TA,TB,elo,Rv,Cs)% TLof2T(TA,TB,elo,Rv,Cs) - returns a list of Frames between a start frame and an end frame
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-27 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This fnctn needs TLofn to be tested sufficiently
% Some kind of tutorial fnctn. There are many other fnctn developed over
% time, each of them suboptimal. Later fnctns are often more advanced and
% skilled, but earlier fnctns are often more considering complex
% conditions.
% (Status of: 2021-03-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TLofn, VLof2TR, TLofCVL, VLradialEdges
% TLof2T([TA,TB,elo,Rv,Cs])
% TA: Start Frame
% TB: End Frame
% elo: elongation; default is 0.001
% Rv: Radius for bending
% Cs: contour style' default is radial
% TLof2T(eye(4),TofR([0 pi/2 0],[0 0 50],0),0,2);
% TL=TLofn(0,'',0); TLof2T(TL(:,:,1),TL(:,:,2),0,10); TL=ans;
% See also: TLofn, VLof2TR, TLofCVL, VLradialEdges
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLU,CPLO,TL)- creates a solid between two vessel structure CPL

SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLU,CPLO,TL)% SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLU,CPLO,TL) - creates a solid between two vessel structure CPL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-25 as class: SURFACES)
% This is a progress of SGof2CPLzcorrelate, which is based on
% SGof2CPLzbranch
% If this fnctn used, you should consider, that the the minimal distance
% from the origin of the individual frames define the required radius for
% bending; the default is currectly recommended to 2.5 times the radius
% of a tube. Make sure that you understand what happens if there are
% several regions part of a contour.
% NOTES: To avoid "DRAGON SKIN", the edges of the contour must be rounded
% with CVLradial.
% FUTURE: The next Improvement will be the separation of the regions and
% to create individual pathes for each region, to avoid deformation of
% currently forced shifst (Status of: 2021-03-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGof2CPLzbranch, SGof2CPLzcorrelate, CVLof2CPLzcorrelate,
% SGof2CPLzbranch
% CPLU: Contour A
% CPLO: Contour B
% TL: List of HT Matrices used follow the path
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Solid Geometry
% FLW: Facet of walls wrt to SGA.VL
% FLA: Facet of floor wrt to SGA.VL
% FLB: Facet of cover wrt to SGA.VL
% FLC: Faces missing in A wrt to SGA.VL
% FLD: Faces missing in B wrt to SGA.VL
% TLofn([1 6]); T2=ans;
% TLof2T(T2,'','',20); TL=ans
% SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLsample(26),CPLsample(27),TL); SGA=ans;
% SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLsample(26),CPLsample(27),TL); SGA=ans;
% SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLsample(7),CPLsample(8),TL); SGA=ans; % DRAGON SKIN CAUSE PROBLEMS
% SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLradialEdges(CPLsample(7),1),CPLradialEdges(CPLsample(8),1),TL); SGA=ans;
% SGof2CPLTLcorrelate(CPLselectinout(CPLsample(38),[1 10]),CPLselectinout(CPLsample(39),[1 10]),TL); SGA=ans;
% CVLof2CPLzcorrelate(CPLiold, CPLi)
% CPLtransform(PLcircle(5),CPLi)
% See also: SGof2CPLzbranch, SGof2CPLzcorrelate, CVLof2CPLzcorrelate,
% SGof2CPLzbranch
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_03_22_linkrodcoll- creates a set of STL files to build robots with inline

exp_2021_03_22_linkrodcoll% exp_2021_03_22_linkrodcoll - creates a set of STL files to build robots with inline
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-22 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Based on the fnctns SGsbpin and SGsblink (Status of: 2021-03-22)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGsblink, SGsbpin
% exp_2021_03_22_linkrodcoll
% See also: SGsblink, SGsbpin
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGsbpin(H,D,n,s)- returns a pin printined at 80% to be inserted by a hammer

SGsbpin(H,D,n,s)% SGsbpin(H,D,n,s) - returns a pin printined at 80% to be inserted by a hammer
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-22 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% Mechanisms Family using simple bearings (skate board size) (Status of:
% 2021-03-23)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also:, SGiqpin,
% SGsblink, SGsbbase
% SG=SGsbpin([H,D,n,s])
% H: Length/Height chamfer] of the Pin; default is [14 1]
% D: Diameter of the Pin default is 6
% n: number of copies
% s: fitting 'u' or 'b' (nominal value)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry of a pin printined at 80% to be inserted by hammer
% SGsbpin(14,'',4); SG=ans;
% See also:, SGiqpin,
% SGsblink, SGsbbase
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

looper(ind)- converts a sequence into a one-line sequence for a For loop

looper(ind)% looper(ind) - converts a sequence into a one-line sequence for a For loop
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-21 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% At some point in Matlab, a line sequence seems to have been forced in
% for loops. In any case, multiple sequences of the form (nx1) versus
% (1xn) lead to annoying debugging. This fnctn always converts any
% logical sequence or list of multiple lines to a single-line sequence
% (Status of: 2021-03-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: reshape, find
% ind=looper(ind)
% ind: index list for a for-Loop
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ind: corrent single line index list for a for-Loop
% looper(true(3,3))
% looper(true(1,10))
% looper(true(10,1))
% looper([1 3 5 4])
% looper([1 3 5 4]')
% See also: reshape, find
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLofSGTFS(SG,T,sw,alp,thr)- returns from a (interactively selected) facet index the Contour and Transformation matric

CVLofSGTFS(SG,T,sw,alp,thr)% CVLofSGTFS(SG,T,sw,alp,thr) - returns from a (interactively selected) facet index the Contour and Transformation matric
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-21 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% CVLofSGT -requires SG.TFil of T (SG.TFil <== TR3mountingfaces, SGTui)
% CVLofSGfi -requires only fi
% CVLofSGTFS-requires only T - detects drilled surf not bore hole surf
% Currently, a renewed set of fnctns based on the relation of surfaces
% and frames is emerging. Since part of the "language syntax" is hidden
% in the fnctn names and the complexity of the geometric language is only
% worked out over the years, and the syntax also changes slightly, it may
% be that there are fnctns with similar names that do different things
% and fnctns with different names that do similar things. This will have
% to be corrected in later years, when an overall picture emerges.
% (Status of: 2021-03-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTui, TR3mountingfaces, CVLofSGT, CVLofSGfi
% [CVL,fs,CPL,cp,ii]=CVLofSGTFS(SG,T,[sw,alp,thr])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: optional facet index; default is '' => Interactive mode
% sw: contour selection default is [0 10]
% alp: alpha angle foe feature surface default is 0
% thr: threshold to detect in plan points; default is 1e-3
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: Closed Contour in Space
% fs: feature surface index fi that belongs to CVL
% CPL: Planar Contour
% cp: center points related to CPL
% ii: facet index if selected interactively
% CVLofSGTFS(YKLowerServo,'Hole02',[0 10]);
% CVLofSGTFS(SGsample(25));
% See also: SGTui, TR3mountingfaces, CVLofSGT, CVLofSGfi
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLofSGfi(SG,fi,sw)- returns from a (interactively selected) facet index the Contour and Transformation matric

CVLofSGfi(SG,fi,sw)% CVLofSGfi(SG,fi,sw) - returns from a (interactively selected) facet index the Contour and Transformation matric
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-20 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% This fnctn expects a facet index as input parameter and returs T at the
% facet position.
% CVLofSGT -requires SG.TFil of T (SG.TFil <== TR3mountingfaces, SGTui)
% CVLofSGfi -requires only fi
% CVLofSGTFS-requires only T - detects drilled surf not bore hole surf
% Currently, a renewed set of fnctns based on the relation of surfaces
% and frames is emerging. Since part of the "language syntax" is hidden
% in the fnctn names and the complexity of the geometric language is only
% worked out over the years, and the syntax also changes slightly, it may
% be that there are fnctns with similar names that do different things
% and fnctns with different names that do similar things. This will have
% to be corrected in later years, when an overall picture emerges.
% (Status of: 2021-03-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLofVLFL, SGTui, TR3mountingfaces, CVLofSGT, CVLofSGTFS
% [CVL,T,CPL,cp,fi]=CVLofSGfi([SG,fi,sw])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fi: optional facet index; default is '' => Interactive mode
% sw: contour selection default is [0 10]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: Closed Contour in Space
% T: Transformation Matrix (at position of fi) to create CVL from CPL (is
% ona surface)
% CPL: Planar Contour
% cp: center points related to CPL
% fi: facet index if selected interactively
% CVLofSGfi(YKShoulder); % Select Manually
% CVLofSGfi(YKShoulder,15432); % Select by fi
% See also: CPLofVLFL, SGTui, TR3mountingfaces, CVLofSGT, CVLofSGTFS
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

Tof2Tcrossez(T1,T2)- adjusts the position of frames relative to a crossing point with another frame

Tof2Tcrossez(T1,T2)% Tof2Tcrossez(T1,T2) - adjusts the position of frames relative to a crossing point with another frame
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-20 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% faster implementation than cross2L (Status of: 2021-03-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: cross2L
% [TA,TB]=Tof2Tcrossez(T1,T2)
% T1: Frame 1
% T2: Frame 2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TA: Moved Frame 1
% TB: Moved Frame 1
% Tof2Tcrossez(SGTget(YKLower,'B'),SGTget(YKLower,'F')*TofR([0 pi 0]))
% See also: cross2L
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGTframeselectrename(SG,Fset,Sel,new)- select frames, rename one, and remove the selected frames that were not renamed

SGTframeselectrename(SG,Fset,Sel,new)% SGTframeselectrename(SG,Fset,Sel,new) - select frames, rename one, and remove the selected frames that were not renamed
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-20 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This fnctn use usefull, if fnctns return several possible Frames of the
% same type and there is a wish afterwards to select one of those and
% remove the unused frames
% Use it after SGTsetofRLcenter
% (Status of: 2021-03-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTframeselect, SGTremove, SGTrename, SGTsetofRLcenter
% SG=SGTframeselectrename(SG,Fset,Sel,new)
% SG: Solid Geometry
% Fset: string selection has to start with
% Sel: string selection has to end with
% new: New Name for selection
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG:
% See also: SGTframeselect, SGTremove, SGTrename, SGTsetofRLcenter
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

islink(fname)- returns wether a file is just a link

islink(fname)% islink(fname) - returns wether a file is just a link
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-19 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% implemented at the moment only for mac osx 10.15.7.
% This fnctn is important to avoid copying a link over the original
% document when using copyfile or movefile and thus losing the content.
% Links/aliases should not be copied (Status of: 2021-03-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: isfolder, isdir, isfile
% islink=islink(fname)
% fname: file name
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% islink: yes if the fname is a link
% islink('/Users/lueth/Desktop/LUETH-WIN Alias')
% See also: isfolder, isdir, isfile
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLofT(TL)- returns the origin T(1:3,4) of a frame list

VLofT(TL)% VLofT(TL) - returns the origin T(1:3,4) of a frame list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-18 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLofSG
% VL=VLofT(TL)
% TL: [n*4 x 4] list or cell list of 4x4 frames
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: vertex list of the frame origins
% See also: VLofSG
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGTremoverelT(SG,T,rel)- removes frames from an SGT that fullfill a condition

SGTremoverelT(SG,T,rel)% SGTremoverelT(SG,T,rel) - removes frames from an SGT that fullfill a condition
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-18 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% relations are
% (u)nder
% (a)above
% (o)n plane (Status of: 2021-03-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTremove, VLisbelowT
% SG=SGTremoverelT(SG,T,[rel])
% SG: Solid Geometry with Frames
% T: Cutting Frame
% rel: relation such as 'uo' ==means under and on plane
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: SOlid Geometry with Frames only that fulfill the condition rel
% load YKLower.mat; SG=YKLower
% SGTremoverelT(SG,TofPez('',[1 0 0]),'u') % under
% SGTremoverelT(SG,TofPez('',[1 0 0]),'a') % above
% See also: SGTremove, VLisbelowT
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLisbelowT(VL,T,thr)- returns wether a list of points or a cell list of frames is under a frame

VLisbelowT(VL,T,thr)% VLisbelowT(VL,T,thr) - returns wether a list of points or a cell list of frames is under a frame
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-18 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: distE, distT, planedistanceofT
% [b,a,o]=VLisbelowT(VL,[T,thr])
% VL: Vertex List
% T: Frame the describe plae
% thr: threshold for on; default is 1e-5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% b: logical of below
% a: logical of above
% o: logical of on
% VL=rand(10,3); VLisbelowT(VL,TofPez([0 0 1],[0 1 1 ]))
% See also: distE, distT, planedistanceofT
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CVLsortlinestraight(XVL)- returns a reordered CVL

CVLsortlinestraight(XVL)% CVLsortlinestraight(XVL) - returns a reordered CVL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-17 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% If curves or lines are generated automatically from precondition, There
% are some situations where preconditions in combination with numerical
% inaccuracies lead to strong kinks and consequently to wrong
% calculations of normal vectors. (Status of: 2021-03-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TLofCVL, CVLsortlinedistance
% NVL=CVLsortlinestraight(XVL)
% XVL: Original Line in 3D Space
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NVL: Corrected Line in 3D Space
% CVLsortlinestraight([0 0; 6 0; 5 0; 4 0; 7 0; 6.5 0; 10 0])
% See also: TLofCVL, CVLsortlinedistance
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

diffTincz(TA,TB)- returns for Frames the relative incliniation of the ez vector of B wrt to A

diffTincz(TA,TB)% diffTincz(TA,TB) - returns for Frames the relative incliniation of the ez vector of B wrt to A
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-17 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% makes no sense for orthogonal vectors. ez should show into the same
% direction
% use atan2 of the x axis
% seee also diffanglew afterwards for relative angles
% This fucntion is used in TLadjustR (Status of: 2021-03-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: diffT, TLadjustR, diffanglew, diffTrotz
% w=diffTincz(TA,TB)
% TA: Frame A
% TB: Frame b
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% w: relative rotation of Bx relative to Ax
% diffTincz(eye(4),TofR(rot(0,pi/10,pi/10),[0 0 1]))
% See also: diffT, TLadjustR, diffanglew, diffTrotz
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TofFSRLcenter(SG,fi,al,minmaxR,minmaxW)- returns a Frame based on the smallest found radii inside a surface

TofFSRLcenter(SG,fi,al,minmaxR,minmaxW)% TofFSRLcenter(SG,fi,al,minmaxR,minmaxW) - returns a Frame based on the smallest found radii inside a surface
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-16 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Mainly used as interactive fnctn, it can be also used based on a single
% face index (Status of: 2021-03-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGTsetofRLcenter
% [TF,TB,RL,URL]=TofFSRLcenter([SG,fi,al,minmaxR,minmaxW])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fi: optional fi; if empty, interactive mode
% al: alpha value for surface detection; default is 0
% minmaxR: default is [1.1 4]
% minmaxW: default is [170 360]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TF: Front Frame
% TB: Backside Frame
% RL: Radii list
% URL: selected radii
% load Yannick_robot.mat % or loadweb
% SG=YKLower;
% TofFSRLcenter(SG)
% See also: SGTsetofRLcenter
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGTsetofRLcenter(SG,fi,N,minmaxR,minmaxW)- returns a frame of a surface that is defined by drilling holes

SGTsetofRLcenter(SG,fi,N,minmaxR,minmaxW)% SGTsetofRLcenter(SG,fi,N,minmaxR,minmaxW) - returns a frame of a surface that is defined by drilling holes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-16 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TofFSRLcenter
% SG=SGTsetofRLcenter([SG,fi,N,minmaxR,minmaxW])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fi: optiona facet index; default is ''; ==> interavtive
% N: Name of Frame
% minmaxR: minmax for radius default is [1.1 1.9]
% minmaxW: minmax for arc circle default is [170 360]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid including Frame
% load Yannick_robot.mat
% SGTsetofRLcenter(YKLower); SG=ans;
% See also: TofFSRLcenter
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

diffanglew(w1,w2)- returns the shortest distance from angle 1 to angle 2

diffanglew(w1,w2)% diffanglew(w1,w2) - returns the shortest distance from angle 1 to angle 2
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-15 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% also imp (Status of: 2021-03-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: diffT, TLadjustR, diffTrotz, diffTincz
% dw=diffanglew(w1,w2)
% w1: angle w1
% w2: angle w2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dw: shortes turning angle from w1 to w2
% diffanglew(-2.4,+2.3);
% diffanglew(+2.4,-2.3);
% diffanglew(+12.4,-2.3);
% See also: diffT, TLadjustR, diffTrotz, diffTincz
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

diffTrotz(TA,TB)- returns for Frames the relative rotation of the ez vector of B wrt to A

diffTrotz(TA,TB)% diffTrotz(TA,TB) - returns for Frames the relative rotation of the ez vector of B wrt to A
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-15 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% makes no sense for orthogonal vectors. ez should show into the same
% direction
% use atan2 of the x axis
% seee also diffanglew afterwards for relative angles
% This fucntion is used in TLadjustR (Status of: 2021-03-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: diffT, TLadjustR, diffanglew, diffTincz
% w=diffTrotz(TA,TB)
% TA: Frame A
% TB: Frame b
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% w: relative rotation of Bx relative to Ax
% diffTrotz(eye(4),TofR(rot(0,0,pi/10),[0 0 1]))
% See also: diffT, TLadjustR, diffanglew, diffTincz
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGwriteSTLshrinked(SG,fname,size)- writes shrinked STL files on disk

SGwriteSTLshrinked(SG,fname,size)% SGwriteSTLshrinked(SG,fname,size) - writes shrinked STL files on disk
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-14 as class: 3D MANUFACTURING)
% This fnctn stores the factor as a persistent variable. If the size
% factor is not explicitly overwritten, the factor from the last call is
% used. In the future, the fnctn will also analyze SG-cells, determine
% the largest factor and shrink all parts with this factor. (Status of:
% 2021-03-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGshrinktofit, SGwriteSTL
% sname=SGwriteSTLshrinked(SG,[fname,size])
% SG: Solid Gemetry
% fname: optional file name
% size: maximum dimensions in mm oder shinking factor; default is 100mm
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% sname: file name
% loadweb Yannick_robot.mat
% SGwriteSTLshrinked(YKUpper,'',100);
% SGwriteSTLshrinked(YKLower);
% SGwriteSTLshrinked(YKBase);
% SGwriteSTLshrinked(YKShoulder);
% See also: SGshrinktofit, SGwriteSTL
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGcutTextrudeT(SG,T,Td,olap,type,unite)- returns a cutted an elongated solid by extrusion of the crosssection plane

SGcutTextrudeT(SG,T,Td,olap,type,unite)% SGcutTextrudeT(SG,T,Td,olap,type,unite) - returns a cutted an elongated solid by extrusion of the crosssection plane
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-14 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Cutting, extending, shortening, bending of existing robotic joints
% using Yannich's untearm as an example. (Status of: 2021-03-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcutT, CVLofopenfaces, TofPez, VLFL_EXP65, SGTcutTextrude,
% SGcut2TextrudeT
% [SGN,T,TN]=SGcutTextrudeT([SG,T,Td,olap,type,unite])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Cutting Frame
% Td: Straight distance in z or Relative link
% olap: overlap of new and old parts
% type: straight, rad, rmax,tan; default is straight
% unite: if true and possible; fnctn tries to combine the three elements
% again to one
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Result if there is only one solid; unite=true
% T: Transformation matrix of click, Global Start Frame
% TN: Global End Frame
% EXAMPLE: load Yannick_robot.mat % Or Use loadweb
% SGcutTextrudeT(YKLower,T, TofPez([50 +90 100],[0 0 -1],pi/3),'','rad'); SGN=ans; view(10,30);
% SGcutTextrudeT(YKLower,T, TofPez([50 +90 100],[0 0 -1],pi/3),'','tan'); SGN=ans; view(10,30);
% SGcutTextrudeT(YKLower,T, TofPez([50 +90 100],[0 0 +1],pi/3),'','rad'); SGN=ans; view(10,30);
% SGcutTextrudeT(YKLower,T, TofPez([50 +90 100],[0 0 +1],pi/3),'','tan'); SGN=ans; view(10,30);
% See also: SGcutT, CVLofopenfaces, TofPez, VLFL_EXP65, SGTcutTextrude,
% SGcut2TextrudeT
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TLadjustR(TL,R1,R2)- takes a List of Frames and adjustst start and end frame to T1 and T2

TLadjustR(TL,R1,R2)% TLadjustR(TL,R1,R2) - takes a List of Frames and adjustst start and end frame to T1 and T2
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-14 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% The ez vector has to show into the right direction.
% This fnctn uses diffanglew, and diffTrotz to adjust the start frame of
% a list to a default and rotate all frames minimally to reach the end
% frame. Used after TLofCVL, or VLradialEdges2T, or CVLof2T, to build a
% path between two frames, and VLedgeNormal to determine the
% contour-following normal vectors. From normal and orthogonal vectors
% the frame sequence or frame list is generated. The frame list is then
% adapted to the start orientation and end orientation by twisting.
% (Status of: 2021-03-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: diffanglew, diffTrotz
% TLofCVL, CVLof2T
% TL=TLadjustR(TL,[R1,R2])
% TL: Frame list
% R1: R or T Matrix
% R2: R or T Matrix
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TL: Corrected Frame list
% T1=TofPez([0 0 0],[1 0 0]);T2=TofPez([100 100 100],[0 -1 0]); SGfigure(-30,30); tplot(T1,40); tplot(T2,40);
% CVLof2T(T1,T2,'',10,'rad'); CVL=ans;
% TLofCVL(CVL,10,T1,T2,'rad',false,5); TL=ans
% TLadjustR(TL,T1,T2)
% See also: diffanglew, diffTrotz
% TLofCVL, CVLof2T
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TLplots(TL,);- plots a list of HT matrices with plane, normal vector and prthogonal vectors

TLplots(TL,);% TLplots(TL,); - plots a list of HT matrices with plane, normal vector and prthogonal vectors
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-14 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% completely different to tlplot (Status of: 2021-03-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: tplot, VLNLOLplot
% h=TLplots(TL,[]);
% TL: Lust of HT matrices
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to graphics
% SGfigure(-30,30); TLplots(TLofCVL(VLsample(8),03));
% See also: tplot, VLNLOLplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

VLNLOLplot(VL,NL,OL)- plot an open or closed CVL including Edge Normal Vector and Edge Orthogonal Vector

VLNLOLplot(VL,NL,OL)% VLNLOLplot(VL,NL,OL) - plot an open or closed CVL including Edge Normal Vector and Edge Orthogonal Vector
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-14 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Auxiliary fnctn for plotting pathes in 3D Space. Similar to the output
% of VLedgeNormal
% (Status of: 2021-03-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: VLedgeNormal, VLNLplot, VLELplot, VLFLplot
% h=VLNLOLplot(VL,[NL,OL])
% VL: MAGENTA Path, required
% NL: RED EDGE Normal Vectors
% OL: Blue = Edge Orthogonal Vector; RED=last, Green= first
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to graphic
% SGfigure(-30,30); VLNLOLplot(VLsample(15));
% SGfigure(-30,30); VLNLOLplot(VLsample(32));
% See also: VLedgeNormal, VLNLplot, VLELplot, VLFLplot
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_03_14_yannickcut3(SG,T,Td,unite,type)- EXPERIMENT to modify the links of the Yannick robot

exp_2021_03_14_yannickcut3(SG,T,Td,unite,type)% exp_2021_03_14_yannickcut3(SG,T,Td,unite,type) - EXPERIMENT to modify the links of the Yannick robot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-14 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Cutting, extending, shortening, bending of existing robotic joints
% using Yannich's untearm as an example.
% ==> FInalizes and corrented as SGcutTextrudeT (Status of: 2021-03-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcutT, CVLofopenfaces
% [SGN,T]=exp_2021_03_14_yannickcut3([SG,T,Td,unite,type])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Cutting Frame
% Td: Straight distance in z or Relative link
% unite: if true; fnctn stries to combine the three elements again to one
% type:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Result if there is only one solid; unite=true
% T: Transformation matrix of click
% EXAMPLE: loadweb Yannick_robot.mat
% exp_2021_03_13_yannickcut2(YKLower,T, TofR(rot(pi/6,pi/6,pi/6),[0 0 300]),false); SGN=ans;
% See also: SGcutT, CVLofopenfaces
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_03_13_yannickcut2(SG,T,Td,unite)- EXPERIMENT to modify the links of the Yannick robot

exp_2021_03_13_yannickcut2(SG,T,Td,unite)% exp_2021_03_13_yannickcut2(SG,T,Td,unite) - EXPERIMENT to modify the links of the Yannick robot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-13 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Cutting, extending, shortening, bending of existing robotic joints
% using Yannich's untearm as an example. (Status of: 2021-03-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGcutT, CVLofopenfaces
% [SGN,T]=exp_2021_03_13_yannickcut2([SG,T,Td,unite])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Cutting Frame
% Td: Straight distance in z or Relative link
% unite: if true; fnctn stries to combine the three elements again to one
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Result if there is only one solid; unite=true
% T: Transformation matrix of click
% loadweb Yannick_robot.mat
% exp_2021_03_13_yannickcut2(YKLower,T, TofR(rot(pi/6,pi/6,pi/6),[0 0 300]),false); SGN=ans;
% See also: SGcutT, CVLofopenfaces
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_03_12_yannickcut(SG,d,unite)- EXPERIMENT to modify the links of the Yannick robot

exp_2021_03_12_yannickcut(SG,d,unite)% exp_2021_03_12_yannickcut(SG,d,unite) - EXPERIMENT to modify the links of the Yannick robot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-12 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Cutting, extending, shortening, bending of existing robotic joints
% using Yannich's untearm as an example. (Status of: 2021-03-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% SGN=exp_2021_03_12_yannickcut([SG,d,unite])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% d: Straight distance in z
% unite: if true; fnctn stries to combine the three elements again to one
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Result if there is only one solid; unite=true
% loadweb Yannick_robot.mat
% exp_2021_03_12_yannickcut(YKLower, 100,true)
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGrodlink(L,RF,RB,ezF,ezB,llf,w)- returns a cylinder with inclined top and bottom surfaces

SGrodlink(L,RF,RB,ezF,ezB,llf,w)% SGrodlink(L,RF,RB,ezF,ezB,llf,w) - returns a cylinder with inclined top and bottom surfaces
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-11 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% This fnctn is used to design wrists for kinematic chains.
% Bccause of the still problematic boolean fnctn it fails from time to
% time for w>0 && w<2*pi) due to the significantly more complex
% calculation of in-plane rotated contours (Status of: 2021-03-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGspherelink, SGcylinder
% SG=SGrodlink([L,RF,RB,ezF,ezB,llf,w])
% L: Length of the rod, distance of the frames
% RF: [Rx Ry] at the upper end of the rod
% RB: [Rx Ry] at the lower end of the rod
% ezF: ez at the upper end of the rod
% ezB: ez at the lower end of the rod
% llf: Length of follower link as factor of max (RF)
% w: rotation angle default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Final solid Geometry
% SGrodlink(20,5,5)
% SGrodlink(20,5,5,[1 0 1])
% SGrodlink(20,5,5,[1 0 0],'',2,pi/2*1.5)
% See also: SGspherelink, SGcylinder
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2021_03_10_rodlinkjaco(L,sdl,hex,fit,rod,LL)% exp_2021_03_10_rodlinkjaco(L,sdl,hex,fit,rod,LL) -
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-10 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% exp_2021_03_10_rodlinkjaco([L,sdl,hex,fit,rod,LL])
% L:
% sdl:
% hex:
% fit:
% rod:
% LL:
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

crosspointVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi);- returns the self crosspoints of a surface normal vector

crosspointVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi);% crosspointVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi); - returns the self crosspoints of a surface normal vector
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-10 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is used to check for outside (Status of: 2021-03-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: crosspointVLFL, SGcheckfacedist, SGinsideSurface
% [cp,t,fic,fid]=crosspointVLFLfi(VL,FL,fi);
% VL: Vertrex list or SG
% FL: Facet List
% fi: facet index
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cp: cross point on surface, empty if there is no crossing point
% t: distance (t * ez)
% fic: facet index of 1st crossed surface
% fid: full list of facet index and distance [fi, d]
% crosspointVLFLfi(SGsample(29),'',20) % two cross points
% crosspointVLFLfi(SGsample(29),'',32) % no cross point
% See also: crosspointVLFL, SGcheckfacedist, SGinsideSurface
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGsbbase(L,sdl,hex,fit)- Creates a base for a simple ball bearing four-bar linkage

SGsbbase(L,sdl,hex,fit)% SGsbbase(L,sdl,hex,fit) - Creates a base for a simple ball bearing four-bar linkage
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-08 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% writes a STL file if called without argout. The dimension labeling
% takes place only if there is no output argument (Status of: 2021-03-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also:,
% SGManipulatorLink, SGsblink
% B=SGsbbase([L,sdl,hex,fit])
% L: Distance between A0 and B0; default is [50 0 0]
% sdl: [Di Do th w] Inner and Outer Diameter, width, and wall thickness
% hex: optional diameter of an inner hexagon in the shaft
% fit: if true, the pin use slfit('b') and will interfere; default is
% false
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% B: Simple Bearing Base for a linkage with NO TEXT
% EXAMPLE: SGfigure; fourBarLinkageplotanim([110,80,100,50]) % Franz Irlinger's 4 Bar Linkage
% SGsbbase(110) % 110mm with two bearings
% SGsbbase([110 1 1]) % 110mm with two pins
% See also:,
% SGManipulatorLink, SGsblink
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGsblink(L,sdl,hex,fit,rod)- returns a link for insertion of a bearing, optional a sleeve, and an inner hexagon at the shaft end

SGsblink(L,sdl,hex,fit,rod)% SGsblink(L,sdl,hex,fit,rod) - returns a link for insertion of a bearing, optional a sleeve, and an inner hexagon at the shaft end
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-07 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% If slfit('b') is used for the pin, i.e. the pin has the exact shape,
% the pin has an interfence fit inside the bearing. It can be inserted by
% a hammer but the pin and the part will be destoyed (even with
% wallthickness of 1.2mm) at removal from the bearing.
% The fnctn can also create rods als link (Status of: 2021-03-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also:,
% SGManipulatorLink, SGiqlink, SGsbbase, SGrodlink
% [A,SL_F]=SGsblink([L,sdl,hex,fit,rod])
% L: [L level-F Level-B]; Distance and level [-n .. 0 .. n]; default is
% [50 1 0]
% sdl: [Di Do b] Inner D, Outer D and width of Bearing; default [6 13 5]
% hex: optional diameter of an inner hexagon in the shaft
% fit: if true, the pin use slfit('b') and will interfere; default is
% false
% rod: a rod is created instead of a link; use true or ez vectors
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% A: Geometry of the Link
% SL_F: SLEEVE if abs(level)>1 for Pin 1
% EXAMPLE: SGfigure; fourBarLinkageplotanim([110,70,90,50]);
% SGsblink([50 -2],[6 13 5],3)
% SGsblink([50 -2],[6 13 5],3,true)
% SGsblink([50 1 -1]);
% SGsblink([50 0 0]);
% SGsblink([50 1],[6 13 5],3,'',true) % creates a rod
% SGsblink([20 0 0],[6 13 5 2.5],'','',[1 0 1]); B=ans
% SGsblink([10 1 0],[6 13 5 2.7],'','',true); B=ans
% SGsblink([20 0 0],[6 13 5 2.7],'','',[1 0 1; -1 0 1]); B=ans
% See also:,
% SGManipulatorLink, SGiqlink, SGsbbase, SGrodlink
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

ejectvolume(vnames)- Auxiliary fnct to unmount and eject a extrenal drive such as a sd card

ejectvolume(vnames)% ejectvolume(vnames) - Auxiliary fnct to unmount and eject a extrenal drive such as a sd card
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-07 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% currently only available on mac (Status of: 2021-03-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: existvolume, gcode2sdcard
% ejectvolume([vnames])
% vnames: name of voume or directory of volume
% ejectvolume('/Volumes/AP5TIMLUETH')
% See also: existvolume, gcode2sdcard
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

islfit(dm,de,diam,AP)- returns a probable fitting for an expected 3D Printer from two dimenions

islfit(dm,de,diam,AP)% islfit(dm,de,diam,AP) - returns a probable fitting for an expected 3D Printer from two dimenions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-06 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN)
% inverse fnctn to slfit. Useful if STL files were created by scientist
% or hobbies, who used their knowledge on the inaccuries, oversize,
% undersize of the 3D-printout with respect to an STL file and designed
% their own fitting dimension. These STLs can then only be sliced for the
% respective printer under consideration, because on other 3D printers
% they lead to mismatched connections or loose ball bearing seats or
% generally to incorrect fits. (Status of: 2021-03-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: slfit, DIN4AMfitting
% [ss,AP,s]=islfit(dm,de,[diam,AP])
% dm: Measured Dimension DIAMETER of a bore
% de: Expected Dimension DIAMETER of a bore
% diam: optional specific printer name if not default one
% AP: Name of Printer for fitting test
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ss: single char abbreviation
% AP: full name of printer
% s: full fitting description
% islfit(10.4,10) % designed and desired fitting if the bore should be 10.0 but the STL shows 10.4
% islfit(10.8,10) % designed and desired fitting if the bore should be 10.0 but the STL shows 10.4
% See also: slfit, DIN4AMfitting
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2021_03_06_Bearing- Experiment to create simple but practicable bearing solutions for rotating joints

exp_2021_03_06_Bearing% exp_2021_03_06_Bearing - Experiment to create simple but practicable bearing solutions for rotating joints
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-06 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% This is a simple - but successful experiment - using SG-Lib's fit
% generation fnctns to quickly and specifically construct revolute joint
% solutions. Programming the example takes 30 minutes, printing 15
% minutes. The joint was immediately usable. (Status of: 2021-03-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also:
% X=exp_2021_03_06_Bearing
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% X: Two solids, arranged for printing
% exp_2021_03_06_Bearing
% See also:
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

gcodecopytemp (fname,)- just makes copies of an ANYCUBIC/CURA gcode file with changed hot end and base temperature

gcodecopytemp (fname,)% gcodecopytemp (fname,) - just makes copies of an ANYCUBIC/CURA gcode file with changed hot end and base temperature
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-MÄR-03 as class: 3D MANUFACTURING)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: SGgcodefilechangetemp, filenameadddate4gcode, gcodecleanup
% gcodecopytemp(fname,[])
% fname: existing gcode file name
% gcodecopytemp('/Volumes/AP5TIMLUETH/AP_ADAM360(2020-12-08)/22060AP_ADAM360(2020-12-08).gcode')
% See also: SGgcodefilechangetemp, filenameadddate4gcode, gcodecleanup
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLconvexhulloutline(CPL,b,r,t)- creates a ONE region CPL from several regions of a CPL by using the convex hull

CPLconvexhulloutline(CPL,b,r,t)% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPL,b,r,t) - creates a ONE region CPL from several regions of a CPL by using the convex hull
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-FEB-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% By using the parameter t, a lot of different possibilities exist:
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(14),1,0,'default'); % convexhull
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(14),1,0,'delaunay');% convexhulldelaunay
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(14),1,0,'fillgap'); % convexhullfillgap
% (Status of: 2021-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: CPLconvexhull, CPLconvexhulldelaunay, CPLconvexhullfillgap,
% CPLselectinout, CPLradialEdges
% CPLN=CPLconvexhulloutline(CPL,[b,r,t])
% CPL: Original CPL with more than one region
% b: buffer distance; default is 0
% r: radius of edges; default is 0
% t: type of convex hull: 'default', 'delaunay', 'fillgap'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: Final CPL
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(26))
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(12))
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(14),1,2) % Buffer distance of 1, Radial edges of 2
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(14),1,0,'delaunay'); % Shape is delaunay
% CPLconvexhulloutline(CPLsample(12),1,0,'fillgap'); % Shape is fillgap
% See also: CPLconvexhull, CPLconvexhulldelaunay, CPLconvexhullfillgap,
% CPLselectinout, CPLradialEdges
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

CPLcopypatternTL(CPL,TL,dw)- copies a CPL at positions of a PL

CPLcopypatternTL(CPL,TL,dw)% CPLcopypatternTL(CPL,TL,dw) - copies a CPL at positions of a PL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-FEB-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TLofPL, CPLcirclesofPL, SGpatternRotz, CPLcopypattern,
% CPLcopypatternPL, SGpatternXYZ, CPLcopyradial
% CPLN=CPLcopypatternTL(CPL,TL,[dw])
% CPL: CPL to copy (nx2)
% TL: array of transformation matrices such from TLofPL
% dw: optional turing angle or turning array [nx1]; default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: Final CPL [nx2]
% CPLcopypatternPL(PLcircle(1),20*rand(10,2))
% CPLcopypatternPL(PLcircle(1,4),20*rand(10,2),pi/10)
% See also: TLofPL, CPLcirclesofPL, SGpatternRotz, CPLcopypattern,
% CPLcopypatternPL, SGpatternXYZ, CPLcopyradial
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

TLofPL(PL,usem,nonc,z)- returns transformation frames for a PL

TLofPL(PL,usem,nonc,z)% TLofPL(PL,usem,nonc,z) - returns transformation frames for a PL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-FEB-28 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% For creating TL lists of hust copyes of a frame use TcopyVLez
% Much simpler fnctn for 2D cases than TLofCVL
% The orientation of the x-axis is always the direction of the next edge
% The orientation of the z-axis is always [0 0 1]
% (Status of: 2021-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: TcopyVLez, TLofCVL, VLdistance
% [TL2,TL3]=TLofPL(PL,[usem,nonc,z])
% PL: Point list
% usem: if true; the mean direction vector is used; default is false
% nonc:
% z: z value for T3 cases; default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TL2: [3x3x n] 2D HT matrix array
% TL3: [4x4x n] 3D HT matrix array
% See also: TcopyVLez, TLofCVL, VLdistance
% Copyright 2021-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGjunkerhallpart(h,t,a,w,r,LL)- creates a part for a junker hall

SGjunkerhallpart(h,t,a,w,r,LL)% SGjunkerhallpart(h,t,a,w,r,LL) - creates a part for a junker hall
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-FEB-26 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% parameter will change until release
% (Status of: 2021-02-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLjunkerhallpart
% SG=SGjunkerhallpart([h,t,a,w,r,LL])
% h: list of sections; default is [5 10 10 5]
% t: radius of impression; default is [0 4]
% a: alpha for impressipm; default i pi/5
% w: wall thickness; default is t(2)/4
% r: radius for breaking edges; default is 0.5
% LL: [a b] straight length an ramp length
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid geometry
% close all; SGjunkerhallpart([5 10 5],[0 4],'','',0);
% See also: PLjunkerhallpart
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLjunkerhallpart(h,t,a,w,r)- creates a profile of a pressed profile

PLjunkerhallpart(h,t,a,w,r)% PLjunkerhallpart(h,t,a,w,r) - creates a profile of a pressed profile
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-FEB-26 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% may be by chance, this fnctn is very similar to PLpinring
% Thanks to Dr. Joachim Weber and Dr. Joram Tutsch for the reference to
% these 100 years old structures, which also became the basis for the
% all-metal aircraft.
% (Status of: 2021-02-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: PLpinring
% [CPL,CPL2]=PLjunkerhallpart([h,t,a,w,r])
% h: list of sections; default is [5 10 10 5]
% t: radius of impression; default is [0 4]
% a: alpha for impressipm; default i pi/10
% w: wall thickness; default is r(2)/4
% r: radius for breaking edges; default is 0.5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: CPL of profile to extrude
% CPL2: CPL of profile at the tips
% PLjunkerhallpart([5 10 10 5],[0 4],pi/10,1,0.5)
% PLjunkerhallpart([5 10 10 5],[0 4],pi/3,1,0.5);
% See also: PLpinring
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth

existvolume(vname)- returns the full path of a volume's diretory if this volume exists i.e. it is mounted

existvolume(vname)% existvolume(vname) - returns the full path of a volume's diretory if this volume exists i.e. it is mounted
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2021-FEB-26 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% if a cell list of volume names is used, the first exisiting volume
% directory is returned (Status of: 2021-02-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 5.1
% See also: desktopshadow
% dname=existvolume([vname])
% vname: volume title
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dname: matlab path to volume dir; ends always with filesep
% existvolume('PLATTE LUETH ALL')
% See also: desktopshadow
% Copyright 2021 Tim C. Lueth
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Last Change Oct 2023 for SG-Lib 5.3